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Created April 13, 2019 19:50
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DConf 2019, Eduard Staniloiu - Rethinking the default class hierarchy: an Object’s tale


Rethinking the default class hierarchy: an Object’s tale




25 - 30 minutes

Target Audience

Beginner - Intermediate


Every class defined in the D language has Object as the root ancestor. Object defines four methods: toString, toHash, opCmp and opEquals; at a fist glance, their presence might not strike you with much, but they are doing more harm than good. Their signatures predate the introduction of the @nogc, nothrow, pure, and @safe function attributes, and also of the const, immutable, and shared type qualifiers. As a consequence, these methods make it difficult to use Object with qualifiers or in code with properties such as @nogc, pure, or @safe. We propose the introduction of a new class, ProtoObject, as the root class and ancestor of Object. ProtoObject defines no method and requires the user to implement the desired behaviour through interfaces: this approach enables the user to opt-in for the behaviour that makes sense for his class and the design is flexible enough to allow future attributes and language improvements to be used without breaking code.

Extended description

The current definition of Object is:

class Object
    private __ImplementationDefined __mutex;
    string toString();
    nothrow @trusted size_t toHash();
    int opCmp(Object o);
    bool opEquals(Object o);
    static Object factory(string classname);

This definition is missing a number of desirable attributes and qualifiers. It is possible to define an improved class that inherits Object and overrides these primitives as follows:

class ImprovedObject
const override pure @safe:
    string toString();
    nothrow size_t toHash();
    int opCmp(const Object);
    bool opEquals(const Object);

ImprovedObject may be defined in user code (or even in the core runtime library) and inherited from in all user-defined classes in a project for a better experience. However, ImprovedObject still has a number of issues:

  • The hidden member __mutex, needed for synchronized sections of code, is still present whether it is used or not. The standard library uses synchronized for 6 class types out of the over 70 classes it introduces. At best, the mutex would be opt-in.
  • The toString method cannot be implemented meaningfully if @nogc is required for it. This is because of its signature—constructing a string and returning it will often create garbage by necessity. A better implementation would accept an output range in the form of a delegate(scope const(char)[]) that accepts, in successive calls, the rendering of the object as a string.
  • The opCmp and opEquals objects need to take const Object parameters, not const ImprovedObject. This is because overriding with covariant parameters would be unsound and is therefore not allowed. Using the weaker type const Object in the signature defers checks to runtime that should be done during compilation.
  • Overriding opEquals must also require the user to override toHash accordingly: two objects that are equal, must have the same hash value.
  • opCmp reveals an outdated design and implementation. Its presence was historically required by built-in associative arrays, which used binary trees needing ordering. The current implementation of associative arrays uses hashtables that lift the requirement. In addition, not all objects can be meaningfully ordered, so the best approach is to make comparison opt-in. Ordering comparisons in other class-based languages are done by means of interfaces, e.g. Comparable<T> (Java) or IComparable<T> (C#).
  • The static method factory is a global dependency sink because it allows creating an instance of any class in the application from a string containing its name. Currently there is no way for a class to opt out. This feature creates code bloat in the generated executable. At best, class factory registration should be opt-in because only a small number of classes (none in the standard library) require the feature.
  • The current approach doesn't give the user the chance to opt in or out of certain functions (behaviours). There can be cases where the imposed methods don't make sense for the class type: ex. not all abstractions are of comparable types.
  • Because of the hidden __mutex member, and the fact that the D programming language supports function attributes, the design of Object is susceptible to the Fragile Base Class Problem: this states that a small and seemingly unrelated change in the Base class can lead to bugs and breakages in the Derived classes.

The final points are of crucial importance:

  • The user must be allowed to chose what methods he desires to implement
  • Root objects must work in attributed code without issues. Since we, sadly, can't predict the future and know if and what attributes and qualifiers will be available in the language, this is yet another argument to have a ProtoObject with no methods.

The search of o good design

As part of our design phase, we researched how other programmin languages are tackling the same problem: we chose to look at Java, C# and Rust as we felt that they are in the same landscape as us.

As some of you already know, both Java and C# have an Object class as the superclass of all classes. For both languages, Object defines a set of default methods, with Java baking into Object much more than C# does.


Java's java.lang.Object defines the following methods:

Method name Description
boolean equals(Object o); Gives generic way to compare objects
Class getClass(); The Class class gives us more information about the object
int hashCode(); Returns a hash value that is used to search objects in a collection
void notify(); Used in synchronizing threads
void notifyAll(); Used in synchronizing threads
String toString(); Can be used to convert the object to String
void wait(); Used in synchronizing threads
protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException; Return a new object that are exactly the same as the current object
protected void finalize() throws Throwable; This method is called just before an object is garbage collected

Each object also has an Object monitor that is used in Java synchronized sections. Basically it is a semaphore, indicating if a critical section code is being executed by a thread or not. Before a critical section can be executed, the thread must obtain an Object monitor. Only one thread at a time can own that object's monitor.

We can see that there are quite a few simillarites between D and Java:

  • both define opEquals and getHash
  • getClass is simillar to typeid(obj)
  • clone gives us access to a Prototype like creation pattern; in D we have the Factory Method
  • both have an object monitor


C#'s System.Object defines the following methods that will be inherited by every C# class:

Method name Description
GetHashCode() Retrieve a number unique to that object.
GetType() Retrieves information about the object like method names, the objects name etc.
ToString() Convert the object to a textual representation - usually for outputting to the screen or file.

As you can see, C# stripped a lot from it's Object, comparint to Java, and it comes a lot closer to what we desire:

  • Firstly, there is no builtin monitor. The Monitor object is implemented as a separate class that inherits from Object in the System.Threading namespace.
  • Secondly, C# has a smaller number of imposed methods, but they are still imposed, and toString will continue to be GC dependent.


Rust has a totally different approach: data aggregates (structs, enums and tuples) are all unrelated types. You can define methods on them, and make the data itself private, all the usual tactics of encapsulation, but there is no subtyping and no inheritance of data.

The relationships between various data types in Rust are established using traits. Rust Traits are like interfaces in OOP languages, and they must be implemented, using impl, for the desired type.

trait Quack {
    fn quack(&self);

struct Duck ();

impl Quack for Duck {
    fn quack(&self) {

After looking at how Java, C# and Rust have tackled the same problem, we are confident that the proposed solution is a good one: define an empty root object and define Interfaces that expose what is the desired behaviour of the class(es) that implement it. It can be argued that one is not really interested what type an object is, but rather if it can do a certain action (has a certain behaviour). A key requirement in the design is that existing code must continue to work, and new code should start using ProtoObject and reaping the benefits.

The proposed design

We propose a simple, economic, and backward-compatible means for code to avoid Object: define simpler types as supertypes of Object, as follows:

class ProtoObject
    // no monitor, no primitives
class SynchronizedProtoObject : ProtoObject
    private __ImplementationDefined __mutex;
class Object : SynchronizedProtoObject
    ... definition unchanged ...

This reconfiguration makes ProtoObject, not Object, the ultimate root of all classes. Classes that don't specify a base still inherit Object by default, thus preserving backward compatibility. But new code has the option (and will be well advised) to use ProtoObject as an explicit base class.

This proposal is based on the following key insight. Currently, Object has two roles: (a) the root of all classes, and (b) the default supertype of class definitions that don't specify one. But there is no requirement that these two roles are fulfilled by the same type. This proposal keeps Object the default supertype in class definitions, which preserves existing code behavior. The additional supertypes of Object only influence newly-introduced code that is aware of them and uses them.

The recommended way of going forward with types that inherit from ProtoObject is write and implement interfaces that expose the desired behaviour that the type supports. It can be argued that one is not really interested what type an object is, but rather what actions it can perform: what types can it act like? In this regard, an object of type T can be treated as a Collection, a Range or a Key in map, provided that it implements the right interfaces.

The GoF Design Patterns book talks at length about prefering implementing interfaces to inheriting from concrete classes, and why we should favor object composition over class inheritance. Extending from concrete classes is usually seen as a form of code reuse, but this is easly overused by programmers and can lead to the fragile base class problem. The same code reuse can be achieved through composition and delegation schemes: we are already doing this with structs and Design by Introspection.

As stated earlier, the users will be required to implement specific interfaces that define methods corresponding to the ones in Object

Interface Method name
Stringify string toString();
Hash size_t toHash();
Ordered int opCmp(const Object);
Equals bool opEquals(const Object);


In order to be able to compare two objects, we define the Ordered interface.

interface Ordered
    const @nogc nothrow pure @safe scope
    int cmp(scope const ProtoObject rhs);

As you can see, the cmp function takes a ProtoObject argument. This is required so we can compare two instances of ProtoObject. Let's see the example

int __cmp(ProtoObject p1, ProtoObject p2)
    if (p1 is p2) return 0;
    Ordered o1 = cast(Ordered) p1;
    if (o1 is null) return -1; // we can't compare
    return o1.cmp(p2);

As you can see in the example, if we can't dynamic cast to Ordered, then we can't compare the instances. Otherwise, we can safely call the cmp function and let dynamic dispatch do the rest.

Any other class, class T, that desires to be comparable, needs to extend ProtoObject and implement Ordered.

class Book : ProtoObject, Orderd
    enum BookFormat { pdf, epub, paperback, hardcover }

    ssize_t isbn;
    BookFormat format;

    int cmp(scope const ProtoObject rhs)
        auto rhsBook = cast(Book) rhs;
        if (rhs is null) return 1;
        return this.isbn - rhs.isbn;

Ordered implies that implementing types form a total order. An order is a total order if it is (for all a, b and c):

  • total and antisymmetric: exactly one of a < b, a == b or a > b is true; and
  • transitive, a < b and b < c implies a < c. The same must hold for both == and >.

As you can expect, most of the classes that desire to implement Ordered will have to write some boilerplate code. Inspired by Rust's derive, we implemented ImplementOrdered(M...) template mixin. This provides the basic implementation for Ordered and more.

At it's most basic form, mixing in ImplementOrdered will go through all the members of the implementing type and compare them with rhs

safe unittest
    class Book : ProtoObject, Orderd
        mixin ImplementOrdered;
        enum BookFormat { pdf, epub, paperback, hardcover }

        ssize_t isbn;
        BookFormat format;

        this(ssize_t isbn, BookFormat format)
            this.isbn = isbn;
            this.format = format;
    auto b1 = new Book(12345, Book.BookFormat.pdf);
    auto b2 = new Book(12345, Book.BookFormat.paperback);
    assert(b1.cmp(b2) != 0);

In the case above, comparing the two books, b1 and b2, won't result in an equivalence order (cmp -> 0), even if they should as a book is identified by isbn regardless of the format it's in. This is because, as previously stated, by default ImplementOrdered will go through all the members of the class and compare them.

This is why ImplementOrdered allows you to specify the only members that you wish to compare.

safe unittest
    class Book : ProtoObject, Orderd
        mixin ImplementOrdered!("x");
        enum BookFormat { pdf, epub, paperback, hardcover }

        ssize_t isbn;
        BookFormat format;

        this(ssize_t isbn, BookFormat format)
            this.isbn = isbn;
            this.format = format;
    auto b1 = new Book(12345, Book.BookFormat.pdf);
    auto b2 = new Book(12345, Book.BookFormat.paperback);
    assert(b1.cmp(b2) == 0);

To maximize the flexibility of the user, ImplementOrdered also accepts the comparator function to apply on the members.

@safe unittest
    class Widget : ProtoObject, Ordered
        mixin ImplementOrdered!("x", "y", (int a, int b) => a - b, "z", (int a, int b) => a - b + 1, "t");
        int x, y, z, t;
        /* code */

There are cases where it is desirable to implement the default comparison operation on almost all the fields of the aggregate. In such cases, especially if there are a lot of member fields, it would be unpleasant to pass ImplementOrdered the name of all the fields we want to take into account while comparing; it would be cleaner and easier to inform it about the exceptions. This is why we defined ImplementOrderedExcept.

@safe unittest
    class Widget : ProtoObject, Ordered
        mixin ImplementOrderedExcept!("unorderableField");
        int x, y, z, t;
        size_t unorderableField;
        /* code */


Checking for equality follows in the footsteps of ordering, and requires the user to implement the Equals interface.

interface Equals
    const @nogc nothrow pure @safe scope
    int equals(scope const ProtoObject rhs);

Again, as it is the case with ordering, rhs is a ProtoObject so we can treat the worst-case scenario: compare two objects and all we know is that they are ProtoObjects.

bool __equals(ProtoObject p1, ProtoObject p2)
    if (p1 is p2) return true;
    Equals o1 = cast(Equals) p1;
    Equals o2 = cast(Equals) p2;
    if (o1 is null || o2 is null) return false;
    return o1.equals(o2) && o2.equals(o1);

An important note: it isn't sufficient for o1 to say it's equal to o2; o2 must also agree. Think about comparing a Base and a Derived instance. The base could be equal to the derived, but the derived might have some extra data so it won't be equal to the base instance.

As it was the case with Ordered, to aid the user with the boilerplate code, we provide ImplementEquals and ImplementEqualsExcept that respect the same design. "Consistency, consistency, consistency" (Scott Meyers).


The user must implement the Hash interface if he desires to provide a hashable behaviour.

interface Hash
    const @nogc nothrow pure @safe scope
    size_t toHash();

Again, we provide the user with default implementations for a hashing function in the form of ImplementHash and ImplementHashExcept.

Implementations of Ordered, Equals and Hash must agree with each other. That is, a.cmp(b) == 0 if and only if (a == b) && (a.toHash == b.toHash). It's easy to accidentally make them disagree by mixing in some of the interface implementations and manually implementing others.

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