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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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  • Save eddyb/61867cc4eabb9f94560c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save eddyb/61867cc4eabb9f94560c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Data: {
MapFeatures: 1i8,
version: 19133i32,
BorderWarningTime: 15f64,
allowCommands: 1i8,
DayTime: 3849i64,
BorderCenterX: 0f64,
BorderCenterZ: 0f64,
rainTime: 130772i32,
SpawnZ: 252i32,
raining: 0i8,
GameRules: {
naturalRegeneration: "true",
sendCommandFeedback: "true",
doFireTick: "true",
randomTickSpeed: "3",
doMobLoot: "true",
keepInventory: "false",
mobGriefing: "true",
doDaylightCycle: "true",
logAdminCommands: "true",
showDeathMessages: "true",
doTileDrops: "true",
doMobSpawning: "true",
commandBlockOutput: "true"
clearWeatherTime: 0i32,
GameType: 1i32,
SizeOnDisk: 0i64,
BorderSize: 60000000f64,
thundering: 0i8,
BorderSizeLerpTarget: 60000000f64,
thunderTime: 54143i32,
hardcore: 0i8,
SpawnY: 64i32,
generatorOptions: "",
DifficultyLocked: 0i8,
BorderDamagePerBlock: 0.2f64,
LevelName: "14w26c",
generatorName: "amplified",
RandomSeed: -6610600934962941078i64,
Time: 3849i64,
initialized: 1i8,
Player: {
Pos: DoubleList([273.444329, 85, 230.956821]),
Fire: -20i16,
Dimension: 0i32,
FallDistance: 0f32,
Inventory: CompoundList([{
Count: 1i8,
Slot: 2i8,
tag: {
StoredEnchantments: CompoundList([{
lvl: 4i16,
id: 3i16
Damage: 0i16,
id: "minecraft:enchanted_book"
}, {
Count: 1i8,
Damage: 16425i16,
Slot: 4i8,
id: "minecraft:potion"
}, {
id: "minecraft:grass",
Count: 1i8,
Damage: 0i16,
Slot: 6i8
DeathTime: 0i16,
EnderItems: CompoundList([]),
UUIDMost: -5315479100134897951i64,
Sleeping: 0i8,
foodTickTimer: 0i32,
HurtTime: 0i16,
XpTotal: 0i32,
Motion: DoubleList([0, -0.0784, 0]),
foodExhaustionLevel: 0f32,
Health: 20i16,
UUIDLeast: -6520123352566194247i64,
XpP: 0f32,
AbsorptionAmount: 0f32,
OnGround: 1i8,
HealF: 20f32,
Rotation: FloatList([75.600037, 16.799995]),
XpSeed: -282167960i32,
SelectedItemSlot: 0i32,
Air: 300i16,
foodSaturationLevel: 5f32,
HurtByTimestamp: 0i32,
Attributes: CompoundList([{
Name: "generic.maxHealth",
Base: 20f64
}, {
Name: "generic.knockbackResistance",
Base: 0f64
}, {
Base: 0.1f64,
Name: "generic.movementSpeed"
}, {
Base: 1f64,
Name: "generic.attackDamage"
playerGameType: 1i32,
SleepTimer: 0i16,
Invulnerable: 0i8,
foodLevel: 20i32,
abilities: {
flying: 0i8,
walkSpeed: 0.1f32,
invulnerable: 1i8,
instabuild: 1i8,
flySpeed: 0.05f32,
mayfly: 1i8,
mayBuild: 1i8
XpLevel: 0i32,
PortalCooldown: 0i32,
Score: 0i32
BorderSafeZone: 5f64,
BorderWarningBlocks: 5f64,
Difficulty: 2i8,
BorderSizeLerpTime: 0i32,
SpawnX: 236i32,
LastPlayed: 1404035037271i64,
generatorVersion: 0i32
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