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Last active October 31, 2016 01:00
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Git Essential Training Course (Git Notes)
Git doesn't track empty files.
To keep a directory, create inside it a .gitkeep file with
touch /emptyFolder/.gitkeep
Referencing to commits.
using SHA, or HEAD, HEAD^ (One previous), HEAD^^ (2 back), master^
HEAD points to the very last commit
Branching Overview
- try new ideas
- isolate features or sections of work
one working directory
fast context switching
==== Basics | Working on local repo ====
git config
git add [<file>|.] <---- Add a file to the stage index.
git reset HEAD <file> <---- Unstage | it's suggested in "git status"
git status
git log
--oneline -2 <---- only two lines
--format=oneline -2 <---- return last two lines
=email <---- format useful for email
--graph --oneline --all --decorate <---- Cooler info
--since="2016-06-20" (or --after) <---- Ranges
--until="2 weeks ago" (or --before)
--since=2.days --until=1.hour
[POINTER]..[POINTER] --oneline <---- range low to high, sha commits, branch names
-p [POINTER].. [file] <---- shows changes applied to this X file since that commit
--stat --summary <---- stats of what was changed
--stat --summary [POINTER].. <---- show stats starting from this commit.
git show [POINTER]
git commit -m "message"
--amend -m "new message" <---- fixes current commit or very last commit
git diff
--staged <---- If staged, show the difference local with stage
-w <---- ignore all whitespaces chages
[POINTER]..[POINTER] <---- shows a difference between these two commits
--stat --summary [POINTER]..[POINTER|HEAD]
git checkout
-- [file] <---- Revert last changes to the very last commit.
[POINTER] -- [file] <---- Revert changes on file to the specified commit|pointer
git revert [POINTER] <---- Revert everything to the specific commit. After that, it commits them.
git reset <---- "Use it to Reset to Undo commits; use it only when everything went wrong!"
--mixed (default)
git clean -n <---- show untracked file that would be removed
git rm [file] <---- Remove file
git rm --cached [file] <---- Remove from staging index / not from local, nor from repository
git mv [file] <---- Move a file; same as bash mv command.
git ls-tree [POINTER] <---- Similar to ls command, but shows in specific pointer, branch name, commit.
git ls-tree [POINTER] [Folder]
==== Branching ====
git log ([branch]) --graph --oneline --decorate <----- Shows all information about all branches
git branch <----- Shows the list of branches and the current branch
git branch [newBranch] ([commitSHA|HEAD|branch|<alias>/<branch>]) <----- Creates a new branch
--merged <----- Show if the current branch has all commits of other branches
--move or -m <----- Rename a branch
--delete or -d <----- Delete a branch
git checkout [branch] <----- Switches to the specific branch
checkout -b [branch] <----- Create and switch to this branch
git diff [branch1]..[branch2] <----- comparing branches
[branch1^]..[branch2^^] <----- Previous commits in those branches
--color-words <----- colors word chenges instead of lines
==== Merging ====
git merge [branch] <----- Merge the current branch with the specific branch
(If there were no changes in master or current branch)
or fast forward merge.
--ff-only [branch] <----- Merge only if I can do a fast forward merge
--no-ff [branch] <----- Force commits, mainly for documentation
==== Stashing Changes ====
git stash
save "[MESSAGE]" <----- Save in stash, when file(s) are not ready to be commited
list <----- List all stash messages | It can be executed in any branch
show [-p] [stash@] <----- Show what was changed | -p show changes as patch
pop [stash@] <----- Bring and apply the patch | it removes from stashed list
apply [stash@] <----- Bring and apply the patch | it doesn't remove from list
(It doesn't move to the branch; needs to git checkout branch)
drop [stash@] <----- Drop from stash
clear <----- Get rid of everything
==== Remotes ====
git remote [-v] <----- List all remote repositories
add <alias> <url> <----- Add remote repository
rm <alias> <----- Remove remote repository
git push (-u|--set-upstream) <----- Push our changes to a remote repository
<alias> <branch> Upstream allows tracking in the remote repo.
If cloning repo, it also allows tracking.
<alias> branch:<branch> <----- Push ... . If branch has different name than the one in server.
<alias> :<branch> <----- Removes the remote branch | Push empty to remote branch
<alias> --delete <branch> <----- ...
git push <----- No other arguments | If tracking upstream pushes changes to
remote repository
git push <alias> :<branch> <----- Deletes the branch from origin, remote.
git branch {--remote|-r} <----- Shows remote branches
branch {--all|-a} <----- Shows local and remote branches
branch {--set-upstream,-u} [branch] <alias>/<branch> <----- If upstream was not set before.
git clone <url> [folderName] [-b branch] <----- Clones a repository and creates a folder
git fetch <alias> <----- Fetch lastest changes in the repo. to <alias>/<branch>
Fetch doesn't change the local working repository
NOTES: * Fetch before you work.
* Fetch before you push.
* Fetch often.
git diff <alias>/<branch> <----- Show the difference of local repo with remote repo.
git merge <alias>/<branch> <----- Merge local branch with the one from <alias>/<branch>
Specially after fetching.
git pull <----- Shortcut like = git fetch + git merge
git branch <branch> <alias>/<branch> <----- Make a copy from remote branch to local repo.
git checkout -b <branch> <alias>/<branch> <----- Same as above; but also move to that branch.
== Notes about working with GitHub ==
I can add collaborators to give them write access to the repository.
If not, they/I can fork the repo, work on it, and then send a pull request for them to merge the
changes if accepted.
== A Collaboration Workflow example: ==
git checkout master
git fetch
git merge origin/master
git checkout -b new_feature_branch
git add file.html
git commit -m "Add a message."
git fetch
git push -u origin new_feature_branch
git checkout master
git fetch
git merge origin/master
git checkout -b new_feature_branch origin/new_feature_branch
git log
git show COMMITSHA1|new_feature_branch
git commit -am "Add another feature"
git fetch
git push
git fetch
git log -p new_feature_branch..origin/new_feature_branch <---- Patch
git merge origin/new_feature_branch
git checkout master
git fetch
git merge origin/master
git merge new_feature_branch <---- Merge master with new_feature_branch
git merge origin/new_feature_branch <---- Same as above
git push
== Aliases for common commands ==
git config -e <---- Edit config file
git config -l|--list <---- List config
git config --global checkout
git config --global commit
git config --global branch
git config --global alias.df diff
git config --global alias.logg "log --graph --decorate --oneline --abbrev-commit -all"
git config --global alias.dfs "diff --staged"
USE: git br -r
==== Tools and Next Steps ====
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