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Created September 12, 2020 09:58
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// Location: controller/__tests__/campaign.mocha.js
// LINE CODE 1 - 11 ->
const {
CampaignMockedModules: {
'@pomona/pomona2-dbmodels': {
models: {
mongo: { campaign: Campaign }
CampaignModule: CampaignController
} = require('./mocks/campaign.mockedModules')
describe('Campaign Controller test', function() {
describe('GetCampaignsByBrandId test', function() {
let res,
wrongId = '5d0e0ef4ea9baa7fb13ddsadfa',
fakeId = '5d9afccd7758c65dba4a531c'
describe('Joi validation failed', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
res = mockRes()
next = sinon.stub()
it('throws error if not sending brand_id attr in request params', async function() {
const req = mockReq({
query: {},
headers: {}
await CampaignController.GetCampaignsByBrandId(req, res, next)
expect(next.lastCall.args[0]).match(/"brand_id" is required/gi)
it('throws error if sending invalid brand_id attr in request params', async function() {
const req = mockReq({
query: { brand_id: wrongId },
headers: {}
const matchedString = new RegExp(
`"brand_id" with value "${wrongId}" fails to match the valid mongo id pattern`,
await CampaignController.GetCampaignsByBrandId(req, res, next)
describe('Joi validation passed', function() {
it('returns expected results', async function() {
const expectedOutput = {
data: {
name: 'Noddle Festival',
start_at: '01-08-2020',
end_at: '01-10-2020',
products: [
id: 'abcdefg123456',
value: 'Chicken Noddle'
const req = mockReq({
query: { brand_id: fakeId },
headers: {}
// stub Campaign.find
await CampaignController.GetCampaignsByBrandId(req, res, next)
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