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Created September 7, 2023 20:26
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global _start
section .text
stdout equ 1
mov r8, 1 ; initial line length
mov r9, 0 ; chars written
mov rdx, buffer
mov byte [rdx], '*'
inc rdx
inc r9
cmp r9, r8 ; check if number of written stars is same as needed
jne line
mov byte [rdx], `\n`
inc rdx
inc r8
mov r9, 0
cmp r8, maxlines
jng line
mov byte [rdx], `\n`
inc rdx
sub rdx, buffer
mov rax, 1
mov rdi, stdout
mov rsi, buffer
mov rax, 60 ; system call for exit
xor rdi, rdi ; exit code 0
section .bss
maxlines equ 8
buffer_size equ 64
buffer: resb buffer_size
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