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Created May 5, 2012 20:01
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Javascript for finding latitude and longitude range boundaries
//Javascript for finding latitude and longitude range boundaries.
//Based on the excellent Java example by
var GeoLocation = GeoLocation ? GeoLocation : {
TO_RADIAN: 0.0174532925,
TO_DEGREE: 57.2957795,
EARTH_RADIUS: 6371.01,
TO_MILE: 0.621371192,
TO_KM: 1.609344,
MIN_LAT: function() { return GeoLocation.degreeToRadian(-90) },
MAX_LAT: function() { return GeoLocation.degreeToRadian(90) },
MIN_LON: function() { return GeoLocation.degreeToRadian(-180) },
MAX_LON: function() { return GeoLocation.degreeToRadian(180) },
degreeToRadian: function (degree) { return degree * GeoLocation.TO_RADIAN },
radianToDegree: function (radian) { return radian * GeoLocation.TO_DEGREE },
kmToMile: function (km) {return km * GeoLocation.TO_MILE },
mileToKm: function (mile) {return mile * GeoLocation.TO_KM },
buildLocationRange: function(latitude, longitude, boundaryInMiles) {
var degLat = latitude;
var degLon = longitude;
var radLat = GeoLocation.degreeToRadian(degLat);
var radLon = GeoLocation.degreeToRadian(degLon);
var location = { degLat: degLat
, degLon: degLon
, radLat: radLat
, radLon: radLon
var locationRange = GeoLocation.boundingCoordinates(location, GeoLocation.mileToKm(boundaryInMiles));
return locationRange;
checkBounds: function(location) {
if (location.radLat < GeoLocation.MIN_LAT || location.radLat > GeoLocation.MAX_LAT ||
location.radLon < GeoLocation.MIN_LON || location.radLon > GeoLocation.MAX_LON) {
console.log("radLat or radLon is out of bounds");
distance: function(location1, location2) {
return Math.acos(Math.sin(location1.radLat) * Math.sin(location2.radLat) +
Math.cos(location1.radLat) * Math.cos(location2.radLat) *
Math.cos(location1.radLon - location2.radLon)) * GeoLocation.EARTH_RADIUS;
boundingCoordinates: function(location, distance) {
if (!location || distance < 0) {
console.log("no location or distance");
var radius = GeoLocation.EARTH_RADIUS;
var radDist = distance / radius;
var minLat = location.radLat - radDist;
var maxLat = location.radLat + radDist;
var minLon, maxLon;
if (minLat > GeoLocation.MIN_LAT() && maxLat < GeoLocation.MAX_LAT()) {
var deltaLon = Math.asin(Math.sin(radDist) / Math.cos(location.radLat));
minLon = location.radLon - deltaLon;
if (minLon < GeoLocation.MIN_LON()) minLon += 2 * Math.PI;
maxLon = location.radLon + deltaLon;
if (maxLon > GeoLocation.MAX_LON()) maxLon -= 2 * Math.PI;
} else {
// a pole is within the distance
minLat = Math.max(minLat, GeoLocation.MIN_LAT());
maxLat = Math.min(maxLat, GeoLocation.MAX_LAT());
minLon = GeoLocation.MIN_LON();
maxLon = GeoLocation.MAX_LON();
var locationRange = { lat: location.degLat
, lon: location.degLon
, minLat: GeoLocation.radianToDegree(minLat)
, maxLat: GeoLocation.radianToDegree(maxLat)
, minLon: GeoLocation.radianToDegree(minLon)
, maxLon: GeoLocation.radianToDegree(maxLon)
return locationRange;
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