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Forked from ynakajima/FitCurves.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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ポリラインをベジェ曲線で近似するアルゴリズムの実装 C言語版からJavaScriptへ移植
* FitCurves.js - Piecewise cubic fitting code
* original: FitCurves.c
* ported by ynakajima (
* is freely available to the entire computer graphics community
* for study, use, and modification. We do request that the
* comment at the top of each file, identifying the original
* author and its original publication in the book Graphics
* Gems, be retained in all programs that use these files.
An Algorithm for Automatically Fitting Digitized Curves
by Philip J. Schneider
from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990
(function(glob) {
var TESTMODE = true,
drawCount = 0;
/* fit_cubic.js */
/* Piecewise cubic fitting code */
/* Forward declarations
void FitCurve();
static void FitCubic();
static double *Reparameterize();
static double NewtonRaphsonRootFind();
static Point2 BezierII();
static double B0(), B1(), B2(), B3();
static Vector2 ComputeLeftTangent();
static Vector2 ComputeRightTangent();
static Vector2 ComputeCenterTangent();
static double ComputeMaxError();
static double *ChordLengthParameterize();
static BezierCurve GenerateBezier();
static Vector2 V2AddII();
static Vector2 V2ScaleIII();
static Vector2 V2SubII();
var MAXPOINTS = 1000; /* The most points you can have */
* DrawBezierCurve
* @param {Number} n
* @param {Array.<Point2>} curve
function DrawBezierCurve(n, curve)
/* You'll have to write this yourself. */
var d = (drawCount !== 0) ? '' : 'M ' + curve[0].x + ',' + curve[0].y + ' C';
for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
d += ' ' + curve[i].x + ',' + curve[i].y;
* main:
* Example of how to use the curve-fitting code. Given an array
* of points and a tolerance (squared error between points and
* fitted curve), the algorithm will generate a piecewise
* cubic Bezier representation that approximates the points.
* When a cubic is generated, the routine "DrawBezierCurve"
* is called, which outputs the Bezier curve just created
* (arguments are the degree and the control points, respectively).
* Users will have to implement this function themselves
* ascii output, etc.
function main(argc, argv)
var d = [
new Point2(0.0, 0.0),
new Point2(0.0, 0.5),
new Point2(1.1, 1.4),
new Point2(2.1, 1.6),
new Point2(3.2, 1.1),
new Point2(4.0, 0.2),
new Point2(4.0, 0.0)
error = 4.0; /* Squared error */
FitCurve(d, d.length, error); /* Fit the Bezier curves */
} //endif /* TESTMODE */
* FitCurve :
* Fit a Bezier curve to a set of digitized points
* @param {Array.<Point2>} d Array of digitized points.
* @param {Number} nPts Number of digitized points
* @param {Number} error User-defined error squared
function FitCurve(d, nPts, error)
var tHat1 = new Vector2(), tHat2 = new Vector2(); /* Unit tangent vectors at endpoints */
tHat1 = ComputeLeftTangent(d, 0);
tHat2 = ComputeRightTangent(d, nPts - 1);
FitCubic(d, 0, nPts - 1, tHat1, tHat2, error);
* FitCubic :
* Fit a Bezier curve to a (sub)set of digitized points
* @param {Array.<Point2>} d Array of digitized points
* @param {Number} first Indices of first pts in region
* @param {Number} last Indices of last pts in region
* @param {Point2} tHat1 Unit tangent vectors at endpoints
* @param {Point2} tHat2 Unit tangent vectors at endpoints
* @param {Number} error User-defined error squared
function FitCubic(d, first, last, tHat1, tHat2, error)
var bezCurve, /*Control points of fitted Bezier curve*/
u = [], /* Parameter values for point */
uPrime = [], /* Improved parameter values */
maxError, /* Maximum fitting error */
splitPoint, /* Point to split point set at */
nPts, /* Number of points in subset */
iterationError, /*Error below which you try iterating */
maxIterations = 4, /* Max times to try iterating */
tHatCenter = new Vector2(), /* Unit tangent vector at splitPoint */
iterationError = error * error;
nPts = last - first + 1;
/* Use heuristic if region only has two points in it */
if (nPts == 2) {
var dist = V2DistanceBetween2Points(d[last], d[first]) / 3.0;
bezCurve = [];
bezCurve[0] = d[first];
bezCurve[3] = d[last];
tHat1 = V2Scale(tHat1, dist);
tHat2 = V2Scale(tHat2, dist);
bezCurve[1] = V2Add(bezCurve[0], tHat1);
bezCurve[2] = V2Add(bezCurve[3], tHat2);
DrawBezierCurve(3, bezCurve);
/* Parameterize points, and attempt to fit curve */
u = ChordLengthParameterize(d, first, last);
bezCurve = GenerateBezier(d, first, last, u, tHat1, tHat2);
/* Find max deviation of points to fitted curve */
var resultMaxError = ComputeMaxError(d, first, last, bezCurve, u, splitPoint);
maxError = resultMaxError.maxError;
splitPoint = resultMaxError.splitPoint;
if (maxError < error) {
DrawBezierCurve(3, bezCurve);
/* If error not too large, try some reparameterization */
/* and iteration */
if (maxError < iterationError) {
for (i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++) {
uPrime = Reparameterize(d, first, last, u, bezCurve);
bezCurve = GenerateBezier(d, first, last, uPrime, tHat1, tHat2);
resultMaxError = ComputeMaxError(d, first, last,
bezCurve, uPrime, splitPoint);
maxError = resultMaxError.maxError;
splitPoint = resultMaxError.splitPoint;
if (maxError < error) {
DrawBezierCurve(3, bezCurve);
u = uPrime;
/* Fitting failed -- split at max error point and fit recursively */
tHatCenter = ComputeCenterTangent(d, splitPoint);
FitCubic(d, first, splitPoint, tHat1, tHatCenter, error);
tHatCenter = V2Negate(tHatCenter);
FitCubic(d, splitPoint, last, tHatCenter, tHat2, error);
* GenerateBezier :
* Use least-squares method to find Bezier control points for region.
* @param {Array.<Point2>} d Array of digitized points
* @param {Number} first Indices defining region
* @param {Number} last Indices defining region
* @param {Array.<Number>} uPrime Parameter values for region
* @param {Vector2} tHat1 Unit tangents at endpoints
* @param {Vector2} tHat2 Unit tangents at endpoints
* @return {Array.<Point2> BezierCurve
function GenerateBezier(d, first, last, uPrime, tHat1, tHat2)
var i,
A = [], /* Precomputed rhs for eqn */
nPts, /* Number of pts in sub-curve */
C = [[], []], /* Matrix C */
X = [], /* Matrix X */
det_C0_C1, /* Determinants of matrices */
alpha_l, /* Alpha values, left and right */
tmp = new Vector2(), /* Utility variable */
bezCurve; /* RETURN bezier curve ctl pts */
bezCurve = [];
nPts = last - first + 1;
/* Compute the A's */
for (i = 0; i < nPts; i++) {
var v1 = new Vector2(tHat1.x, tHat1.y),
v2 = new Vector2(tHat2.x, tHat2.y);
v1 = V2Scale(v1, B1(uPrime[i]));
v2 = V2Scale(v2, B2(uPrime[i]));
A[i] = [];
A[i][0] = v1;
A[i][1] = v2;
/* Create the C and X matrices */
C[0][0] = 0.0;
C[0][1] = 0.0;
C[1][0] = 0.0;
C[1][1] = 0.0;
X[0] = 0.0;
X[1] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < nPts; i++) {
C[0][0] += V2Dot(A[i][0], A[i][0]);
C[0][1] += V2Dot(A[i][0], A[i][1]);
// C[1][0] += V2Dot(A[i][0], A[i][1]);
C[1][0] = C[0][1];
C[1][1] += V2Dot(A[i][1], A[i][1]);
tmp = V2SubII(d[first + i],
V2ScaleIII(d[first], B0(uPrime[i])),
V2ScaleIII(d[first], B1(uPrime[i])),
V2ScaleIII(d[last], B2(uPrime[i])),
V2ScaleIII(d[last], B3(uPrime[i]))))));
X[0] += V2Dot(A[i][0], tmp);
X[1] += V2Dot(A[i][1], tmp);
/* Compute the determinants of C and X */
det_C0_C1 = C[0][0] * C[1][1] - C[1][0] * C[0][1];
det_C0_X = C[0][0] * X[1] - C[1][0] * X[0];
det_X_C1 = X[0] * C[1][1] - X[1] * C[0][1];
/* Finally, derive alpha values */
alpha_l = (det_C0_C1 == 0) ? 0.0 : det_X_C1 / det_C0_C1;
alpha_r = (det_C0_C1 == 0) ? 0.0 : det_C0_X / det_C0_C1;
/* If alpha negative, use the Wu/Barsky heuristic (see text) */
/* (if alpha is 0, you get coincident control points that lead to
* divide by zero in any subsequent NewtonRaphsonRootFind() call. */
var segLength = V2DistanceBetween2Points(d[last], d[first]);
var epsilon = 1.0e-6 * segLength;
if (alpha_l < epsilon || alpha_r < epsilon)
/* fall back on standard (probably inaccurate) formula, and subdivide further if needed. */
var dist = segLength / 3.0;
bezCurve[0] = d[first];
bezCurve[3] = d[last];
bezCurve[1] = V2Add(bezCurve[0], V2Scale(tHat1, dist));
bezCurve[2] = V2Add(bezCurve[3], V2Scale(tHat2, dist));
return (bezCurve);
/* First and last control points of the Bezier curve are */
/* positioned exactly at the first and last data points */
/* Control points 1 and 2 are positioned an alpha distance out */
/* on the tangent vectors, left and right, respectively */
bezCurve[0] = d[first];
bezCurve[3] = d[last];
bezCurve[1] = V2Add(bezCurve[0], V2Scale(tHat1, alpha_l));
bezCurve[2] = V2Add(bezCurve[3], V2Scale(tHat2, alpha_r));
return (bezCurve);
* Reparameterize:
* Given set of points and their parameterization, try to find
* a better parameterization.
* @param {Array.<Point2>} d Array of digitized points
* @param {Number} first Indices defining region
* @param {Number} last Indices defining region
* @param {Array.<Number>} u Current parameter values
* @param {Array.<Point2>} bezCurve Current fitted curve
* @return {Number}
function Reparameterize(d, first, last, u, bezCurve)
var nPts = last-first+1,
uPrime = [], /* New parameter values */
_bezCurve = [
new Point2(bezCurve[0].x, bezCurve[0].y),
new Point2(bezCurve[1].x, bezCurve[1].y),
new Point2(bezCurve[2].x, bezCurve[2].y),
new Point2(bezCurve[3].x, bezCurve[3].y)
for (i = first; i <= last; i++) {
uPrime[i-first] = NewtonRaphsonRootFind(_bezCurve, d[i], u[i-
return (uPrime);
* NewtonRaphsonRootFind :
* Use Newton-Raphson iteration to find better root.
* @param {Array.<Point2>} _Q Current fitted curve
* @param {Point2} _P Digitized point
* @param {Number} u Parameter value for "P"
* @return {Number}
function NewtonRaphsonRootFind(_Q, _P, u)
var numerator, denominator,
Q1 = [new Point2(), new Point2(), new Point2()], /* Q' and Q'' */
Q2 = [new Point2(), new Point2()],
Q_u = new Point2(), Q1_u = new Point2(), Q2_u = new Point2(), /*u evaluated at Q, Q', & Q'' */
uPrime, /* Improved u */
Q = [
new Point2(_Q[0].x, _Q[0].y),
new Point2(_Q[1].x, _Q[1].y),
new Point2(_Q[2].x, _Q[2].y),
new Point2(_Q[3].x, _Q[3].y),
P = new Point2(_P.x, _P.y);
/* Compute Q(u) */
Q_u = BezierII(3, Q, u);
/* Generate control vertices for Q' */
for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
Q1[i].x = (Q[i+1].x - Q[i].x) * 3.0;
Q1[i].y = (Q[i+1].y - Q[i].y) * 3.0;
/* Generate control vertices for Q'' */
for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
Q2[i].x = (Q1[i+1].x - Q1[i].x) * 2.0;
Q2[i].y = (Q1[i+1].y - Q1[i].y) * 2.0;
/* Compute Q'(u) and Q''(u) */
Q1_u = BezierII(2, Q1, u);
Q2_u = BezierII(1, Q2, u);
/* Compute f(u)/f'(u) */
numerator = (Q_u.x - P.x) * (Q1_u.x) + (Q_u.y - P.y) * (Q1_u.y);
denominator = (Q1_u.x) * (Q1_u.x) + (Q1_u.y) * (Q1_u.y) +
(Q_u.x - P.x) * (Q2_u.x) + (Q_u.y - P.y) * (Q2_u.y);
if (denominator == 0.0) return u;
/* u = u - f(u)/f'(u) */
uPrime = u - (numerator/denominator);
return (uPrime);
* Bezier :
* Evaluate a Bezier curve at a particular parameter value
* @param {Number} degree The degree of the bezier curve
* @param {Array.<Point2>} V Array of control points
* @param {Number} t Parametric value to find point for
* @return {Point2}
function BezierII(degree, V, t)
var i, j,
Q, /* Point on curve at parameter t */
Vtemp = []; /* Local copy of control points */
/* Copy array */
for (i = 0; i <= degree; i++) {
Vtemp[i] = new Point2(V[i].x, V[i].y);
/* Triangle computation */
for (i = 1; i <= degree; i++) {
for (j = 0; j <= degree-i; j++) {
Vtemp[j].x = (1.0 - t) * Vtemp[j].x + t * Vtemp[j+1].x;
Vtemp[j].y = (1.0 - t) * Vtemp[j].y + t * Vtemp[j+1].y;
Q = new Point2(Vtemp[0].x, Vtemp[0].y);
return Q;
* B0, B1, B2, B3 :
* Bezier multipliers
function B0(u)
var tmp = 1.0 - u;
return (tmp * tmp * tmp);
function B1(u)
var tmp = 1.0 - u;
return (3 * u * (tmp * tmp));
function B2(u)
var tmp = 1.0 - u;
return (3 * u * u * tmp);
function B3(u)
return (u * u * u);
* ComputeLeftTangent, ComputeRightTangent, ComputeCenterTangent :
* Approximate unit tangents at endpoints and "center" of digitized curve
* @param {Array.<Point2>} d Digitized points.
* @param {Number} end Index to "left" end of region.
* @return {Vector2}
function ComputeLeftTangent(d, end)
var tHat1 = new Vector2();
tHat1 = V2SubII(d[end+1], d[end]);
tHat1 = V2Normalize(tHat1);
return tHat1;
* @param {Array.<Point2>} d Digitized points.
* @param {Number} end Index to "right" end of region.
* @return {Vector2}
function ComputeRightTangent(d, end)
var tHat2 = new Vector2();
tHat2 = V2SubII(d[end-1], d[end]);
tHat2 = V2Normalize(tHat2);
return tHat2;
* @param {Array.<Point2>} d Digitized points.
* @param {Number} end Index to point inside region.
* @return {Vector2}
function ComputeCenterTangent(d, center)
var V1 = new Vector2(), V2 = new Vector2(), tHatCenter = new Vector2();
V1 = V2SubII(d[center-1], d[center]);
V2 = V2SubII(d[center], d[center+1]);
tHatCenter.x = (V1.x + V2.x)/2.0;
tHatCenter.y = (V1.y + V2.y)/2.0;
tHatCenter = V2Normalize(tHatCenter);
return tHatCenter;
* ChordLengthParameterize :
* Assign parameter values to digitized points
* using relative distances between points.
* @param {Array.<Point2>} d Array of digitized points
* @param {Number} first Indices defining region
* @param {Number} last Indices defining region
* @return {Number}
function ChordLengthParameterize(d, first, last)
var i,
u; /* Parameterization */
u = [];
u[0] = 0.0;
for (i = first+1; i <= last; i++) {
u[i-first] = u[i-first-1] +
V2DistanceBetween2Points(d[i], d[i-1]);
for (i = first + 1; i <= last; i++) {
u[i-first] = u[i-first] / u[last-first];
return u;
* ComputeMaxError :
* Find the maximum squared distance of digitized points
* to fitted curve.
* @param {Array.<Point2>} d Array of digitized points
* @param {Number} first Indices defining region
* @param {Number} last Indices defining region
* @param {Array.<Point2>} bezCurve Fitted Bezier curve
* @param {Array.<Number>} u Parameterization of points
* @param {Number} splitPoint Point of maximum error
function ComputeMaxError(d, first, last, bezCurve, u, splitPoint)
var i,
maxDist, /* Maximum error */
dist, /* Current error */
P = new Point2(), /* Point on curve */
v = new Vector2(); /* Vector from point to curve */
splitPoint = (last - first + 1)/2;
maxDist = 0.0;
for (i = first + 1; i < last; i++) {
P = BezierII(3, bezCurve, u[i-first]);
v = V2SubII(P, d[i]);
dist = V2SquaredLength(v);
if (dist >= maxDist) {
maxDist = dist;
splitPoint = i;
return {maxError: maxDist, splitPoint: splitPoint};
function V2AddII(a, b)
var c = new Vector2();
c.x = a.x + b.x; c.y = a.y + b.y;
return (c);
function V2ScaleIII(v, s)
var result = new Vector2();
result.x = v.x * s; result.y = v.y * s;
return (result);
function V2SubII(a, b)
var c = new Vector2();
c.x = a.x - b.x; c.y = a.y - b.y;
return c;
// include "GraphicsGems.h"
* GraphicsGems.h
* Version 1.0 - Andrew Glassner
* from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990
/* 2d geometry types */
function Point2Struct(x, y) { /* 2d point */
this.x = typeof x === 'number' ? x : 0;
this.y = typeof y === 'number' ? y : 0;
function Point2(x, y) {
Point2Struct.apply(this, arguments);
function Vector2(x, y) {
Point2Struct.apply(this, arguments);
/* two-argument macros */
/* linear interpolation from l (when a=0) to h (when a=1)*/
/* (equal to (a*h)+((1-a)*l) */
function LERP(a,l,h) { return ((l)+(((h)-(l))*(a))) }
2d and 3d Vector C Library
by Andrew Glassner
from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990
/* 2d Library */
/* returns squared length of input vector */
function V2SquaredLength(a)
return((a.x * a.x) + (a.y * a.y));
/* returns length of input vector */
function V2Length(a)
/* negates the input vector and returns it */
function V2Negate(v)
var result = new Point2();
result.x = -v.x; result.y = -v.y;
/* normalizes the input vector and returns it */
function V2Normalize(v)
var result = new Point2(),
len = V2Length(v);
if (len != 0.0) { result.x = v.x / len; result.y = v.y / len; }
/* scales the input vector to the new length and returns it */
function V2Scale(v, newlen)
var result = new Point2(),
len = V2Length(v);
if (len != 0.0) { result.x = v.x * newlen/len; result.y = v.y * newlen/len; }
/* return vector sum c = a+b */
function V2Add(a, b)
var c = new Point2();
c.x = a.x + b.x; c.y = a.y + b.y;
/* return vector difference c = a-b */
function V2Sub(a, b)
var c = new Point2();
c.x = a.x - b.x; c.y = a.y - b.y;
/* return the dot product of vectors a and b */
function V2Dot(a, b)
return((a.x * b.x) + (a.y * b.y));
/* make a linear combination of two vectors and return the result. */
/* result = (a * ascl) + (b * bscl) */
function V2Combine (a, b, result, ascl, bscl)
result.x = (ascl * a.x) + (bscl * b.x);
result.y = (ascl * a.y) + (bscl * b.y);
/* multiply two vectors together component-wise */
function V2Mul (a, b, result)
result.x = a.x * b.x;
result.y = a.y * b.y;
/* return the distance between two points */
function V2DistanceBetween2Points(a, b)
var dx = a.x - b.x;
var dy = a.y - b.y;
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