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Last active November 5, 2021 03:46
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Powershell script to update VS Code
$downloadpath = "D:\Downloads"
$curversion = (Get-Content -Path "resources\app\package.json" | ConvertFrom-Json).version
$newversion = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" | ConvertFrom-Json).tag_name
Write-Host "Visual Studio Code - Updater" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "Current version: " -NoNewLine
Write-Host $curversion -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "New version: " -NoNewLine
Write-Host $newversion -ForegroundColor Green
$choice = Read-Host -Prompt "Type 'y' or 'yes' to update current version"
If (-not ($choice.ToLower() -in @("y", "yes"))) { exit }
$download = @{
Source = ""
Destination = "$downloadpath\vsc$"
DisplayName = "Download VS Code"
Description = "Version $newversion"
Write-Host "Download new version..." -NoNewLine
Start-BitsTransfer @download | Out-Null
if ($? -and (Test-Path -Path $download.Destination)) {
Write-Host "ok" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Extract archive..." -NoNewLine
Expand-Archive -Path "$downloadpath\vsc$" -DestinationPath "$downloadpath\vsc$newversion\"
Write-Host "ok" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Remove unnecessary items..." -NoNewLine
Remove-Item -Path "$downloadpath\vsc$"
Remove-Item -Path "$downloadpath\vsc$newversion\locales\*" -Exclude "en-US.pak"
Write-Host "ok" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Update with new version..." -NoNewLine
Get-ChildItem -Exclude "data","_vscupdate.ps1" | Remove-Item -Recurse
Remove-Item -Path "data\user-data\CachedData\*" -Recurse
Move-Item -Path "$downloadpath\vsc$newversion\*"
Remove-Item -Path "$downloadpath\vsc$newversion"
Write-Host "ok" -ForegroundColor Green
else { Write-Host "fail" -ForegroundColor Red }
Write-Host "Press any key..." -NoNewLine
$Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey() | Out-Null
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