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Created March 4, 2024 17:02
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BPF selftests execution in chroot
# Below assumes that kernel source code is under directory
# /home/${USER}/work/bpf-next/
# And user's intent is to compile/run selftests from chroot
# with development environment.
# The /home/${USER}/work/ directory is setup to be accessible
# from both host an chroot using the same path.
# First, setup the bullseye chroot
sudo /usr/sbin/debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch=amd64 bullseye bullseye-chroot/
# Establish script to enter chroot,
# I share 'work' sub-dir from my home dir with this chroot
function cleanup {
umount -R $root/dev
umount -R $root/proc
umount -R $root/home/${USER}/work
trap cleanup exit
mount --rbind /dev $root/dev
mount -t proc proc $root/proc
mount --bind /home/${USER}/work/ $root/home/${USER}/work
chroot bullseye-chroot
# Setup a local user inside chroot,
# I use same user name uid/gid as on my host system
sudo mkdir -p /home/${USER}/work/bullseye-chroot/home/${USER}/work
sudo chown -R ${USER} /home/${USER}/work/bullseye-chroot/home/${USER}
sudo chgrp -R ${USER} /home/${USER}/work/bullseye-chroot/home/${USER}
sudo ./
# Rest of the commands are from chroot, set USER as appropriate
export USER=????
useradd -d /home/${USER} -s /bin/bash ${USER}
usermod -a -G sudo ${USER}
passwd ${USER}
# Install build tools
apt install build-essential bc flex bison git libelf-dev libssl-dev \
docutils-common rsync curl zstd qemu-system-x86 sudo cmake \
libdw-dev lsb-release wget software-properties-common gnupg e2fsprogs
# Install fresh clang-18 snapshot, the sets up some repos
curl --output /tmp/
bash /tmp/ 18
apt install clang-tools-18
ln -s /usr/bin/clang-18 /usr/bin/clang
ln -s /usr/bin/llvm-strip-18 /usr/bin/llvm-strip
# Enter as a user
su ${USER}
# Minimal setup
mkdir /home/${USER}/bin
echo 'export PS1="<chroot> \t \W$ "' >> /home/${USER}/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH=/home/${USER}/bin:${PATH}' >> /home/${USER}/.bashrc
. /home/${USER}/.bashrc
# Get and compile pahole, use instructions from:
cd /home/${USER}/work
git clone
cd pahole
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -D__LIB=lib ..
make -j
ln -s $(realpath pahole) /home/${USER}/bin/
# Assuming kernel resides in the bpf-next directory directory below
cd /home/${USER}/work/bpf-next/tools/testing/selftests/bpf
# Now get kernel source
cd /home/${USER}/work
git clone one-more-kernel
# Run vmtests, this should download rootfs, build kernel and tests, run test_verifier
# would ask for root password to mount rootfs image
cd one-more-kernel/tools/testing/selftests/bpf
./ -- ./test_verifier
# And now run test_progs
./ -- ./test_progs
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