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Edgar de Oliveira Maciel edgar-maciel

View GitHub Profile
<div id="consolelog" style="font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; font-size: 12px; margin: 40px 30px 0px; background-color: white; border: 2px solid black; padding: 10px;"></div>
<input type="text" id="consoleinput" style="margin: 0px 30px; width: 400px;" onkeypress="return evalConsoleInput(event, this.value);" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var appendConsole = function(message, type) {
var color = "black";
if (type === "error") {
color = "red";
} else if (type === "debug") {
// Level 1, basic API, minimum support
Modules IDs are strings that follow CommonJS
module names.
//To load code at the top level JS file,
//or inside a module to dynamically fetch
type: 'cronsync',
uid: undefined,
cmd: 'alarm',
args: ['accountidhere', intervaltime]
//example call
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
x-foo {
display: block;
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
concat: {
amd: {
src: "tmp/**/*.amd.js",
dest: "dist/my_library.amd.js"
// Basic p(r)olyfill for proposed feature
// This defines no successor of empty arrays, so the range for prefix
// [] or [[],[]] has no upper bound.
// An alternate definition would preclude adding additional nesting,
// so the range for prefix [] would have upper bound [[]] and the
// range for prefix [[], []] would have upper bound [[], [[]]].
IDBKeyRange.forPrefix = function(prefix) {
// Ensure prefix is a valid key itself:
function circumcircle(a, b, c) {
this.a = a
this.b = b
this.c = c
var A = b.x - a.x,
B = b.y - a.y,
C = c.x - a.x,
D = c.y - a.y,
E = A * (a.x + b.x) + B * (a.y + b.y),

##Chrome Packaged Apps


Introduced at Google I/O 2012, Chrome packaged apps are a new way to develop apps that are running 'natively' within Chrome on the desktop as well as on Chrome mobile in the near future. I'm currently in the middle of a project where I develop a Chrome packaged app and in this article I would like to share my experience with the development of packaged apps.

Please note: This article should give you a basic insight of topics that I think are helpful to know for developing packaged apps. Furthermore I will give links to each topic, so you can dive deeper into that specific topic if you want to. It's not the goal of this article to act as a complete introduction to Chrome packaged apps, for a much more detailed overview of packaged apps development, please look at the official packaged app documentation.

What are Chrome Packaged Apps

Chrome packaged apps are applic

edgar-maciel /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11 — forked from addyosmani/
software architecture


On an architectural level, the way we craft large-scale applications in JavaScript has changed in at least one fundamental way in the last four years. Once you remove the minutia of machinery bringing forth data-binding, immutable data-structures and virtual-DOM (all of which are interesting problem spaces) the one key concept that many devs seem to have organically converged on is composition. Composition is incredibly powerful, allowing us to stitch together reusable pieces of functionality to "compose" a larger application. Composition eschews in a mindset of things being good when they're modular, smaller and easier to test. Easier to reason with. Easier to distribute. Heck, just look at how well that works for Node.

Composition is one of the reasons we regularly talk about React "Components", "Ember.Component"s, Angular directives, Polymer elements and of course, straight-up Web Components. We may argue about the frameworks and libraries surrounding t

* This file contains an implementation of an Axis Aligned Bounding Box Tree, by Eyal Shalev
* You can modify it and use it for your projects without any limitations.
* I only ask that:
* 1. You leave this message in the Code.
* 2. Drop me a message that you used it via:
* This file will work as is with no requirements to include other files along-side it.
* See example usage in aabbTreeExample.html