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Created October 30, 2022 16:21
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# This script automates the trasnsfer of the 3 RMS station configuration files and places these into the correct Stations folder on this host
# It prompts the user for the target hostname and copies this hosts public to the targert host to enable passwordless authentication host using ssh keys,
# and if that fails will prompt for a password to install this hosts public key on the target host.
# Since presumably this is a new host it will likely not have it's public keys loaded on your target host and also the host id keys will also not be known to
# this host so you will be prompted to accept and trust each new host..
# It then will copy those config files to a temporary dir, parse the .config.tmp for the hostname and check if that station exists within ~/source/Stations
# and if it does then it will transfer them all to the appropriate Stations dir, it then finaly edits in-place the .config to update the new RMS_data dir.
# The script will continue to prompt for additional hosts and repeat the process until the user enters a <CR> at the host prompt
# create a migrate dir to store temp files in so as to ensure we don't leave any bare files lying around should the user hit CTRL-C...
if [[ ! -f migrate ]]
mkdir migrate
cd migrate
# check this host has a public key -if the user has previously run the add_GStation script it ought to exist but.....
if [[ ! -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa ]]
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -q -P ""
echo "SSH keys successfully generated for this host in ~/.ssh"
while :
read -p "Enter the hostname, <CR> to end: " TargetHost
if [[ -z $TargetHost ]]
# we assume the default user for the host is pi
echo -e "\n\nIf this hosts keys are not present on $TargetHost, you will be asked to add the hosts unique fingerprint to your .ssh/known_hosts file - when prompted answer 'yes' "
echo -e "You will then be prompted for user pi's password to copy the key to the authorized_keys file located in .ssh on $TargetHost\n\n"
ssh-copy-id $RmsUser@$TargetHost
scp $RmsUser@$TargetHost:~/source/RMS/.config .
scp $RmsUser@$TargetHost:~/source/RMS/mask.bmp .
scp $RmsUser@$TargetHost:~/source/RMS/ .
scp $RmsUser@$TargetHost:~/.ssh/id_rsa .
# check the station has been configured ...
Station=$( awk '/stationID:/ {print $2}' .config )
if [[ ! -f ~/source/Stations/$Station ]]
echo -e "\n\n Found station ${Station} ! \n"
mv .config ~/source/Stations/$Station/
mv mask.bmp ~/source/Stations/$Station/
mv ~/source/Stations/$Station/
mv id_rsa ~/.ssh/${Station}_id_rsa # take the RPi's private key and place it in ~/.ssh with the station name prepending it
sed -i "s/data_dir.*$/data_dir: ~\/RMS_data\/${Station}/g" ~/source/Stations/${Station}/.config
sed -i "s/\(.*key:\).*/\1 ~\/.ssh\/${Station}_id_rsa/g" ~/source/Stations/${Station}/.config # update path to this stations unique key
echo -e "\n\nStations ${Station}'s .config had been moved and RMS_data location updated, mask.bmp and have been moved unchanged\n"
echo -e "and its private key have been placed in ~/.ssh and renamed $Station_id_rsa"
echo -e "\n$Station has not been configured on this host\n"
# cleanup the migrate dir in case a mv failed...
rm .config mask.bmp
cd -
rmdir migrate
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