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Last active August 25, 2016 18:29
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A poor man's REPL written in Python. Guess what? No dependencies. Just fun.
#!/usr/bin/python -i
# For implementing custom exception ahndler
import sys
# This is an error handler for badly typed input
def repl_exchandler(type, value, traceback):
# If a name doesn't exist in the namespace
if (type == NameError):
print "Command {}. Type \"help\".".format(value)
# If the user typed something dumb
if (type == SyntaxError):
print "Bad input. Type \"help\".".format(value)
# For all other issues (like bugs in your code) get adult supervision.
sys.__excepthook__(type, value, traceback)
# Only do stuff if it's interactive
if sys.flags.interactive:
# Actually override the exception handler
sys.excepthook = repl_exchandler
# Replace the prompt with something funny
sys.ps1 = "[REPL]>> "
# This is the help string, which will happen when the user types "help"
help = """
Welcome to my big fat python REPL! Here's what to do:
command() = executes command
For any questions, email
print "Hello! Welcome to my dumb REPL in Python. If you need help, type \'help\'. Thanks for playing"
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