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Last active April 6, 2016 20:43
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Ruby Refactorings

Never Boolean

You hardly ever have to use the word true in your code.

if (something == true)
  # do something cool

Can be rewritten as

if something
  # do something cool

Same goes with false

if (something == false)
  # do something cool

Can be rewritten as

if !something
  # do something cool


unless something
  # do something cool

Similarly, methods that return booleans

def even?
  if x % 2 == 0
    return true
    return false

Can be rewritten as

def even?
  x % 2 == 0

Never Nil

You hardly ever have to use the nil object in your code.

if (something == nil)
  # do something cool

Can be rewritten as

if something.nil?
  # do something cool

Never For

Ruby supports for-loops, but you almost never have to use them.

for i in (1..3)
  puts i

Can be rewritten as

(1..3).each do |i|
   puts i

It doesn't look like much of a win, but you'll have more fun when you get comfortable with Ruby Enumerables.

There's also this one-liner

(1..3).each { |i| puts i }

Use this syntax when you get comfortable with Ruby blocks.

Never Class

You hardly ever have to explicitly check the class of something.

if (thing.class == String)
  # do something stringy

Can be rewritten as

if (thing.instance_of? String)
  # do something stringy

Which reads better.

However, you probably want to do this instead

if (thing.is_a? String)
  # do something stringy

Just in case thing isn't a String, but a subclass of String, which may be just as good.

kind_of? is the same as is_a?, but reads more explicitly.

if (thing.kind_of? String)
  # do something stringy

So thing is a "kind of" String, even if it's not exactly a String.

In all these examples you're still implicitly referring to the class of an object, even if you're not using the class method. Ruby prefers Duck typing instead.

if (thing.respond_to? :quack)  # Can I do the damn thang?
  thing.quack                  # Then let's do the damn thang!

If thing, whatever it may be, can quack, then tell it to quack for you. thing's class doesn't matter. So thing can be, for example, a duck, a person, or a toy.

Each DRYer

Ruby's each method (available on all Enumerables) is a wonderful way to DRY up your code.

  require 'json'
  require 'minitest'
  require 'httparty'
  require 'sequel'

The require here is repetitive. This can be rewritten as

['json', 'minitest', 'httparty', 'sequel'].each { |lib| require lib }

Or, using the word array syntax, as

%w[json minitest httparty sequel].each { |lib| require lib }

Any code that matches this pattern

do_something arg1
do_something arg2
do_something arg3

Can be rewritten as

[arg1, arg2, arg3].each { |arg| do_something arg }

To remove the repetitive typing of do_something.

Unnecessary Interpolation

It's not necessary to use string interpolation to convert data into Strings.

These two lines of code are the same


If data is already a String, then these two lines of code are the same.

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