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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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Save edi9999/10472072 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
execute pathogen#infect()
set nocompatible
let mapleader = ","
au BufReadCmd *.docx call zip#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
" Sets how many lines of history VIM has to remember
set history=700
" Enable filetype plugins
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on
" Set to auto read when a file is changed from the outside
set autoread
" Set 7 lines to the cursor - when moving vertically using j/k
set so=7
" Turn on the WiLd menu
set wildmenu
" Ignore compiled files
set wildignore=*.o,*~,*.pyc
if has("win16") || has("win32")
set wildignore+=*/.git/*,*/.hg/*,*/.svn/*,*/.DS_Store
set wildignore+=.git\*,.hg\*,.svn\*
"Clipboard with p
:set clipboard+=unnamed
"Always show current position
set noruler
" Height of the command bar
set cmdheight=1
" A buffer becomes hidden when it is abandoned
set hid
syntax on
"""""""for code""""""""""
"colorscheme moria
"colorscheme two2tango
colorscheme freya
"colorscheme github
"""""""for text"""""""
"colorscheme earendel
"automatic coffeelinting options
let g:syntastic_coffee_coffeelint_args = "--csv --file ~/.vim/bundle/coffeelint.json"
"Write the old file out when switching between files
set autowrite
set timeoutlen=500
set tabstop=3
set shiftwidth=3
set guifont=
set nonumber
" Configure backspace so it acts as it should act
set backspace=eol,start,indent
set whichwrap+=<,>,h,l
" Ignore case when searching
set ignorecase
"highlight search results
set hlsearch
set clipboard=unnamed
"Incremental search, shows as you type
set incsearch
" Don't redraw while executing macros (good performance config)
set lazyredraw
" For regular expressions turn magic on
set magic
" Show matching brackets when text indicator is over them
set showmatch
" How many tenths of a second to blink when matching brackets
set mat=8
" No annoying sound on errors
set noerrorbells
set novisualbell
set t_vb=
set tm=500
" Add a bit extra margin to the left
set foldcolumn=1
" => Files, backups and undo
" Turn backup off, since most stuff is in SVN, git et.c anyway...
set nobackup
set nowb
set noswapfile
" Linebreak on 500 characters
set lbr
set tw=500
set wrap "Wrap lines
" => Visual mode related
" Visual mode pressing * or # searches for the current selection
" Super useful! From an idea by Michael Naumann
vnoremap <silent> * :call VisualSelection('f', '')<CR>
vnoremap <silent> # :call VisualSelection('b', '')<CR>
"toggle line numbers with leader 1
map <leader>1 :set number!<cr>
" Useful mappings for managing tabs
map <leader>c :tabclose<cr>
" Specify the behavior when switching between buffers
set switchbuf=useopen,usetab,newtab
set stal=2
" Return to last edit position when opening files (You want this!)
autocmd BufReadPost *
\ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") |
\ exe "normal! g`\"" |
\ endif
" Remember info about open buffers on close
set viminfo^=%
" => Status line
" Always show the status line
set laststatus=2
" Returns true if paste mode is enabled
function! HasPaste()
if &paste
return 'PASTE MODE '
return ''
" Map auto complete of (, ", ', [
inoremap ( ()<esc>i
inoremap [ []<esc>i
inoremap { {}<esc>i
inoremap ' ''<esc>i
inoremap " ""<esc>i
inoremap < <><esc>i
" Format the status line
set statusline=\ %{HasPaste()}%F%m%r%h\ %w\ \ CWD:\ %r%{getcwd()}%h\ \ \ Line:\ %l
" => Editing mappings
" Remap VIM 0 to first non-blank character
map 0 ^
" Move a line of text using ALT+[jk]
nmap <M-j> mz:m+<cr>`z
nmap <M-k> mz:m-2<cr>`z
vmap <M-j> :m'>+<cr>`<my`>mzgv`yo`z
vmap <M-k> :m'<-2<cr>`>my`<mzgv`yo`z
" Delete trailing white space on save, useful for Python and CoffeeScript ;)
func! DeleteTrailingWS()
exe "normal mz"
exe "normal `z"
autocmd BufWrite *.py :call DeleteTrailingWS()
autocmd BufWrite *.coffee :call DeleteTrailingWS()
autocmd BufWrite *.php :call DeleteTrailingWS()
autocmd BufWrite *.vimrc :call DeleteTrailingWS()
set guioptions-=m "remove menu bar
set guioptions-=T "remove toolbar
set guioptions-=r "remove right-hand scroll bar
set linespace=12
set encoding=utf-8
set noexpandtab
set copyindent
set preserveindent
set softtabstop=0
set shiftwidth=4
set tabstop=4
nnoremap j gj
nnoremap k gk
imap jj <esc>
set ignorecase
set vb t_vb=
set noerrorbells "no beep
nnoremap <silent> n n:call HLNext(0.4)<cr>
nnoremap <silent> N N:call HLNext(0.4)<cr>
highlight matchAfter ctermbg=red guibg=red
call matchadd('matchAfter','\%81v',100)
highlight superSearch ctermbg=blue guibg=blue
" OR ELSE just highlight the match in red...
function! HLNext (blinktime)
let [bufnum, lnum, col, off] = getpos('.')
let matchlen = strlen(matchstr(strpart(getline('.'),col-1),@/))
let target_pat = '\c\%#'.@/
let ring = matchadd('superSearch', target_pat, 101)
exec 'sleep ' . float2nr(a:blinktime * 1000) . 'm'
call matchdelete(ring)
"Show tabs and trailing spaces specially
set listchars=
set listchars=tab:>-,trail:~,extends:>,precedes:<
""exec "set listchars=tab:\uB0\uB0"
autocmd BufRead *.coffee :exec "set listchars=tab:\uB4\uBB,trail:\uB7,nbsp:0"
autocmd BufRead *.py :exec "set listchars=tab:\uB4\uBB,trail:\uB7,nbsp:0"
set list
"go to directory of current file
nmap <Leader>d :e %:h<cr>
"Duplicate current file into tab
nmap <Leader><Leader> :tabedit %<cr>
nmap <Leader>xc :cd /home/edgar/www/docxtemplater/coffee<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>xt :cd /home/edgar/www/docxtemplater/coffee<cr>:e<cr>
nmap <Leader>x :cd /home/edgar/www/docxtemplater<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>xr :cd /home/edgar/www/docxtemplater<cr>:e<cr>
nmap <Leader>xe :cd /home/edgar/www/docxtemplater/examples<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>xd :cd /home/edgar/www/docxtemplater/examples/<cr>:e demo.html<cr>
nmap <Leader>xx :cd /home/edgar/www/docxtemplater<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>xj :cd /home/edgar/www/docxtemplater/js<cr>:e.<cr>
"load pokertell project
nmap <Leader>p :cd /home/edgar/www/phjs<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>pt :cd /home/edgar/www/phjs/public/jasmine/<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>pp :cd /home/edgar/www/phjs/public<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>pc :cd /home/edgar/www/phjs/coffee<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>ps :e /home/edgar/www/phjs/stylus<cr>
nmap <Leader>pl :e /home/edgar/www/phjs/public/lib<cr>
nmap <Leader>pj :e /home/edgar/www/phjs/public/js<cr>
nmap <Leader>r :cd /home/edgar/www/noorassur/<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>rd :cd /home/edgar/www/noorassur/sous-domaines/dev<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>rl :cd /home/edgar/www/noorassur/sous-domaines/visio<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>rv :cd /home/edgar/www/noorassur/sous-domaines/visio/app/views<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>rp :cd /home/edgar/www/noorassur/sous-domaines/visio/public<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>ra :cd /home/edgar/www/noorassur/sous-domaines/visio/app<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>rc :cd /home/edgar/www/noorassur/sous-domaines/visio/app/controllers<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>rm :cd /home/edgar/www/noorassur/sous-domaines/visio/app/models<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>rr :cd /home/edgar/www/noorassur/sous-domaines/visio/app/<cr>:e routes.php<cr>
"load brokenclassroom
nmap <Leader>b :e /home/edgar/www/brokenclassroom/<cr>
nmap <Leader>br :e /home/edgar/www/brokenclassroom/<cr>
nmap <Leader>ft :cd /home/edgar/www/frbit-sdk/tests/Frbit/Tests/Sdk<cr>:e.<cr>
"t automatically tests the files
nmap <Leader>tt :! cd /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/ && phpunit<cr>
nmap <Leader>sy :cd <cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>gc :e ~/.gitconfig<cr>
nmap <Leader>gu :e ~<cr>
",l automatically shows laravel folder
nmap <Leader>ll :cd /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/app/storage/logs<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>lib :cd /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/app/library<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>l :cd /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>la :cd /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/app<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>ltes :cd /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/app/tests<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>ltem :cd /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/public/templates<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>lpu :cd /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/public<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>ljs :cd /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/public/js<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>lve :cd /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/public/vendor<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>lvi :cd /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/app/views<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>lfi :e /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/app/filters.php<cr>
nmap <Leader>lco :cd /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/app/controllers<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>lcm :cd /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/app/commands<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>lcf :cd /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/app/config<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>lcfp :cd /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/app/config/production<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>lmo :cd /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/app/models<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>lst :e /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/app/stylus/etude.styl<cr>
nmap <Leader>lmi :cd /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/app/database/migrations<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>lse :cd /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/app/database/seeds<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>lr :e /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/app/routes.php<cr>
nmap <Leader>lil :e /home/edgar/www/piquick/laravel/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate<cr>
",f automatically shows laravel folder
nmap <Leader>fl :cd /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/app/storage/logs<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>fib :cd /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/app/library<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>f :cd /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>fa :cd /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/app<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>ftes :cd /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/app/tests<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>ftem :cd /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/public/templates<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>fpu :cd /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/public<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>fjs :cd /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/public/js<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>fve :cd /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/public/vendor<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>fvi :cd /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/app/views<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>ffi :e /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/app/filters.php<cr>
nmap <Leader>fco :cd /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/app/controllers<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>fcm :cd /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/app/commands<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>fcf :cd /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/app/config<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>fcfp :cd /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/app/config/production<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>fmo :cd /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/app/models<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>fst :e /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/app/stylus/etude.styl<cr>
nmap <Leader>fmi :cd /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/app/database/migrations<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>fse :cd /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/app/database/seeds<cr>:e.<cr>
nmap <Leader>fr :e /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/app/routes.php<cr>
nmap <Leader>fil :e /home/edgar/www/fortrabbit/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate<cr>
nmap <Leader>w :cd /home/edgar/www/<cr>:e.<cr>
"Save with Ctrl+S
imap <C-S> <Esc>:w<cr>a
nmap <C-S> :w<cr>
"nerd tree toggling faster
nmap <Leader>nt :NERDTreeToggle<cr>
set completeopt=longest,menuone
"Edit vimrc
nmap <Leader>ev :e $MYVIMRC<cr>
nmap <Leader>sni :e ~/vimfiles/snippets<cr>
"Source vimrc
nmap <Leader>sv :source $MYVIMRC<cr>
"remove find results
command! H let @/=""
highlight Search cterm=underline
set nobackup "no backup files
set nowritebackup " only in case you don't want a backup file while editing
set noswapfile
set wildmode=list:longest
set foldenable
set mousehide
nmap <space> :
fun! ReloadSnippets( snippets_dir, ft )
if strlen( a:ft ) == 0
let filetype = "_"
let filetype = a:ft
call ResetSnippets()
call GetSnippets( a:snippets_dir, filetype )
nmap <Leader>ss :call ReloadSnippets("~/vimfiles/snippets","php.laravel")<cr>
autocmd FileType php set ft=php.laravel
"cd to directory of current file
autocmd BufEnter * cd %:p:h
autocmd! BufWritePost .vimrc source %
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