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edilenedacruz /
Created August 17, 2017 18:13 — forked from andycandrea/
A list of resources for learning Rails and relevant technologies

A list of resources that aspiring Rails developers can use to learn Rails and other relevant technologies. This list includes some resources that I see recommended all over the web--not all of which I like--as well as some hidden gems that I've found valuable. This list is intended to supplement my blog post here.


  • Codecademy
    • One of the more well-known sites to offer interactive programming tutorials, Codecademy is probably best utilized by those who are pretty new to programming, though the Ruby tutorial is good for teaching Ruby syntax and eventually gets into some less trivial material.
  • Try Ruby
  • Pretty similar to Codecademy. Once again, it's beginner-friendly, though, as someone who knew about object-oriented programming beforehand, I found it somewhat annoying to use, as there's no page with links to the individual exercises (at le
edilenedacruz /
Created June 2, 2017 20:41
Lending Privilege

Lending Privilege


  • 20 - Videos
  • 15 - Guest Speaker(pending) || Individual Reading and Reflection
  • 20 - Small Group Discussion
  • 5 - Share Out


edilenedacruz / partially-quantified.js
Created May 15, 2017 16:54 — forked from neight-allen/partially-quantified.js
Sample code for students to break down into different reponsibilities
function Food(name, calories) { = name;
this.calories = calories;
$("document").ready(function() {
time = moment();

M4 Reflection

Fork this gist and answer these questions to reflect on your learning experiences.

  • What brought you to Turing? Desire to learn more and have a career where learning is encouraged and supported. I get bored easily and programming will keep me busy with constant learning.

  • Where do you see yourself after Turing? Having a cool job that will empower me to help other change their career paths and actually enjoy what they do. In the long run, I would love to travel while working remotely.


What is the Shell/BASH?

Shell is a command language. Over time people have developed different varities of shell by adding extra features

  • BASH(Born Again SHell)
  • Other types of command processors
    • zsh - Another type of command processor that is extremely powerful. It was built off of BASH but has more features. You can customize it to autocomplete github repos. Unlike BASH, zsh does not follow POSIX standards.
  • tcsh
edilenedacruz /
Created April 4, 2017 16:11 — forked from thegitfather/
Vanilla JavaScript Quick Reference / Cheatsheet

Part I: User Creation

  1. add route for new_user_path
  2. create a UsersController with new action
  3. create new.html.erb
  4. generate user model with password_digest string field
  5. uncomment gem 'bcrypt' in Gemfile and add has_secure_password in User model
  6. add create action in UsersController
  7. implement logic for creating a user
  8. set session[:user_id] in create action

Intermediate SQL Workshop

  • Run psql
  • You may need to run CREATE DATABASE intermediate_sql;
  • To exit this shell, you can run CTRL d

Create tables

Let's create some tables in the database.

edilenedacruz /
Last active February 23, 2017 17:01
Asset Pipeline Scavenger Hunt
  1. What does it mean to concatenate files? Find an image of an example concatenated file. Why would we want to concatenate files? It means to bring files together, in one place.

  2. What does it mean to precompile files? What does this have to do with coffeescript and sass files? Precompile files is to use/convert a higher languange into a web browser deliverable language.

  3. What does it mean to minify files? Find an image of an example minified file. Why would we want to minify files? It means to strip out the trailing whitespaces.

  4. Start up the server for Catch ‘em All (rails s) and navigate to http://localhost:3000/assets/application.js. Then open up the code for application.js in your text editor. Why are these not the same?

edilenedacruz /
Last active February 4, 2017 06:36
ActiveRecord methods

Class.where(method: value) Class.where(method: [value1, value2]) user = User.find(41) orders ='amount') orders = Order.order(:amount).reverse User.where.not(id: id) items = Item.where.not(id: items_not_included) names = Item.pluck('name') Author.joins(:books).merge(Book.available) .unscope