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Last active January 6, 2023 02:14
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Yara rule to detect documents (RTF/CDF/OOXML) using MsTscAx scripting controls
rule terminal_services_scripting {
author = "David Cannings"
description = "Microsoft Terminal Services Client Control (not safe for scripting)"
ref = ""
generated_by = "yaml2yara, see"
// Parsers will open files without the full 'rtf'
$header_rtf = "{\\rt" nocase
$header_office = { D0 CF 11 E0 }
$header_xml = "<?xml version=" nocase wide ascii
// Marks of embedded data (reduce FPs)
// RTF format
$embedded_object = "\\object" nocase
$embedded_objdata = "\\objdata" nocase
$embedded_ocx = "\\objocx" nocase
$embedded_objclass = "\\objclass" nocase
$embedded_oleclass = "\\oleclsid" nocase
// XML Office documents
$embedded_axocx = "<ax:ocx" nocase wide ascii
$embedded_axclassid = "ax:classid" nocase wide ascii
// OLE format
$embedded_root_entry = "Root Entry" wide
$embedded_comp_obj = "Comp Obj" wide
$embedded_obj_info = "Obj Info" wide
$embedded_ole10 = "Ole10Native" wide
$data0 = "1DF7C823-B2D4-4B54-975A-F2AC5D7CF8B8" nocase wide ascii
$data1 = { 23C8F71DD4B2544B975AF2AC5D7CF8B8 }
$data2 = "3523c2fb-4031-44e4-9a3b-f1e94986ee7f" nocase wide ascii
$data3 = { fbc223353140e4449a3bf1e94986ee7f }
$data4 = "4eb2f086-c818-447e-b32c-c51ce2b30d31" nocase wide ascii
$data5 = { 86f0b24e18c87e44b32cc51ce2b30d31 }
$data6 = "54d38bf7-b1ef-4479-9674-1bd6ea465258" nocase wide ascii
$data7 = { f78bd354efb1794496741bd6ea465258 }
$data8 = "6AE29350-321B-42be-BBE5-12FB5270C0DE" nocase wide ascii
$data9 = { 5093E26A1B32be42BBE512FB5270C0DE }
$data10 = "7cacbd7b-0d99-468f-ac33-22e495c0afe5" nocase wide ascii
$data11 = { 7bbdac7c990d8f46ac3322e495c0afe5 }
$data12 = "8B918B82-7985-4C24-89DF-C33AD2BBFBCD" nocase wide ascii
$data13 = { 828B918B8579244C89DFC33AD2BBFBCD }
$data14 = "A0C63C30-F08D-4AB4-907C-34905D770C7D" nocase wide ascii
$data15 = { 303CC6A08DF0B44A907C34905D770C7D }
$data16 = "A3BC03A0-041D-42E3-AD22-882B7865C9C5" nocase wide ascii
$data17 = { A003BCA31D04E342AD22882B7865C9C5 }
$data18 = "ace575fd-1fcf-4074-9401-ebab990fa9de" nocase wide ascii
$data19 = { fd75e5accf1f74409401ebab990fa9de }
$data20 = "d2ea46a7-c2bf-426b-af24-e19c44456399" nocase wide ascii
$data21 = { a746ead2bfc26b42af24e19c44456399 }
$data22 = "MsTscAx.MsTscAx" nocase wide ascii
$data23 = "4d7354736341782e4d735473634178" nocase wide ascii
// Mandatory header plus sign of embedding, then any of the others
for any of ($header*) : ( @ == 0 ) and 1 of ($embedded*)
and (1 of ($data*))
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