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Created August 27, 2019 21:03
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# All Rights Reserved, 2018
# v2.0.20181210
# Description:
# Powershell Script to generate database backups for MySQL Server (Any Edition) Installation.
# Credits:
# December 10, 2018: Edgar Gerardo Chinchilla Mazate,
# Changes:
# - Made the script params-ready to make it more dynamic and flexible
# - Added option to prompt-for and store database credentials in xml-encrypted format
# - Automatic search for common MySQL Versions installation
# - Added a feature to automatically delete backups older than X days
# - Verbose
# August 17, 2011: Milind R Chavan,
# Changes:
# - Initial Version
# Parameters:
# $daysToPreserveBackups:
# The max-age days quantity to preserve backups in the
# destination path. Null will result in asuming 180 days.
# $MySqlServer:
# The MySQL Server name or IP to connect to. Null will
# result in an error exception.
# $backupDestination:
# The desired backup destination path. Null will
# result in default (MyDocuments) backup path being used.
# $databasesToBackup:
# The (comma separated) name of the databases to backup.
# Null will resul in the backup of all the registered dbs.
# $promptForCreds:
# Specifies if the script will prompt the user to enter
# SQL credentials (to create or update them to execute
# the script silently later). Default is true.
# $credsDestination:
# Specifies where the encrypted credentials will be stored.
# Null will result in the use of "ProgramData" folder.
# Excecution example:
# .\MySQLCommunityDbBackup.ps1
# <optional> -daysToPreserveBackups 180
# -MySqlServer ""
# <optional> -backupDestination "C:\BKxyz\"
# <optional> -databasesToBackup "DBx,DBy,DBz"
# <optional> -promptForCreds 0
# <optional> -credsDestination "C:\Config\xyz\"
param (
# WARNING: This value especifies the time Interval to keep backups.
[String]$MySqlServer=$(Throw "Please specify a MySQL Server Name or IP."),
[String]$backupDestination=[Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments')+"\MySQL Backups",
[String]$credsDestination="$env:ProgramData"+"\PS Backup Task"
# TIP: Show all env vars with
# gci env:* | sort-object name
# Function to handle any errors that occurs in the script
Function Error_Handler {
Write-Host (" Error Category: " + $error[0].CategoryInfo.Category);
Write-Host (" Error Object: " + $error[0].TargetObject);
Write-Host (" Error Message: " + $error[0].Exception.Message);
Write-Host (" Error FQEId: " + $error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId);
# Register the script error handler
Trap {
# Handle the error
# End the script.
# Define the credentials file name from a "Sanitized" $MySqlServer
# Sanitize the string using Regular Expression - Unicode - Unicode Categories
$credsFileName = $($MySqlServer -replace '[^\p{L}\p{Nd}]', '');
$credsFileName += ".xml";
# Check if the paths has "\" at the end of string, if not, add it
If (-Not $backupDestination.EndsWith("\")) { $backupDestination += "\"; };
If (-Not $credsDestination.EndsWith("\")) { $credsDestination += "\"; };
# Check if the specified backup path exists, if not try to create it, if can't, throw a new error
If ($backupDestination) {
$pathValidation = Test-Path($backupDestination);
If (-Not $pathValidation) {
$pathValidation = $null;
MD -Force $backupDestination -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null;
$pathValidation = Test-Path($backupDestination);
If (-Not $pathValidation) {
Throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] "The specified $backupDestination backup path is not found or can't be created.";
Exit 1;
$pathValidation = $null;
# Get/Prompt/Store User credentials
# Verify (and create if not exists) creds destination directory
$pathValidation = Test-Path($credsDestination);
If (-Not $pathValidation) {
MD -Force $credsDestination -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null;
$pathValidation = $null;
# Clear screen (supposing that some path was created in the previous steps)
# Check if the user wants to promp for creds (to create them)
If ($promptForCreds) {
Get-Credential | Export-Clixml -Path ($credsDestination + $credsFileName);
# Load the Secure Stored creds
$MySqlCreds = Import-Clixml -Path ($credsDestination + $credsFileName) -ErrorVariable cmdError;
If ($cmdError -ne '') {
Throw "MySQL Server credentials not found.";
Exit 1;
# Core settings - you will need to set these
$MySqlMajorVersions = @("5.1","5.5","5.6","5.7","8.0","8.1");
# Search for the valid tools path of the current installation
ForEach($MySqlVer in $MySqlMajorVersions) {
$tempDumpPaths = @(
"$env:ProgramFiles\MySQL\MySQL Server $MySqlVer\bin\mysqldump.exe",
"$env:ProgramFiles (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server $MySqlVer\bin\mysqldump.exe"
ForEach($tempDump in $tempDumpPaths) {
$pathValidation = Test-Path($tempDump);
If ($pathValidation) {
$MySqlDumpPath = $tempDump;
$pathValidation = $null;
$tempAssemblyPaths = @(
"$env:ProgramFiles\MySQL\MySQL Installer\MySQL.Data.dll",
"$env:ProgramFiles (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Installer\MySQL.Data.dll"
ForEach($tempAssembly in $tempAssemblyPaths) {
$pathValidation = Test-Path($tempAssembly);
If ($pathValidation) {
$MySqlAssemblyPath = $tempAssembly;
$pathValidation = $null;
# Check if valid paths were found
If ((-Not $MySqlAssemblyPath) -Or (-Not $MySqlDumpPath)) {
Throw "No valid MySQL Server installation found (installation paths for MySQLDump.exe and MySQL.Data.dll can't be found).";
Exit 1;
# Load MySQL Assembly
# Connect to MySQL database 'information_schema'
$connectionMgr = New-Object -TypeName MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection;
$connectionMgr.ConnectionString = "SERVER=$MySqlServer;DATABASE=information_schema;UID=$MySqlCreds.GetNetworkCredential().UserName;PWD=$MySqlCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password";
# Open Database Connection
# Construct query to get database names in asceding order
$commandMgr = New-Object -TypeName MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand;
$commandMgr.Connection = $connectionMgr;
$commandMgr.CommandText = $getDatabasesSqlQuery;
# Execute Query
$databaseRecords = $commandMgr.ExecuteReader();
# Start the Backup Task
Write-Output ("Backup Started at: " + (Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss));
# Create Databases to Backup Array
$databasesToBackup = $databasesToBackup.Split(",");
# List of Default Databases to exclude when no databases to bakcup are specified
$databasesToExclude = @("mysql","test");
# Loop through MySQL Databases Records
While ($databaseRecords.Read())
# Get current database name
$dbName = [String]$databaseRecords.GetString(0);
If ($databasesToBackup) {
If ($databasesToBackup -Contains $dbName)
Write-Output (" Backing up " + $dbName + " database...");
# Backup the specified database
$timeStamp = Get-Date -format yyyyMMddHHmmss;
# Set backup filename and check if exists, if so delete existing
$targetBackup = $backupDestination + $timeStamp + "_full_" + $dbName + ".sql";
If (Test-Path($targetBackup))
Write-Host (" Backup file '" + $targetBackup + "' already exists. The file will be deleted to continue with the backup task.");
Remove-Item $targetBackup;
# Invoke backup Command. /c forces the system to wait for backup ends
CMD /C " `"$MySqlDumpPath`" -h $MySqlServer -u $MySqlCreds.GetNetworkCredential().UserName -p $MySqlCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password $dbName > `"$targetBackup`""
If (Test-Path($targetBackup)) { Write-Host (" The backup was finished OK."); }
} Else {
# No databases to backup was specified, backup all excluding the default databases
If (-Not ($databasesToExclude -Contains $dbName))
Write-Output (" Backing up " + $dbName + " database...");
# Backup the specified database
$timeStamp = Get-Date -format yyyyMMddHHmmss;
# Set backup filename and check if exists, if so delete existing
$targetBackup = $backupDestination + $timeStamp + "_full_" + $dbName + ".sql";
If (Test-Path($targetBackup))
Write-Host (" Backup file '" + $targetBackup + "' already exists. The file will be deleted to continue with the backup task.");
Remove-Item $targetBackup;
# Invoke backup Command. /c forces the system to wait for backup ends
CMD /C " `"$MySqlDumpPath`" -h $MySqlServer -u $MySqlCreds.GetNetworkCredential().UserName -p $MySqlCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password $dbName > `"$targetBackup`""
If (Test-Path($targetBackup)) { Write-Host (" The backup was finished OK."); }
# Remove backups older than the especified backup days
Get-ChildItem "$backupDestination\*.sql" |? { $_.lastwritetime -le (Get-Date).AddDays(-$daysToPreserveBackups) } |% { Remove-Item $_ -force }
"Removed all backups older than $daysToPreserveBackups days"
# End the Backup Task
Write-Output ("Backup Finished at: " + (Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss));
# Close the connection
# Fuentes
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