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Last active October 18, 2019 15:42
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Some functions to simulate simple A/B Tests making use of data.table. (The inline code will work when copied into an Rmd file)
title author date
Simulating A/B Tests
Ed Berry


# simulate a week of a test

sim_week <- function(baseline, treatment_effect, n_per_week) {
 data.table(control = rbinom(n_per_week, 1, baseline),
           treatment = rbinom(n_per_week, 1, baseline + treatment_effect))

# simulate weeks of testing

sim_weeks <- function(baseline, treatment_effect, n_per_week, n_weeks) {
  # create list where each element is the data
  # for a week created by sim_week()
  weeks_list = replicate(n_weeks,
                         sim_week(baseline, treatment_effect, n_per_week),
                         simplify = F)
  # collapse the list of weeks into a 
  # data.table with a week id column
  weeks_dt <- rbindlist(weeks_list, idcol = 'week')
  weeks_dt %>%
    # melt into long format with week as the id
      id.vars = 'week', = 'group', = 'success'
      ) %>%
    # sum success flag by week and group (treat vs control)
    .[, .(successes_per_week = sum(success)), by = c('week', 'group')] %>%
    # create the cumulative successes for each week by group
    .[, successes := cumsum(successes_per_week), by = 'group'] %>%
    # create the cumulative failures by week
    .[, failures := week * n_per_week - successes] %>%
    # order by week

# simulate weeks of testing with
# a prop.test for each week

sim_test <- function(baseline, treatment_effect, n_per_week, n_weeks) {
  sim_result <- sim_weeks(baseline, treatment_effect, n_per_week, n_weeks)
  # create an empty dt to populate below
  dt_prop_test_result = data.table(
    week = 1:n_weeks,
    control_prop = vector(mode = 'numeric', length = n_weeks),
    treatment_prop = vector(mode = 'numeric', length = n_weeks),
    p_value = vector(mode = 'numeric', length = n_weeks)
  for (w in 1:n_weeks) {
    # create a matrix with successes and fails in
    # the columns control and treatment in the rows
    mat = as.matrix(sim_result[week == w, .(successes, failures)])
    # do the prop.test
    prop_test_result = prop.test(mat)
    # update the results data.table
    dt_prop_test_result[week == w, `:=`(
      control_prop = prop_test_result$estimate[1],
      treatment_prop = prop_test_result$estimate[2],
      p_value = prop_test_result$p.value

# simulate a set of tests of the same
# type using the above functions

sim_tests <- function(baseline, treatment_effect, n_per_week, n_weeks, n_tests) {
  # replicate the test n_tests times
  tests_list = replicate(
    sim_test(baseline, treatment_effect, n_per_week, n_weeks),
    simplify = F
  # return a data.table with an id col called test
  rbindlist(tests_list, idcol = 'test')

Simulate some tests

baseline = 0.5
treatment_effect = 0
n_per_week = 1000
n_weeks = 4
n_tests = 400

df_tests <- sim_tests(baseline, treatment_effect, n_per_week, n_weeks, n_tests) %>%

df_tests_stop <- df_tests %>%
  mutate(stop = as.numeric(p_value < 0.05)) %>%
  group_by(test) %>%
  mutate(stop_p_value = first(p_value, desc(stop)))

mean(unique(df_tests_stop$stop_p_value) < 0.05)

Overall across all the tests we have a r percent(mean(df_tests$p_value < 0.05)) false positive rate. However, once we add early stopping into the mix the error rate goes up. If we look at the first trial where p < 0.05, or the last trial for non-significant trials, then the error rates goes up to r percent(mean(unique(df_tests_stop$stop_p_value) < 0.05))

Appendix: Tidyverse way

This chunk includes some functions to simulate A-B Tests using tidyverse functions. Benchmarking showed that these functions were slower so they won't be used. They're being left for posterity.

sim_week <- function(baseline, treatment_effect, n_per_week) {
    control = rbinom(n_per_week, 1, baseline),
    treatment = rbinom(n_per_week, 1, baseline + treatment_effect)

sim_weeks <- function(baseline, treatment_effect, n_per_week, n_weeks) {
  week_results <- replicate(n_weeks, sim_week(baseline, treatment_effect, n_per_week), simplify = F) %>%
    dplyr::bind_rows(.id = 'week') 
  week_results %>%
    pivot_longer(-week, names_to = 'group') %>%
    group_by(week, group) %>%
    summarise(success = sum(value), fail = sum(value == 0)) %>%
    group_by(group) %>%
    mutate(success = cumsum(success),
           fail = cumsum(fail)) %>%

sim_prop_test <- function(baseline, treatment_effect, n_per_week, n_weeks) {
  sim_result <- sim_weeks(baseline, treatment_effect, n_per_week, n_weeks)
  sim_result %>%
    select(-group) %>%
    nest(data = c(success, fail)) %>%
    mutate(prop_test_result = map(data, ~ prop.test(as.matrix(.x)) %>% tidy())) %>%
    unnest(prop_test_result) %>%
    rename( estimate_control = estimate1,
            estimate_treatment = estimate2) %>%
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