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Last active December 3, 2023 14:50
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Docker on WSL without installing Desktop
  1. In Windows:

Make sure WSL version is >= 0.67.6

wsl --version

* Uninstall Docker Desktop if installed previously.

  1. In Ubuntu (or any WSL Distro):

Modify /etc/wsl.conf and add

  1. In Windows:

Restart WSL

wsl --shutdown

* WSL will restart when opening a new WSL shell

  1. In Ubuntu:

Install Docker Engine


  1. If the internal docker network conflicts with other networks like VPN, modify or create /etc/docker/daemon.json and set the Bridge IP (BIP) and address pools to any available address
  "bip": "",
  "default-address-pools": [
      "base": "",
      "size": 24
  1. To avoid the Windows services from hanging/stalling, limit the maximum RAM that can be used by WSL

In Windows:

Modify ~/.wslconfig, add:


Change memory to reserve around 2-4GB exclusively for Windows (e.g. for 16GB RAM, 12-14GB will be a good setting)

  1. Error err: exec: "docker-credential-pass": executable file not found in $PATH

Docker Desktop has created a docker config with credstore set to the windows binary. Edit ~/.docker/config.json and remove the credstore or install one from and use the appropriate credstore name

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