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Forked from micha149/javascripaabbtr.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Save edgar-maciel/7d0dc21d883d4a705fa7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* This file contains an implementation of an Axis Aligned Bounding Box Tree, by Eyal Shalev
* You can modify it and use it for your projects without any limitations.
* I only ask that:
* 1. You leave this message in the Code.
* 2. Drop me a message that you used it via:
* This file will work as is with no requirements to include other files along-side it.
* See example usage in aabbTreeExample.html
* Enjoy :-)
var AabbTree = new function() {
* @returns (array) returns a cloned copy of a vector
* @param v the vector to clone
function cloneArray(v) {
var ret = [];
for (var c = 0; c < v.length; c++) {
ret[c] = v[c];
return ret;
* @constructor Creates an axis aligned bounding box.
* @param pos (array) the offset of the bounding box
* @param size (array) the size of the bounding box
this.AxisAlignedBox=function(pos, size) {
this.pos = [0,0];
this.size = [0,0];
this.pos = cloneArray(pos);
this.size = cloneArray(size);
* @brief Split the box into two equal parts on the Nth dimension
* @param dimension The plane on which to split the box (0=x,1=y,...)
this.split = function(dimension) {
var halfSize = cloneArray(this.size);
halfSize[dimension] /= 2;
var halfPos = cloneArray(this.pos);
halfPos[dimension] += halfSize[dimension];
var minBox = new AabbTree.AxisAlignedBox(this.pos, halfSize);
var maxBox = new AabbTree.AxisAlignedBox(halfPos, halfSize);
return [minBox,maxBox];
return this;
* @returns (bool) true if two boxes intersects
function AxisAlignedBoxIntersects(b1, b2) {
//iterate over all dimensions:
for (var d = 0; d < b1.pos.length; d++) {
if (b1.pos[d] > (b2.pos[d] + b2.size[d])) {
return false;
if (b2.pos[d] > (b1.pos[d] + b1.size[d])) {
return false;
return true;
* @constructor Creates an AABB tree
* @param bounds (AxisAlignedBox) The bounds of the node. The Node will exist on the same number of dimensions as it's bounds. Example: 2D bounds will result in a 2 dimensional Aabb-Tree
this.AABBTreeNode=function (bounds) {
//The bounds of the proposed child-nodes of this node:
var childBounds = [];
//The actual child Nodes, undefined if node has not yet been split:
var childNodes;
//Entries belonging specifically to this node, and cannot belong to children:
var entries = {};
//Entries which will be put in child-nodes as soon as node is split.
var entriesWatingForChildren = {};
function calculateChildBounds() {
//Look for the biggest dimension to split this node against.
var bigDimension = 0;
var bigDimensionSize = 0;
for (var d = 0; d < bounds.size.length; d++) {
var dimensionSize = bounds.size[d];
if (dimensionSize > bigDimensionSize) {
bigDimensionSize = dimensionSize;
bigDimension = d;
//Split to children along the biggest dimension of this node
childBounds = bounds.split(bigDimension);
* @returns (bool) True if aabb intersects only one child node.
this.isChildEntry = function(entryBounds) {
var ret = false;
for (var c = 0; c < childBounds.length; c++) {
if (AxisAlignedBoxIntersects(childBounds[c], entryBounds)) {
if (ret) {
//Not a child entry if intersects more than one child
return false;
ret = true;
return ret
* @brief add an entry to the node.
* @param id A unique identifier for the entry. After identifier has been used, it cannot be used again
* @param entryBounds (AxisAlignedBox) the bounds in which the new entry exists
this.add = function(id, entryBounds) {
if (!this.isChildEntry(entryBounds)) {
//Entry cannot be stored in a child node. It belongs to this node
entries[id] = entryBounds;
} else {
//Entry belongs in a childnode (Entry is contained wholly within child).
//Check if there is allready an entry waiting to be stored in children. If so create children.
for (var e in entriesWatingForChildren) {
//an entry exists in this node and is made for the child nodes:
var eAABB = entriesWatingForChildren[e];
if (!childNodes) {
//Create children
childNodes = [];
for (var c = 0; c < childBounds.length; c++) {
childNodes.push(new AabbTree.AABBTreeNode(childBounds[c]));
} else {
throw "Trying to create child nodes twice, should never come here";
entriesWatingForChildren = {};
//Re-process child
this.add(e, eAABB)
//Check if this node has allready been split:
if (childNodes) {
//Insert entry into appropriate child:
for (var c = 0; c < childNodes.length; c++) {
if (AxisAlignedBoxIntersects(childBounds[c], entryBounds)) {
childNodes[c].add(id, entryBounds);
} else {
//Not enough entries to create children:
//Store for later:
entriesWatingForChildren[id] = entryBounds;
* @brief adds the contents of source into target
* @param target
* @param source
function extendObject(target, source) {
for (var id in source) {
target[id] = source;
* @brief traverses the tree and returns all intersecting entries.
* @param queryBounds (AxisAlignedBox) The bounds of the query
* @param queryerId (optional) The id of the Querier. If specified all self collisions are ignored
* @returns A table of bounding boxes indexed by uniqueIDs
this.intersects = function(queryBounds,queryerId) {
var ret = {};
//Check all of my entries:
for (var id in entries) {
if (id != queryerId) {
if (AxisAlignedBoxIntersects(queryBounds, entries[id])) {
ret[id] = true;
//Check all pending entries:
for (var id in entriesWatingForChildren) {
if (id != queryerId) {
if (AxisAlignedBoxIntersects(queryBounds, entriesWatingForChildren[id])) {
ret[id] = true;
//Check children recursively:
if (childNodes) {
for (var c = 0; c < childNodes.length; c++) {
if (AxisAlignedBoxIntersects(childBounds[c], queryBounds)) {
extendObject(ret, childNodes[c].intersects(queryBounds, queryerId));
return ret;
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