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Last active April 30, 2024 08:36
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Generation loss (cjpeg, cjpegli, cjxl)
param (
[Alias('f')][string] $File = '0.png',
[Alias('i')][switch] $Images,
[Alias('v')][switch] $Video
function Start-Gen {
param ([string] $Encoder, [string] $InFile, [long] $TargetSize, [string[]] $ExOptions = @(), [string] $Title, [string] $Font, [string] $Color)
$MergeFile = $InFile -replace '\.png$', '_.png'
switch ($Encoder) { 'cjpeg' { $OutExt = '.jpg' }; 'cjpegli' { $OutExt = '.jpg' }; 'avifenc' { $OutExt = '.avif' }; 'cjxl' { $OutExt = '.jxl' }}
$OutFile = $InFile -replace '\.png$', $OutExt
switch -Exact ($Encoder) {
'cjpeg' {
cjpeg -quality (Get-Random -Minimum 85 -Maximum 95) -outfile $OutFile $InFile *>&1 | Out-Null
magick $OutFile -strip -depth 16 png48:$InFile *>&1 | Out-Null
$Title = (((cjpeg -version *>&1) -split ' ')[0,2] -join ' ') + " $Title"
'cjpegli' {
cjpegli $InFile $OutFile --target_size=$TargetSize *>&1 | Out-Null
djpegli $OutFile $InFile --bitdepth=16 *>&1 | Out-Null
$Title = 'cjpegli ' + ((cjxl -V *>&1) -split ' ')[1] + " $Title"
'avifenc' {
.\avifenc --target-size $TargetSize $InFile $OutFile *>&1 | Out-Null
.\avifdec -d 16 $OutFile $InFile *>&1 | Out-Null
$Title = 'avifenc ' + ((.\avifenc -V) -split ' ')[1] + " $Title"
'cjxl' {
$L = 0; $R = 20000 - 1
while ($L -ne $R) {
$m = [Math]::Ceiling(($L + $R) / 2)
$CjxlArgs = @($InFile, $OutFile, '-d', ($m / 10000))
if ($ExOptions.Length) { $CjxlArgs += $ExOptions }
cjxl $CjxlArgs *>&1 | Out-Null
$A = (Get-Item -Path $OutFile).Length
if ($A -lt $TargetSize) { $R = $m - 1 } else { $L = $m }
djxl $OutFile $InFile --bits_per_sample=16 *>&1 | Out-Null
$Title = (((cjxl -V *>&1) -split ' ')[0..1] -join ' ') + " $Title"
$OutSize = (Get-Item -Path $OutFile).Length
$Text = $Title + ([Math]::Round($OutSize / 1KB, 1)).ToString('0.0KB').PadLeft(10, ' ')
magick $InFile -gravity North -pointsize 24 -undercolor "#00000088" -fill white -font $Font -annotate +0+5 "\ $Text " -depth 16 png48:$MergeFile *>&1 | Out-Null
Write-Host '═' -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $Color
if ($Encoder -eq 'cjpeg') { return $OutSize }
if ($Images) {
$Iosevka = $Env:LOCALAPPDATA + '\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts\iosevka-regular.ttc'
$Temp = $Env:TEMP + '\gl_' + (New-Guid).Guid.Substring(0,8)
if (Test-Path -Path $Temp -PathType Container) { Remove-Item -Path $Temp -Force }
New-Item -Path $Temp -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
"`e[90m[{0}] temp:{1}`e[0m" -f (Get-Date).ToString('HH\:mm\:ss'), $Temp
if (-not (Test-Path -Path 'frames' -PathType Container)) { New-Item -Path 'frames' -ItemType Directory | Out-Null }
'j', 'l', 'a', 'x' | ForEach-Object { Copy-Item -Path $File -Destination "$Temp\$_.png"}
1..900 | ForEach-Object {
$Gen = $_.ToString('000')
Write-Host ("`e[90m[{0}]`e[0m {1} " -f (Get-Date).ToString('HH\:mm\:ss'), $Gen) -NoNewLine
$T = Start-Gen -Encoder 'cjpeg' -InFile "$Temp\j.png" -Font $Iosevka -Color 'Yellow'
$cjpegli = @{ Encoder = 'cjpegli'; InFile = "$Temp\l.png"; TargetSize = $T; Title = ''; Font = $Iosevka; Color = 'Magenta' }
$avifenc = @{ Encoder = 'avifenc'; InFile = "$Temp\a.png"; TargetSize = $T; Title = ''; Font = $Iosevka; Color = 'Red' }
$cjxl_gaborish = @{ Encoder = 'cjxl'; InFile= "$Temp\x.png"; TargetSize = $T; ExOptions = @('--gaborish=0'); Title = '--gaborish=0'; Font = $Iosevka; Color = 'Cyan' }
$funcDef = ${function:Start-Gen}.ToString() # send function to background foreach
$cjpegli, $avifenc, $cjxl_gaborish | ForEach-Object -ThrottleLimit 3 -Parallel {
${function:Start-Gen} = $using:funcDef # get function
Start-Gen @_
magick "$Temp\j_.png" "$Temp\l_.png" "$Temp\a_.png" "$Temp\x_.png" +append -depth 16 png48:"frames\f$Gen.png" *>&1 | Out-Null
Write-Host '╣' -ForegroundColor 'Green'
if (Test-Path -Path $Temp -PathType Container) { Remove-Item -Path $Temp -Force -Recurse }
if ($Video) {
$CascadiaCode = ($Env:LOCALAPPDATA).Replace('\','/').Replace(':','\:') + '/Microsoft/Windows/Fonts/cascadiacode.ttf'
$VF = -join @(
ffmpeg -hide_banner -framerate 30 -start_number 1 -i frames\f%03d.png -vf $VF -fps_mode vfr -enc_time_base 1/1000 `
-c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf 10 -pix_fmt yuv420p -an -y out.webm
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