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Created January 31, 2018 20:45
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# vim: et sw=4 sts=4
from flask import Flask, escape, redirect
app = Flask(__name__)
import posixpath
import requests
from sphinx.util.inventory import InventoryFile
from werkzeug.contrib.iterio import IterIO
'3': [
('', ''),
'2': [
('', ''),
m = {}
for mapping, l in INVENTORIES.items():
d = {}
for uri, inv in l:
print(f"Getting a {inv!r}")
r = requests.get(inv, stream=True)
s = IterIO(r.iter_content())
inv = InventoryFile.load(s, uri, posixpath.join)
# medium hack: prefer classes and then functions and then other stuff.
# when shadowing happens (e.g. 'dict', 'len') this seems to be the order we want
types = list(inv.keys())
types = ['py:class', 'py:function'] + types
for typ in types:
entries = inv[typ]
x = {k.casefold(): v for k, v in entries.items()}
d = x
# this is another loop so shortened names don't ever take priority over full ones
for typ in types:
entries = inv[typ]
x = {k.split('.')[-1].casefold(): v for k, v in entries.items()}
d = x
m[mapping] = d
def bounce(mapping, obj_id):
index = m[mapping]
except KeyError:
return f"I don't know about {escape(mapping)}.", 404
projname, version, location, _ = index[obj_id.casefold()]
except KeyError:
return f"I don't know about {escape(obj_id)} in {escape(mapping)}", 404
return redirect(location), 307
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