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Last active November 16, 2022 02:13
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Save eddking/8173751 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Vim normal mode commands as a Unite.vim menu
let g:unite_source_menu_menus.commands.command_candidates = [
\['▷ record a macro q', 'normal q' ],
\['▷ move forward one word w', 'normal w' ],
\['▷ move to the end of the prev word e', 'normal e' ],
\['▷ replace the character underneath the cursor r', 'normal r' ],
\['▷ move forward till the next character typed t', 'normal t' ],
\['▷ yank/copy y', 'normal y' ],
\['▷ undo u', 'normal u' ],
\['▷ enter insert mode i', 'normal i' ],
\['▷ open a new line underneath the current line o', 'normal o' ],
\['▷ paste below or after p', 'normal p' ],
\['▷ append text a', 'normal a' ],
\['▷ substitute the current character with text s', 'normal s' ],
\['▷ delete d', 'normal d' ],
\['▷ find the next character typed f', 'normal f' ],
\['▷ lots of things g', 'normal g' ],
\['▷ move left h', 'normal h' ],
\['▷ move down j', 'normal j' ],
\['▷ move up k', 'normal k' ],
\['▷ move right l', 'normal l' ],
\['▷ lots of things z', 'normal z' ],
\['▷ delete the character underneath the cursor x', 'normal x' ],
\['▷ change c', 'normal c' ],
\['▷ enter visual mode v', 'normal v' ],
\['▷ move back one word b', 'normal b' ],
\['▷ move forwards to the next matched search pattern n', 'normal n' ],
\['▷ set mark at cursor position m', 'normal m' ],
\['▷ enter ex mode Q', 'normal Q' ],
\['▷ move forward one word by whitespace W', 'normal W' ],
\['▷ move to the end of the next word by whitespace E', 'normal E' ],
\['▷ enter replace mode R', 'normal R' ],
\['▷ backwards till T', 'normal T' ],
\['▷ yank current line Y', 'normal Y' ],
\['▷ undo all the changes on the current line U', 'normal U' ],
\['▷ enter insert mode at the first non whitespace character of the line I', 'normal I' ],
\['▷ open a new line above current line O', 'normal O' ],
\['▷ paste above or before P', 'normal P' ],
\['▷ enter insert mode at the end of the line A', 'normal A' ],
\['▷ change the whole current line S', 'normal S' ],
\['▷ delete until the end of the line D', 'normal D' ],
\['▷ backwards find F', 'normal F' ],
\['▷ move the end of current file G', 'normal G' ],
\['▷ move to the top of the current window H', 'normal H' ],
\['▷ join with the line below J', 'normal J' ],
\['▷ get the manual for the name of the shell command underneath the cursor K', 'normal K' ],
\['▷ move to the bottom of the window L', 'normal L' ],
\['▷ enter restricted mode Z', 'normal Z' ],
\['▷ delete the character before the cursor X', 'normal X' ],
\['▷ change until the end of the line C', 'normal C' ],
\['▷ enter visual line mode V', 'normal V' ],
\['▷ move backwards one word by whitespace B', 'normal B' ],
\['▷ move forwards to the next matched search pattern N', 'normal N' ],
\['▷ move to the middle of the current window M', 'normal M' ],
\['▷ jump to mark `', 'normal `' ],
\['▷ switch the case of the character underneath the cursor and move to the right ~', 'normal ~' ],
\['▷ execute a command with the shell !', 'normal !' ],
\['▷ execute a macro @', 'normal @' ],
\['▷ search backwards for the word underneath the cursor #', 'normal #' ],
\['▷ move the end of the line $', 'normal $' ],
\['▷ move the matching bracket %', 'normal %' ],
\['▷ move the first non blank character of the line ^', 'normal ^' ],
\['▷ repeat the last substitution &', 'normal &' ],
\['▷ search forwards for the word underneath the cursor *', 'normal *' ],
\['▷ move backwards one sentence (', 'normal (' ],
\['▷ move forwards one sentence )', 'normal )' ],
\['▷ move to the first non blank character of the line above -', 'normal -' ],
\['▷ fix indentation =', 'normal =' ],
\['▷ move to the first non blank character of the current line _', 'normal _' ],
\['▷ move to the first non black character of the line below +', 'normal +' ],
\['▷ lots of stuff [', 'normal [' ],
\['▷ lots of stuff ]', 'normal ]' ],
\['▷ move backwards one paragraph {', 'normal {' ],
\['▷ move forwards one paragraph }', 'normal }' ],
\['▷ move to the first column of the current line |', 'normal |' ],
\['▷ move to the next match from f, t, or uppercase versions ;', 'normal ;' ],
\['▷ jump to mark '', 'normal '' ],
\['▷ enter command mode :', 'normal :' ],
\['▷ set register from which to yank, delete, or paste next "', 'normal "' ],
\['▷ move to the previous match from f, t, or uppercase versions ,', 'normal ,' ],
\['▷ redo the last edit .', 'normal .' ],
\['▷ search forwards /', 'normal /' ],
\['▷ shift line to the left <', 'normal <' ],
\['▷ shift line to the right >', 'normal >' ],
\['▷ search backwards ?', 'normal ?' ],
\['▷ move the beginning of the line 0', 'normal 0' ],
\['▷ enter visual block mode without conflicting with windows paste ctrl-q', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-q>" '],
\['▷ window commands ctrl-w', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-w>" '],
\['▷ scroll down without moving the cursor unless nessacary ctrl-e', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-e>" '],
\['▷ redo ctrl-r', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-r>" '],
\['▷ jump to an older entry in the tag stack ctrl-t', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-t>" '],
\['▷ scroll up without moving the cursor unless nessacary ctrl-y', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-y>" '],
\['▷ scroll up half a screen ctrl-u', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-u>" '],
\['▷ move forward in the jump list ctrl-i', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-i>" '],
\['▷ move backwards in the jump list ctrl-o', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-o>" '],
\['▷ move upwards linewise ctrl-p', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-p>" '],
\['▷ increment the number underneath the cursor ctrl-a', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-a>" '],
\['▷ split the current window in two (type ctrl-w first) ctrl-s', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-s>" '],
\['▷ scroll down half a screen ctrl-d', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-d>" '],
\['▷ scroll forwards one page ctrl-f', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-f>" '],
\['▷ show the current file name ctrl-g', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-g>" '],
\['▷ something with the hiding list, see :help ctrl-h ctrl-h', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-h>" '],
\['▷ move downwards linewise ctrl-j', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-j>" '],
\['▷ something with digraphs, see :help ctrl-k ctrl-k', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-k>" '],
\['▷ resfresh a directory listing ctrl-l', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-l>" '],
\['▷ suspend vim ctrl-z', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-z>" '],
\['▷ decrement the number underneath the cursor ctrl-x', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-x>" '],
\['▷ abort current command ctrl-c', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-c>" '],
\['▷ enter visual block mode ctrl-v', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-v>" '],
\['▷ scroll backwards one page ctrl-b', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-b>" '],
\['▷ move down linewise ctrl-n', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-n>" '],
\['▷ move to the first non blank character of the line below ctrl-m', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-m>" '],
\['▷ to back to the previously edited file ctrl-^', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-^>" '],
\['▷ jump to the definition of the tag underneath the cursor ctrl-]', 'exe "normal \<ctrl-]>" '],
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