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Last active March 28, 2016 15:40
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  • Save edesilets/0498ef83352c1b80779f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save edesilets/0498ef83352c1b80779f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import Knex from 'knex'
import _ from 'lodash'
import camelize from 'camelize'
import WaterlineSequel from 'waterline-sequel'
import KnexPostgis from 'knex-postgis'
import WaterlineError from 'waterline-errors'
import AdapterError from './error'
import Util from './util'
import SpatialUtil from './spatial'
import SQL from './sql'
const Adapter = {
identity: 'waterline-postgresql',
wlSqlOptions: {
parameterized: true,
caseSensitive: false,
escapeCharacter: '"',
wlNext: {
caseSensitive: true
casting: true,
canReturnValues: true,
escapeInserts: true,
declareDeleteAlias: false
* Local connections store
connections: new Map(),
//pkFormat: 'string',
syncable: true,
* Adapter default configuration
defaults: {
schema: true,
debug: process.env.WL_DEBUG || false,
connection: {
host: 'localhost',
//user: 'postgres',
user: 'pi',
//password: 'postgres',
password: 'password',
//database: 'postgres',
database: 'homestatus',
port: 5432
pool: {
min: 1,
max: 16,
ping (knex, cb) {
return knex.query('SELECT 1', cb)
pingTimeout: 10 * 1000,
syncInterval: 2 * 1000,
idleTimeout: 30 * 1000,
acquireTimeout: 300 * 1000
* This method runs when a connection is initially registered
* at server-start-time. This is the only required method.
* @param {[type]} connection [description]
* @param {[type]} collection [description]
* @param {Function} cb [description]
* @return {[type]} [description]
registerConnection (connection, collections, cb) {
if (!connection.identity) {
return cb(WaterlineError.adapter.IdentityMissing)
if (Adapter.connections.get(connection.identity)) {
return cb(WaterlineError.adapter.IdentityDuplicate)
_.defaultsDeep(connection, Adapter.defaults)
let knex = Knex({
client: 'pg',
connection: connection.url || connection.connection,
pool: connection.pool,
debug: process.env.WATERLINE_DEBUG_SQL || connection.debug
let cxn = {
identity: connection.identity,
schema: Adapter.buildSchema(connection, collections),
collections: collections,
config: connection,
knex: knex,
st: KnexPostgis(knex)
return Util.initializeConnection(cxn)
.then(() => {
Adapter.connections.set(connection.identity, cxn)
* Construct the waterline schema for the given connection.
* @param connection
* @param collections[]
buildSchema (connection, collections) {
return _.chain(collections)
.map((model, modelName) => {
let definition = _.get(model, [ 'waterline', 'schema', model.identity ])
return _.defaultsDeep(definition, {
attributes: { },
tableName: modelName
* Return the version of the PostgreSQL server as an array
* e.g. for Postgres 9.3.9, return [ '9', '3', '9' ]
getVersion (cxn) {
return cxn.knex
.raw('select version() as version')
.then(({ rows: [row] }) => {
return row.version.split(' ')[1].split('.')
* Describe a table. List all columns and their properties.
* @param connectionName
* @param tableName
describe (connectionName, tableName, cb) {
let cxn = Adapter.connections.get(connectionName)
return cxn.knex(tableName).columnInfo()
.then(columnInfo => {
if (_.isEmpty(columnInfo)) {
return cb()
return Adapter._query(cxn, SQL.indexes, [ tableName ])
.then(({ rows }) => {
_.merge(columnInfo, _.keyBy(camelize(rows), 'columnName'))
_.isFunction(cb) && cb(null, columnInfo)
* Perform a direct SQL query on the database
* @param connectionName
* @param tableName
* @param queryString
* @param data
query (connectionName, tableName, queryString, args, cb) {
let cxn = Adapter.connections.get(connectionName)
return Adapter._query(cxn, queryString, args)
.then((result = { }) => {
_.isFunction(cb) && cb(null, result)
return result
_query (cxn, query, values) {
return cxn.knex.raw(Util.toKnexRawQuery(query), Util.castValues(values))
.then((result = { }) => result)
* Create a new table
* @param connectionName
* @param tableName
* @param definition - the waterline schema definition for model
* @param cb
define (connectionName, _tableName, definition, cb) {
let cxn = Adapter.connections.get(connectionName)
let schema = cxn.collections[_tableName]
let tableName = _tableName.substring(0, 63)
return cxn.knex.schema
.then(exists => {
if (exists) return
return cxn.knex.schema.createTable(tableName, table => {
_.each(definition, (definition, attributeName) => {
let newColumn = Util.toKnexColumn(table, attributeName, definition, schema, cxn.collections)
Util.applyColumnConstraints(newColumn, definition)
Util.applyTableConstraints(table, definition)
.then(() => {
//console.log('created table', tableName, schema)
_.isFunction(cb) && cb()
* Drop a table
drop (connectionName, tableName, relations = [ ], cb = relations) {
let cxn = Adapter.connections.get(connectionName)
return cxn.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists(tableName)
.then(() => {
return Promise.all(, relation => {
return cxn.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists(relation)
.then(() => {
_.isFunction(cb) && cb()
* Add a column to a table
addAttribute (connectionName, tableName, attributeName, definition, cb) {
let cxn = Adapter.connections.get(connectionName)
let schema = cxn.collections[tableName]
return cxn.knex.schema
.table(tableName, table => {
let newColumn = Util.toKnexColumn(table, attributeName, definition, schema, cxn.collections)
Util.applyColumnConstraints(newColumn, definition)
.then(() => {
_.isFunction(cb) && cb()
* Remove a column from a table
removeAttribute (connectionName, tableName, attributeName, cb) {
let cxn = Adapter.connections.get(connectionName)
return cxn.knex.schema
.table(tableName, table => {
.then(result => {
_.isFunction(cb) && cb(null, result)
return result
* Create a new record
create (connectionName, tableName, data, cb) {
let cxn = Adapter.connections.get(connectionName)
let insertData = Util.sanitize(data, cxn.collections[tableName], cxn)
let schema = cxn.collections[tableName]
let spatialColumns = SpatialUtil.buildSpatialSelect(schema.definition, tableName, cxn)
return cxn.knex(tableName)
.returning([ '*', ...spatialColumns ])
.then(rows => {
let casted = Util.castResultRows(rows, schema)
let result = _.isArray(data) ? casted : casted[0]
_.isFunction(cb) && cb(null, result)
return result
.catch(AdapterError.wrap(cb, null, data))
* Create multiple records
createEach (connectionName, tableName, records, cb) {
// TODO use knex.batchInsert
return Adapter.create(connectionName, tableName, records, cb)
* Update a record
update (connectionName, tableName, options, data, cb) {
let cxn = Adapter.connections.get(connectionName)
let schema = cxn.collections[tableName]
let wlsql = new WaterlineSequel(cxn.schema, Adapter.wlSqlOptions)
let spatialColumns = SpatialUtil.getSpatialColumns(schema.definition)
let updateData = _.omit(data, _.keys(spatialColumns))
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (_.isEmpty(data)) {
return Adapter.find(connectionName, tableName, options, cb)
resolve(wlsql.update(tableName, options, updateData))
.then(({ query, values }) => {
return Adapter._query(cxn, query, values)
.then(({ rows }) => {
cb && cb(null, rows)
.catch(AdapterError.wrap(cb, null, data))
* Destroy a record
destroy (connectionName, tableName, options, cb) {
let cxn = Adapter.connections.get(connectionName)
let wlsql = new WaterlineSequel(cxn.schema, Adapter.wlSqlOptions)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolve(wlsql.destroy(tableName, options))
.then(({ query, values }) => {
return Adapter._query(cxn, query, values)
.then(({ rows }) => {
cb(null, rows)
* Populate record associations
join (connectionName, tableName, options, cb) {
let cxn = Adapter.connections.get(connectionName)
return Util.buildKnexJoinQuery (cxn, tableName, options)
.then(result => {
// return unique records only.
// TODO move to SQL
_.each(_.reject(options.joins, { select: false }), join => {
let alias = Util.getJoinAlias(join)
let pk = Adapter.getPrimaryKey(cxn, join.child)
let schema = cxn.collections[join.child]
_.each(result, row => {
row[alias] = Util.castResultRows(_.uniqBy(row[alias], pk), schema)
return result
.then(result => {
_.isFunction(cb) && cb(null, result)
return result
* Get the primary key column of a table
getPrimaryKey ({ collections }, tableName) {
let definition = collections[tableName].definition
if (!definition._pk) {
let pk = _.findKey(definition, (attr, name) => {
return attr.primaryKey === true
definition._pk = pk || 'id'
return definition._pk
* Find records
find (connectionName, tableName, options, cb) {
let cxn = Adapter.connections.get(connectionName)
let wlsql = new WaterlineSequel(cxn.schema, Adapter.wlSqlOptions)
let schema = cxn.collections[tableName]
//console.log('find', tableName, options)
//console.log('schema types', schema._types)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolve(wlsql.find(tableName, options))
.then(({ query: [query], values: [values] }) => {
let spatialColumns = SpatialUtil.buildSpatialSelect(schema.definition, tableName, cxn)
let fullQuery = Util.addSelectColumns(spatialColumns, query)
//console.log('fullQuery', fullQuery)
//console.log('values', values)
return Adapter._query(cxn, fullQuery, values)
.then(({ rows }) => {
let result = Util.castResultRows(rows, schema)
_.isFunction(cb) && cb(null, result)
return result
* Count the number of records
count (connectionName, tableName, options, cb) {
let cxn = Adapter.connections.get(connectionName)
let wlsql = new WaterlineSequel(cxn.schema, Adapter.wlSqlOptions)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolve(wlsql.count(tableName, options))
.then(({ query: [query], values: [values] }) => {
return Adapter._query(cxn, query, values)
.then(({ rows: [row] }) => {
let count = Number(row.count)
_.isFunction(cb) && cb(null, count)
return count
* Run queries inside of a transaction.
* Model.transaction(txn => {
* Model.create({ ... }, txn)
* .then(newModel => {
* return Model.update(..., txn)
* })
* })
* .then(txn.commit)
* .catch(txn.rollback)
transaction (connectionName, tableName, cb) {
let cxn = Adapter.connections.get(connectionName)
return new Promise(resolve => {
cxn.knex.transaction(txn => {
_.isFunction(cb) && cb(null, txn)
* Invoke a database function, aka "stored procedure"
* @param connectionName
* @param tableName
* @param procedureName the name of the stored procedure to invoke
* @param args An array of arguments to pass to the stored procedure
procedure (connectionName, procedureName, args = [ ], cb = args) {
let cxn = Adapter.connections.get(connectionName)
let procedure = cxn.storedProcedures[procedureName.toLowerCase()]
if (!procedure) {
let error = new Error(`No stored procedure found with the name ${procedureName}`)
return (_.isFunction(cb) ? cb(error) : Promise.reject(error))
return procedure.invoke(args)
.then(result => {
_.isFunction(cb) && cb(null, result)
return result
* Stream query results
* TODO not tested
stream (connectionName, tableName, options, outputStream) {
let cxn = Adapter.connections.get(connectionName)
let wlsql = new WaterlineSequel(cxn.schema, Adapter.wlSqlOptions)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolve(wlsql.find(tableName, options))
.then(({ query: [query], values: [values] }) => {
let resultStream = cxn.knex.raw(query, values)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resultStream.on('end', resolve)
* Fired when a model is unregistered, typically when the server
* is killed. Useful for tearing-down remaining open connections,
* etc.
* @param {Function} cb [description]
* @return {[type]} [description]
teardown (conn, cb = conn) {
let connections = conn ? [ Adapter.connections.get(conn) ] : Adapter.connections.values()
let teardownPromises = [ ]
for (let cxn of connections) {
if (!cxn) continue
return Promise.all(teardownPromises)
.then(() => {
// only delete connection references after all open sessions are closed
for (let cxn of connections) {
if (!cxn) continue
export default Adapter
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