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# Copyright 2013-2017 Edgar Costa
# See LICENSE file for license details.
import itertools
from sage.all import Ideal, Partitions, PolynomialRing, QQ, Set, ZZ
from sage.all import binomial, vector
# makes the vector v immutable and returns it
def immutable(v):
return v
# returns vector obtained by decrementing entry i
# (i.e. differentiating in direction i)
def diff(v, i):
return immutable(vector([v[j] - int(j == i) for j in range(len(v))]))
# returns all tuples of degree d in n+1 variables
def tuple_list(n,d):
if d==0:
for variables in range(1, (n + 1) + 1):
for subset in X.subsets(size=variables):
for initialPartition in Partitions(d, length=variables):
for partition in Set(itertools.permutations(initialPartition)):
for i in range(variables):
result.append( immutable(monomial) )
assert len(result)==binomial(d+n,n), "%s %s" %(len(result),binomial(d+n,n))
return sorted(result);
# decrement first nonzero component of v
def tweak_step(v):
for i,vi in enumerate(v):
if vi > 0:
return vector([v[j] - int(j == i) for j in range(len(v))])
# apply tweak_step r times
def tweak(v, r):
return v if r == 0 else tweak(tweak_step(v), r - 1)
def poly_to_dic(fpoly):
return dict([(immutable(vector(u)), c ) for (u, c) in fpoly.dict().iteritems()]);
def convertf(f):
for i in f:
return newf
def is_ND(f,ring=QQ):
aMonomialOff = f.iterkeys().next()
n = len(aMonomialOff)-1
F = 0
for i in f:
mon = ring(f[i])
for j in range(n+1):
mon *= Z[j]**i[j]
Trivial = Ideal(Z)
return Trivial == Ideal( F.derivative(Z[i]) for i in range(n+1) ).radical() and Trivial == Ideal( Z[i]*F.derivative(Z[i]) for i in range(n+1) ).radical()
def is_Smooth(f,ring=QQ):
if f == {}:
return False
aMonomialOff = f.iterkeys().next()
n = len(aMonomialOff)-1
F = ring(0)
for i in f:
mon = ring(f[i])
for j in range(n+1):
mon *= Z[j]**i[j]
Trivial = Ideal(Z)
return Trivial == Ideal( F.derivative(Z[i]) for i in range(n+1) ).radical()
def generateND(n, d, sparsity = 0, bound = 10, ring = QQ, verbose = False ):
R = PolynomialRing(ring,n+1,"z")
Z = R.gens()
attempt = 0
tl = tuple_list(n,d)
while True:
if sparsity == 0:
f = dict([ ( u, ring(ZZ.random_element(-bound,bound) )) for u in tl ])
f = {}
for _ in range(n+sparsity+d):
f[ tl[ ZZ.random_element( len(tl) ) ] ] = ring(ZZ.random_element(bound))
F = 0
for i in f:
mon = f[i]
for j in range(n+1):
mon *= Z[j]**i[j]
Trivial = Ideal(Z)
if Trivial == Ideal( F.derivative(Z[i]) for i in range(n+1) ).radical() and Trivial == Ideal( Z[i]*F.derivative(Z[i]) for i in range(n+1) ).radical():
if verbose:
print("Took %s attempts" % attempt)
return f
attempt += 1
def random_homogeneous(R, d, sparsity = 0):
ring = R.base_ring();
Z = R.gens()
n = len(Z) - 1;
tl = tuple_list(n,d)
if sparsity == 0:
f = dict([ ( u, ring.random_element() ) for u in tl ])
f = {}
for _ in range(n+sparsity+d):
f[ tl[ ZZ.random_element( len(tl) ) ] ] = ring.random_element()
F = 0
for i in f:
mon = f[i]
for j in range(n+1):
mon *= Z[j]**i[j]
return F;
def print_map(map):
for k in sorted(map.keys()):
print("%s: %s" %(k, map[k]))
def str_vector(v):
out = "["
for i in range(len(v)):
out += str(v[i])
if i != len(v) - 1:
out+=" "
out += "]"
return out
def str_f(f):
out = ""
out += str(len(f));
out += "\n"
for (u,y) in f.iteritems():
out += str_vector(u)
out += "\n"
out += str(y)
out += "\n"
return out
def str_mapmatrix(f):
out = ""
out += str(len(f));
out += "\n"
for (u,y) in f.iteritems():
out += str_vector(u)
out += "\n"
out += "["+y.str()+"\n]"
out += "\n"
return out
def str_matrix(M):
out = ""
out += "["
for row in M.rows():
out += str_vector(row)+"\n"
out += "]"
return out;
def poly_to_vector(f):
d =;
n = len(f.variables());
tuples_list = sorted(tuple_list(n-1,d));
tuples_dict = dict(zip(tuples_list, range(len(tuples_list))))
result =[0]*len(tuples_list);
R = PolynomialRing(f.base_ring(), n, f.variables());
for mon, coef in R(f).dict().iteritems():
result[ tuples_dict[immutable(vector(mon))] ] = coef;
return result;
# Copyright 2013-2017 Edgar Costa
# See LICENSE file for license details.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from misc import tuple_list, poly_to_vector, str_vector
from sage.all import Infinity, Integer, Matrix, O, PolynomialRing, Qp, ZZ
from sage.all import binomial, ceil, floor, log, vector
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def bound_f(m, n, p, bound = 20, A0 = []):
an equivalent of the algorithm 3.4.10
returns A with at least m+1 elements
where A[j] >= f(p * j + i) for 1 <= i <= p
note: A[j] >= f( p * (j + 1))
def f0(m, n, p):
returns f_0 (m) as defined in 3.4.10@AKR
return sum(floor( log( max(m - i, 1) , p)) for i in range(1,n + 1))
def g(m, i, p):
returns g(m,i) as defined in 3.4.8@AKR
bin = binomial(-m,i)
return val(bin,p)
def val(m, p):
returns \nu_p(m)
if m == 0:
return 0
if m % p == 0:
return 1 + val(ZZ(m)/p,p)
return 0
# A0[j] is an upper bound for f(p * (j + 1)) = f(p * j + i) for 1 <= i <= p
# A0[j] >= f(p * j + i) for 1 <= i <= p
A = A0[:]
for i in range(len(A0),m+1):
# we want to be sure that we have A[m], hence if no initial bound is given we use f0 to get such bound
# so we set A[i] = f0( p*i + 1) >= f(p*i + 1)
A.append(f0(p * i + 1, n , p))
for iteration in range(bound):
Ai = A[:]
j = 1
while j < len(A):
# why the loop stops
# for j big enough such that p | j
# we will have l1 = 1 and A[j//p] = f0( p * (j//p) + 1)
# hence n - 1 + A[ j//p ] >= n - 1 + n*log(j + 1 -n)
# and m_log = n + n * log( j+ l) -l
# thus n - 1 + A[ j//p ] - m_log >= n * log( (j + 1 -n)/(j + l) ) + l - 1 >= 0 for l>=2 and j >> l
# same argument works to show that m >= f0_jl - l - g_jl for l = 1, since g_jl > 0
# each iteration tries to improve the upper bound on f(p * (j+1)) = f(p * j + i ) 1 <= i <= p
m = n - 1 + A[j//p]
# for l >= l1 the fucntion n*log( ((j + 1) + l)*p) - l is decreasing
# and is an upper bound for f( ((j + 1) + l)*p ) - l
l1 = max(n - j, 1)
l = 1
m_log = n * log( (j + 1 + l) * p, p) - l
while not( l >= l1 and m_log <= m ):
# every loop m_log decreases (for l big enough) and m never decreases
if not f0( p * (j + l) + 1, n, p) - l - g(j+1,l, p) <= m:
# maybe A[j+l] is a shaper upper bound for f(p*(j + l + 1)) = f(p * (j + l) + 1)
if j + l >= len(A):
for i in range(len(A),j+l+1):
A.append(f0(p * i + 1, n , p))
m = max(m, A[j + l] - l - g(j + 1, l, p) )
l += 1
m_log = n * log( (j + 1 + l) * p , p) - l
A[j] = min(A[j], m)
if A[j] < A[j-1]:
for i in range(j-1,0,-1):
if A[i] > A[i+1]:
A[i] = A[i+1]
j += 1
if Ai == A:
# we got to a fixed point
return A
def precision_s(r, m, n, p, bound = 20, A = []):
algorithm 3.5.0
returns s such that
m - 1 + j - f(p * (m +j)) >= r \forall j >= s - m + 1
s = r
j = s - m + 1
while not( j > 0 and n * log(p * (m + j - 1), p) <= m - 1 + j - r):
# n * log(p * (m + j - 1), p) is an upper bound for f( p * (m + j)) = f( p * (m + j - 1) + 1)
if m - 1 + j >= len(A):
A = bound_f( m + j - 1, n, p, bound, A)
if m - 1 + j - r < A[ m - 1 + j]: # >= f(p * (m + j)
s += 1
j = s - m + 1
j += 1
return (s, A)
def Hodge_numbers(n,d):
ZZpoly = PolynomialRing(ZZ, "t")
p2 = ZZpoly( [ Integer(1) ] * ( d -1 ) )
Hilbert_J = ( p2**( n + 1) ).list()
return [ Hilbert_J[ d*m - (n+1) ] if d*m - (n+1) >= 0 and d*m - (n+1) < len(Hilbert_J) else 0 for m in range(1, n + 1) ]
def RH_bounds(n,d, p = None):
n = ZZ(n)
d = ZZ(d)
degree = sum(Hodge_numbers(n,d));
if p is not None:
return [ 2*binomial(degree, k) * p**((n-1)/2 * (degree-k)) for k in range(degree + 1) ]
return [ ((n-1)/2 * (degree-k),2* binomial(degree,k)) for k in range(degree+1) ]
def improved_bounds(n,d, p = None):
n = ZZ(n)
d = ZZ(d)
degree = sum(Hodge_numbers(n,d));
if p is not None:
return [2 * degree/(degree-k) * p**((n-1)/2 * (degree-k)) if k != degree else 1 for k in range(degree + 1) ];
return [ ((n-1)/2 * (degree-k), 2*degree/(degree-k) if (k != degree and k!=0) else 1 ) for k in range(degree+1) ];
# extremely badly written...
def Mazur_Inequalities(n,d):
returns a tuple
(basis_precision, MI, MI_prec, MI_prec_without_symmetry)
basis_precision - to compute the characteristic polynomial coefficients with r-digits of precision we need to compute F(x^\beta \Omega /f^i) modulo p^(n-m+r-basis_precision[i])
MI - valuation of characteristic polynomial coefficients
MI_prec - same as basis_precision but now a tuple for each coefficient of the characteristic polynomial
MI_prec_without_symmetry - same as above, but whitout using the symmetry given by RH
H = Hodge_numbers(n,d)
degree = sum(H)
val = []
for k in range(degree + 1):
for part in tuple_list(n-1,k):
if all( H[i] >= part[i] for i in range(n) ):
v = sum(i*xi for i,xi in enumerate(part))
if v in val[-1]:
# prec to compute each coefficient of det(T - F) with r-digits of precision we need to compute F(x^\beta \Omega /f^(m+1)) modulo p^(n-m+r-basis_precision[m])
prec = []
for x in val:
local = [+Infinity] * n
for i,ti in enumerate(sorted(x.keys())):
sum_of_xti = sum(x[ti])
# local[j] = min(i,local[j]) if for some k in x[ti] k[j] > 0 else local[j]
# if term j doesnt contribute to i then we can always use less precision to compute this coefficient
local = [ min(i,local[j]) if sum_of_xti[j]>0 else local[j] for j in range(n)]
# since the beginning we had the partitions inverted
MI_prec_without_symmetry = prec[:];
for k in range(degree+1):
prec[k] = [ max(prec[k][j], prec[degree - k][j]) for j in range(n) ]
basis_precision = [ min( prec[k][j] for k in range(degree+1) ) for j in range(n) ]
MI = [ min( val[k].keys()) for k in range(degree+1) ]
MI_prec = [ prec[k] for k in range(degree+1) ]
return basis_precision, MI, MI_prec, MI_prec_without_symmetry
def precision_for_zeta(n, d, p , bound = 20, A=[]):
returns an array A of tuples where
A[r-1] = (r, s, r_vector, N_vector, ...)
r - the characteristic polynomial can be computed with at least r-digits of precision
s - we need to perform the calculations modulo p^s
r_vector - (r1, r2, ... ,rn) F(x^\beta \Omega /f^i) will be computed with modulo p^(n-i+ri), also r = max(ri)
N_vector - (N1, ..., Nn) to obtain F(x^\beta \Omega /f^i) modulo p^(n-i+ri) we only add the first with Ni terms of the series
relative_precision - let det(T - F) = \sum ai T^i. If zeta_precision[i]==0 the ai term can be computed, otherwise it can be compute with zeta_precision[i] digits of precision
absolute_precision - same as above but now for absolute precision, if 0 means that you can lift the coeff to ZZ and use the bound to decide the sign
relative_precision_without_symmetry - by working modulo p^s and using the N_vector the characteristic polynomial will have initially these digits of precision
absolute_precision_without_symmetry - same as above but for absolute precision
basis_precision, MI , MI_prec, MI_prec_without_symmetry = Mazur_Inequalities(n,d)
RH = improved_bounds(n,d); #RH_bounds(n,d)
degree = len(MI)-1
# precision needed to compute each coefficient
relative_precision_needed = [ ceil(RH[k][0] - MI[k] + log(RH[k][1],p)) for k in range(degree+1)]
# applying RH
# whenever we use the improved bounds we cannot use the symmetry
# relative_precision_needed = [ min(relative_precision_needed[k],relative_precision_needed[degree-k]) for k in range(degree+1) ]
max_r = max(relative_precision_needed)
s, working_precision, N = precision_tuple(max_r, n, p, bound, A)
result = []
for r in range(1, max_r + 1):
relative_precision = [ 0 if relative_precision_needed[k] <= r else r for k in range(degree+1) ]
absolute_precision = [ 0 if relative_precision[k] == 0 else relative_precision[k] + MI[k] for k in range(degree+1)]
# compute the relative precision need from each column
precision_needed_basis = [ vector( [ max(0, min(relative_precision_needed[k],r) - y) for y in MI_prec[k]]) for k in range(1,degree) ]
# get to which relative precision we will compute column
r_vector = [max( pn[m] for pn in precision_needed_basis) for m in range(n) ]
s_vector = [ s[r_vector[m]][m] for m in range(n) ]
wp_vector = [ working_precision[r_vector[m]][m] for m in range(n) ]
N_vector = [ max(s_vector[m] - m,0) for m in range(n) ]
#by working modulo p^s and using the N_vector the characteristic polynomial will have initially these digits of precision
relative_precision_without_symmetry = [ min( [r_vector[i] + MI_prec_without_symmetry[k][i] for i in range(n)] ) for k in range(degree)]
# same for absolute precision
absolute_precision_without_symmetry = [ relative_precision_without_symmetry[k] + MI[k] for k in range(degree) ]
result.append((r,max(wp_vector), r_vector, N_vector,relative_precision, absolute_precision, relative_precision_without_symmetry, absolute_precision_without_symmetry))
return result
def precision_tuple(max_r, n, p, bound = 20, A = []):
returns a tuple (s, working_precision, N)
where s[r][m], working_precision[r][m] and N[r][m]
are the values required to compute F(x^\beta \Omega /f^m) modulo p^(n-m+r)
def factorial_val(m):
return (m-sum(Qp(p)(m).expansion()))/ZZ(p-1)
s = [[0]*n]
working_precision = [ [0]*n ]
N = [ [0]*n ]
A0 = A
for r in range(1, max_r + 1):
s_r = []
wp_r = []
N_r = []
for m in range(1,n+1):
s0, A0 = precision_s(r, m, n, p, bound, A0)
N_r.append(s0 - m + 1)
# p*(m + N - 1) = p*(m + s0 - m + 1 - 1) = p*s0
wp_r.append(int(r + factorial_val(p * s0 - 1) - m + 1))
return (s, working_precision, N)
def compute_zeta(n, d, F, p, pfz):
__, __, rvector, __, __, __, __, z_apwrh = pfz;
n = ZZ(n)
Hodge = Hodge_numbers(n,d)
RH_bound = RH_bounds(n,d,p)
degree = sum(Hodge);
Orow = []
for i, hi in enumerate(Hodge):
Orow += [O(p**(n-i+rvector[i])) for _ in range(hi) ]
assert len(Orow) == degree
Fcorrect = F + Matrix([Orow for _ in range(degree)])
FZZ = Matrix(ZZ,Fcorrect)
ZZX = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 1, "T")
T = ZZX.gens()
R = FZZ.charpoly(T)
Rcorrect = []
for i,x in enumerate(R.list()):
if z_apwrh[i] == +Infinity:
x = x + O(p**(z_apwrh[i]))
if 2*RH_bound[i] <= p**z_apwrh[i]:
if x.lift() > RH_bound[i]:
elif x.lift() <= RH_bound[i]:
if Rcorrect[1] == - Rcorrect[degree-1] * p**((degree-2*1)*(n-1)/2):
signal = -1
signal = 1
assert Rcorrect[1] == Rcorrect[degree-1] * p**((degree-2*1)*(n-1)/2)
for i,x in enumerate(Rcorrect):
if hasattr(x,"lift"):
if hasattr(Rcorrect[degree-1],"lift"):
print("Cannot pinpoint the "+str(i)+"th coefficient.")
Rcorrect[i] = signal * p**((degree-2*i)*(n-1)/2) * Rcorrect[degree -i]
assert Rcorrect[i] == signal * p**((degree-2*i)*(n-1)/2) * Rcorrect[degree -i]
Q = Rcorrect[:]
return Q
def generate_input(f, p):
d =;
n = len(f.variables()) - 1;
if n == 3 and d == 4 and p > 42:
pfz = (2, 4, [1, 2, 2], [3, 3, 2], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,2, 2, 2, 2, 2, +Infinity], [22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12,11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, +Infinity])
if n == 2 and d == 4 and p > 16:
pfz = (2, 3, [1, 2], [2, 2], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, +Infinity], [4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, +Infinity])
pfz = precision_for_zeta(n, d, p, bound = 5 if p == 3 else 10)[-1];
input = "";
input = input + "%s\n" % (p,)
input = input + "%s\n" % (pfz[1],)
input = input + "%s\n" % (n,)
input = input + "%s\n" % (d,)
input = input + "%s\n" % (str_vector(poly_to_vector(f)),)
input = input + "%s\n" % (str_vector(pfz[3]),)
abp = pfz[-1];
abp[-1] = abp[-2];
input = input + "%s\n" % (str_vector(abp),)
return input
# deprecated
def produce_input(f, p):
return generate_input(f, p)
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