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Created September 12, 2018 06:27
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The first of your birthdays I spent wondering if you actually liked me or not, and whether it's worth trying. It was, even if it meant missing all the crew practices forever and ever. It did.
This birthday I won't get to spend with you. But on this one - more than the one before it (and even more than the one before that!) - I reflect on how lucky I am to have become an adult by your side.
From seventeen to twenty four, we've had some amazing years together. Looking back I remember how much we've grown, matured, our relationship turning from a college hookup to a college relationship to an amazing partnership. I am in awe of what we've built together, how far we are from where we first started.
I wouldn't have it any other way, with any other person. Getting to know you has gotten me to better know myself, and *better* myself. Every day is better because you're there, next to me or a thousand miles away.
You made me better because you tell me what you think, and what you think matters to me a whole lot. And it should, because of the type of person you are. You're thoughtful, considerate, and kind. You think critically and methodically. You're self aware and in touch with your emotions. You're a person I admire, and look up to, all the time. I don't tell you that enough - and maybe I should.
We have a lot more birthdays to spend together, so I'm not as worried about missing one. But I won't let it become a habit.
I can't wait to get to our 30's, 40's, and 50's, and keep pretending we're adults all the way through.
So for your 25th year, keep doing all the things that give you energy. Keep being that incredible person that I met at seventeen, and held onto since. You're as good as it gets.
I love you! Happy birthday.
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