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Last active October 16, 2015 13:37
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Compare SWAR scanning rows of (x,y) coordinates
package swar.subword;
import java.util.Random;
public class SWAR_v_Arrays_Perf_NoComments
private static final int ROW_COUNT = 1000000;
private static final int SCAN_ITERATIONS = 100;
public static void main (String[] args)
int[] xs = new int [ ROW_COUNT ];
int[] ys = new int [ ROW_COUNT ];
int[][] xy = new int[ 2 ][ ROW_COUNT ];
long[] xyCompound = new long[ ROW_COUNT ];
Random r = new Random();
for ( int i = 0; i < ROW_COUNT; i++ )
int x = r.nextInt();
int y = r.nextInt();
xs[ i ] = x;
ys[ i ] = y;
xy[ 0 ][ i ] = x;
xy[ 1 ][ i ] = y;
//we need this & MASK to avoid Java sign extension
xyCompound[ i ] = ( x + 0L << 32 ) | ( y & (-1L >>> 32 ) );
timeParallelIntArrays(xs, ys, SCAN_ITERATIONS );
time2DIntArray( xy, SCAN_ITERATIONS );
timeCompoundShift( xyCompound, SCAN_ITERATIONS );
timeCompoundSWARMask ( xyCompound, SCAN_ITERATIONS );
private static void timeCompoundSWARMask ( long[] xyCompound, int iterations )
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
int found = compoundSWARMaskBothOdd( xyCompound, iterations );
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println ("Compound SWAR Bit Mask "+(end-start)+"ms for ("+iterations+"x) scanned "+xyCompound.length+" found "+found);
private static void timeCompoundShift ( long[] xyCompound, int iterations )
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
int found = compoundShiftBothOdd( xyCompound, iterations );
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println ("Compound Shift >> "+(end-start)+"ms for ("+iterations+"x) scanned "+xyCompound.length+" found "+found);
private static void timeParallelIntArrays(int[] xs, int[]ys, int iterations )
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
int found = parallelIntArraysBothOdd(xs, ys, iterations );
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println ("xs=int[]; ys=int[] "+( end - start)+"ms for ("+iterations+"x) scanned "+xs.length+" found "+found );
private static void time2DIntArray( int[][] xy, int iterations )
int found = 0;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
found = intArray2DBothOdd(xy, iterations );
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println ("2d array int[2][count] "+(end-start)+"ms for ("+iterations+"x) scanned "+xy[0].length+" found "+found);
private static final long BOTH_ODD_SWAR_MASK = ( 1L << 32 ) + 1;
private static int compoundSWARMaskBothOdd(long[] xyCompound, int iterations )
int found = 0;
for (int it = 0; it < iterations; it++ )
for (int i = 0; i < xyCompound.length; i++ )
if ( ( xyCompound[ i ] & BOTH_ODD_SWAR_MASK ) == BOTH_ODD_SWAR_MASK )
return found;
private static int compoundShiftBothOdd (long[] xyCompound, int iterations )
int found = 0;
for (int it = 0; it < iterations; it++ )
for (int i = 0; i < xyCompound.length; i++ )
if ( ( xyCompound[ i ] & 1 ) == 1 &&
( ( xyCompound[ i ] >> 32 ) & 1) == 1 )
return found;
private static int parallelIntArraysBothOdd ( int[] xs, int[]ys, int iterations )
int found =0;
for (int it=0; it<iterations; it++)
for (int i=0; i<xs.length; i++)
if ( ( xs[i] & 1) == 1 &&
( ys[i] & 1) == 1 )
return found;
private static int intArray2DBothOdd(int[][] xy, int iterations )
int found =0;
for (int it=0; it<iterations; it++)
for (int i=0; i<xy[0].length; i++)
if ( ( xy[0][i] & 1) == 1 &&
( xy[1][i] & 1) == 1 )
return found;
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Simple performance test over (count) "rows" of (x,y) int coordinates
to illustrate how SWAR compares to other data structures for scanning / query performance.
(2) parallel int arrays ({@code int[] xs = int[count]; int[] ys = int[count]; })
(1) 2-dimensional int arrays ( {@code int[][] xy = new int[2][count]; })
(1) compound @code long[]} ( {@code long[] xyCompound = long[ count ];} )

  • each (x & y) in xyCompound are tested individually through bit shifting (>>)
  • BOTH (x & y) elements are tested simultaneously with a SWAR BitMask
Data & Strategy TimeiterationsDataset size
Compound SWAR Bit Mask12545ms100x170000000
Compound Shift >>78202ms100x170000000
xs=int[]; ys=int[]90263ms100x170000000
2d array int[2][count]86633ms100x170000000
Data & Strategy TimeiterationsDataset size
Compound SWAR Bit Mask95ms1x100000000
Compound Shift >> 546ms1x100000000
xs=int[]; ys=int[] 678ms1x100000000
2d array int[2][count] 528ms1x100000000
Data & Strategy TimeiterationsDataset size
Compound SWAR Bit Mask631ms10000x100000
Compound Shift >> 4382ms10000x100000
xs=int[]; ys=int[] 4907ms10000x100000
2d array int[2][count]5115ms10000x100000
Data & Strategy TimeiterationsDataset size
Compound SWAR Bit Mask6632ms1000000x10000
Compound Shift >> 26367ms1000000x10000
xs=int[]; ys=int[] 28106ms1000000x10000
2d array int[2][count]28723ms1000000x10000
Data & Strategy TimeiterationsDataset size
Compound SWAR Bit Mask634ms100000x10000
Compound Shift >> 2653ms100000x10000
xs=int[]; ys=int[] 2855ms100000x10000
2d array int[2][count]3965ms100000x10000
Data & Strategy TimeiterationsDataset size
Compound SWAR Bit Mask773ms1000000x1000
Compound Shift >> 657ms1000000x1000
xs=int[]; ys=int[] 782ms1000000x1000
2d array int[2][count]973ms1000000x1000
*NOTE: when dealing with BIGGER datasets (10,000 or more elements) the effect of SWAR is more pronounced. Everything is a tradeoff, you have to weight the (potential) speedup based on the number of rows in the dataset being scanned...(and the complexity of the program).

HOWEVER: please keep in mind this is a "contrived" example intended to show
what SWAR is (it is not ideal for ALL cases).

Ideal candidates for this kind of SWAR optimization are those which:

  • LARGE datasets
  • are of the scanning "exact pattern matching" variety
  • can model "rows" within vectorized words.(*)

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