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Created February 24, 2013 04:43
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(** Value-Set Analysis / Value-Set Arithmetic
See Gogul Balakrishnan's thesis at
* Alternate memstore implementation
* Add a real interface; automatically call simplify_cond
* Big int support
* Idea: Use copy propagation information to maintain equivalence
classes, and use intersection over equivalence class members at
edge transfer
* Partial/overlapping memory
* Special case memory writes of Top: since we will be removing
entries, we do not have to iterate through all addresses
* Unified interface to Arithmetic for singleton values
* Strided-interval aware applicative data type:
It would store values as strided intervals, rather than
individual points.
module VM = Var.VarMap
open Big_int_convenience
open Big_int_Z
open Util
open Type
open Ast
module D = Debug.Make(struct let name = "Vsa" and default=`NoDebug end)
open D
module DV = Debug.Make(struct let name = "VsaVerbose" and default=`NoDebug end)
(* Treat unsigned comparisons the same as signed: should be okay as
long as overflow does not occur. Should be false for soundness. *)
let signedness_hack = ref true
(* Set memory to top once it surpasses this number of entries *)
let mem_max = ref (Some(1 lsl 16))
exception Unimplemented of string
module I = Int64
(* some operators to make this more readable *)
let (&%) = I.logand
let (|%) = I.logor
let (^%) = I.logxor
let (+%) = I.add
let (-%) = I.sub
let ( *%) = I.mul
let (/%) = I.div
let bnot = I.lognot
let rec uint64_gcd x y =
if y = 0L then x
else uint64_gcd y (int64_urem x y)
let uint64_lcm x y =
let m = x *% y in
m /% (uint64_gcd x y)
let bits_of_width = Typecheck.bits_of_width
let sp = Disasm_i386.esp
(* FIXME *)
let addr_bits = 32
(** Strided Intervals *)
module SI =
(* FIXME: some of these functions can return a stride of 1 for a singleton *)
(** number of bits * unsigned stride * signed lower bound * signed upper bound *)
type t = int * int64 * int64 * int64
let is_empty (k,s,lb,ub) =
s = (-1L) && lb = 1L && ub = 0L
let to_string ((k,s,lb,ub) as si) =
if is_empty si then "[]"
else if not (debug ()) then Printf.sprintf "%Lu[%Ld,%Ld]" s lb ub
else Printf.sprintf "(%d)%Lu[%Ld,%Ld]" k s lb ub
let size (_,s,lb,ub) =
(ub -% lb) /% s
let highbit k =
if k = 1 then 1L else I.shift_left 1L (k-1)
(* Cast i as signed number *)
let extend k i =
if k <> 64 then
let k' = 64-k in I.shift_right(I.shift_left i k') k'
else i
(* Set the irrelevant upper bits of i to 0 *)
let trunc k i =
if k <> 64 then
let k' = 64-k in I.shift_right_logical(I.shift_left i k') k'
else i
let maxi k = highbit k -% 1L
let mini k = extend k (highbit k)
let top k = (k, 1L, mini k, maxi k)
let empty k = (k, (-1L), 1L, 0L)
let rec upper k i s =
if s >= 1L then (
let offset = int64_urem i s in
let max = maxi k in
let maxoffset = int64_urem max s in
let o = if maxoffset >= offset then
max -% (maxoffset -% offset)
max -% ((maxoffset +% s) -% offset)
if debug ()
then (assert (o <= maxi k && o > maxi k -% s);
assert (int64_urem o s = int64_urem i s));
o) else maxi k
let rec lower k i s =
if s >= 1L then (
let offset = int64_urem i s in
let min = mini k in
let minoffset = int64_urem min s in
let o = if offset >= minoffset then
min +% (offset -% minoffset)
min +% ((offset +% s) -% minoffset)
if debug ()
then (assert (o >= mini k && o < mini k +% s);
assert (int64_urem o s = int64_urem i s));
o) else mini k
let remove_lower_bound (k,s,a,b) =
(k,s,lower k b s,b)
let remove_upper_bound (k,s,a,b) =
(k,s,a,upper k a s)
let single k x = (k,0L,x,x)
let of_bap_int i t = single (bits_of_width t) (extend (bits_of_width t) i)
let above k x = (k, 1L, x +% 1L, maxi k)
let below k x = (k, 1L, mini k, x -% 1L)
(* These are hacks *)
let above_unsigned k x = (k, 1L, x +% 1L, maxi k)
let below_unsigned k x = (k, 1L, 0L, x -% 1L)
let aboveeq k x = (k, 1L, x, maxi k)
let beloweq k x = (k, 1L, mini k, x)
(* These are hacks *)
let aboveeq_unsigned k x = (k, 1L, x, maxi k)
let beloweq_unsigned k x = (k, 1L, 0L, x)
let zero k = single k 0L
let one k = single k 1L
let minus_one k = single k (-1L)
(* XXX: Remove k argument *)
let is_reduced k ((k',s,lb,ub) as si) =
if k > 64 then raise (Unimplemented (Printf.sprintf "Register type of %d bits is too large (must be <= 64)" k));
assert(k>0 && k<=64);
(lb >= mini k && ub <= maxi k) &&
is_empty si ||
(if s = 0L then lb = ub
else lb < ub && let r1 = I.rem lb s and r2 = I.rem ub s in r1 = r2 || r2 -% r1 = s)
let check_reduced k si =
if not(is_reduced k si)
then failwith(string_of_int k^"-bit Strided Interval "^to_string si^" not in reduced form")
let check_reduced2 k si1 si2 =
check_reduced k si1; check_reduced k si2
(* XXX: Remove k argument *)
let renorm k ((k',a,b,c) as si) =
let si' = if b = c then (k,0L,b,b) else si in
let si' = if a < 0L || c < b then empty k else si' in
check_reduced k si';
let renormtri f k x y z = renorm k (f k x y z)
let renormbin f k x y = renorm k (f k x y)
let renormun f k x = renorm k (f k x)
(* For union/intersection which don't use k argument *)
let renormbin' f ((k,_,_,_) as x) y = renorm k (f x y)
(* XXX: Remove k *)
(** Addition of strided intervals *)
let add ?(allow_overflow=true) k ((k',s1,lb1,ub1) as a) ((k'',s2,lb2,ub2) as b) =
assert (k=k' && k=k'');
check_reduced2 k a b;
let lb' = lb1 +% lb2
and ub' = ub1 +% ub2 in
(* Overflow cases 2 and 4; see dissertation *)
let lbunderflow = lb' < mini k
and uboverflow = ub' > maxi k
and s = uint64_gcd s1 s2
let overflow = lbunderflow || uboverflow in
match overflow with
| true when allow_overflow ->
top k
| _ ->
let lb' = extend k lb' in
let ub' = extend k ub' in
let lb'' = if lbunderflow then lower k lb' s else lb'
and ub'' = if uboverflow then upper k ub' s else ub'
(k, s, lb'', ub'')
let add ?allow_overflow k x y = renormbin (add ?allow_overflow) k x y
(* XXX: Remove k *)
(** Negation of a strided interval *)
let neg k ((k',s,lb,ub) as si) =
check_reduced k si;
if lb <> extend k (highbit k) then
(k, s, I.neg ub, I.neg lb)
else if lb = ub then
single k (mini k)
top k
let neg = renormun neg
(** Subtractionf of strided intervals *)
let sub k a b =
add k a (neg k b)
let sub = renormbin sub
let minor k a b c d =
let rec loop m =
let cont() = loop (I.shift_right_logical m 1) in
if m = 0L then a |% c
else if bnot a &% c &% m <> 0L then
let temp = (a |% m ) &% I.neg m in
if int64_ucompare temp b <= 0 then
temp |% c
else cont()
else if a &% bnot c &% m <> 0L then
let temp = (c +% m) &% I.neg m in
if int64_ucompare temp d <= 0 then
temp |% a
else cont()
loop (highbit k)
let maxor k a b c d =
let rec loop m =
let cont() = loop (I.shift_right_logical m 1) in
if m = 0L then b |% d
else if b &% d &% m <> 0L then
let temp1 = (b -% m) |% (m -% 1L) in
let temp2 = (d -% m) |% (m -% 1L) in
if int64_ucompare temp1 a >= 0 then
temp1 |% d
else if int64_ucompare temp2 c >= 0 then
temp2 |% b
else cont()
loop (highbit k)
let ntz x =
let y = I.neg x &% (x -% 1L) in
let rec bits n y =
if y = 0L then n else bits (n+1) (I.shift_right y 1)
bits 0 y
(** Bitwise OR *)
let logor k ((k',s1,lb1,ub1) as a) ((k'',s2,lb2,ub2) as b) =
assert (k=k' && k=k'');
check_reduced2 k a b;
let t = min (ntz s1) (ntz s2) in
let s' = I.shift_left 1L t in
let lowbits = (lb1 |% lb2) &% (s' -% 1L) in
let (lb', ub') = match (lb1 < 0L, ub1 < 0L, lb2 < 0L, ub2 < 0L) with
| (true, true, true, true)
| (true, true, false, false)
| (false, false, true, true)
| (false, false, false, false) ->
(minor k lb1 ub1 lb2 ub2, maxor k lb1 ub1 lb2 ub2)
| (true, true, true, false) ->
(lb1, -1L)
| (true, false, true, true) ->
(lb2, -1L)
| (true, false, true, false) ->
(min lb1 lb2, maxor k 0L ub1 0L ub2)
| (true, false, false, false) ->
(minor k lb1 (-1L) lb2 ub2, maxor k 0L ub1 lb2 ub2)
| (false, false, true, false) ->
(minor k lb1 ub1 lb2 (-1L), maxor k lb1 ub1 lb2 ub2)
| _ -> failwith "Impossible: check_reduced prevents this"
let highmask = bnot(s' -% 1L) in
(k, s', (lb' &% highmask) |% lowbits, (ub' &% highmask) |% lowbits)
let logor = renormbin logor
(* XXX: Get rid of _k *)
(** Bitwise NOT *)
let lognot (_k:int) (k,s,l,u) =
assert (_k = k);
(k, s, bnot u, bnot l)
let lognot = renormun lognot
(** Bitwise AND *)
let logand k x y =
lognot k (logor k (lognot k x) (lognot k y))
let logand = renormbin logand
(** Bitwise XOR *)
let logxor k x y =
let n = lognot k
and o = logor k in
o (n(o (n x) y)) (n(o x (n y)))
let logxor = renormbin logxor
(** FIXME: Signed or unsigned modulus? *)
let modulus k (k',s1,a,b) (k'',s2,c,d) =
assert(k=k' && k=k'');
if b = 0L then single k 0L
(k, 1L, 0L, int64_umin b d)
let modulus = renormbin modulus
(* XXX: Get rid of k *)
(* shifting by more than k or by negative values
* will be the same as shifting by k. *)
let toshifts k =
let f x = if x > Int64.of_int k || x < 0L then k else Int64.to_int x in
| (k',0L,x,y) ->
let s = f x in
| (k',_s,x,y) ->
if x < 0L then
if y >= 0L then
(* FIXME: using stride information could be useful here *)
(0, k)
else (k,k)
else (* x >= 0L *)
(f x, f y)
(* Get rid of k *)
let mk_shift dir shifter k ((k',s1,a,b) as x) ((k'',_,_,_) as y) =
assert(k=k' && k=k'');
check_reduced2 k x y;
(* Get the lower and upper bound for y, as shift amounts. Shifts
amounts are always in [0,k]. *)
let (z1,z2) = toshifts k y
(* Set the upper bits of a and b to 0 *)
and aa = trunc k a
and bb = trunc k b
(* Shift and cast as signed number *)
and shift n z = extend k (shifter n z) in
(* Shift lower bound of x by minimum shift amount *)
let a1 = shift aa z1
(* Shift lower bound of x by maximum shift amount *)
and a2 = shift aa z2
(* Shift upper bound of x by minimum shift amount *)
and b1 = shift bb z1
(* Shift upper bound of x by maximum shift amount *)
and b2 = shift bb z2
(* Compute new stride info. *)
and s' = match dir with
| `Rightshift -> int64_umax (Int64.shift_right_logical s1 z2) 1L
| `Leftshift -> int64_umax (Int64.shift_left s1 z2) 1L
(* Finally pick the lower and upper bounds. All the values above
are checked because of sign overflow. *)
let l = min (min a1 a2) (min b1 b2)
and u = max (max a1 a2) (max b1 b2) in
renorm k (k,s',l,u)
(** Logical right-shift *)
let rshift = mk_shift `Rightshift Int64.shift_right_logical
(** Arithmetic right-shift *)
let arshift = mk_shift `Rightshift Int64.shift_right
(** Left shift *)
let lshift = mk_shift `Leftshift Int64.shift_left
let cast_low tok ((k,s,a,b) as v) =
assert (tok <= k);
if tok = k then v
else (
let fits x = x = extend tok x in
(* If a and b are in the lowest tok bits, just keep those! *)
if fits s && fits a && fits b then
(tok, s, a, b)
(* XXX: We can probably do better here *)
top tok
let cast_low = renormun cast_low
let cast_high tok ((k,s,a,b) as v) =
assert (tok <= k);
if tok = k then v
else (
(* Shift right, then cast low *)
let v = rshift k v (single k (Int64.of_int(k - k))) in
cast_low tok v)
let cast_high = renormun cast_high
let cast_signed tok ((k,s,a,b) as _v) =
assert (tok >= k);
(* Signed extension preserves signed values, so this is super
easy! *)
let cast_signed = renormun cast_signed
let cast_unsigned tok ((k,s,a,b) as _v) =
assert (tok >= k);
(* Unsigned casting of signed numbers is bizarre. For positive
numbers, there is no problem, since sign-extension is the same as
zero-extension for positive numbers. For negative numbers,
however, a negative number is transformed into a (large) positive
number. *)
let c x =
if x >= 0L then x
else trunc k x in
let a' = c a
and b' = c b in
(* Re-order if needed *)
let a',b' = if a' <= b' then a',b' else b',a' in
let cast_unsigned = renormun cast_unsigned
let extract k h l ((k,_,_,_) as x) =
let nb = (h-l)+1 in
assert (h >= 0);
assert (nb >= 0);
let x = if l <> 0 then rshift k (single k (Int64.of_int l)) x else x in
let x = if nb <> k then cast_low nb x else x in
let extract = renormtri extract
let concat k (((k1,s1,l1,u1) as x) : t) (((k2,s2,l2,u2) as y) : t) =
assert (k = k1 + k2);
let x = cast_unsigned k x in
let y = cast_unsigned k y in
let x = lshift k x (single k (Int64.of_int k2)) in
logor k x y
let concat = renormbin concat
(* construct these only once *)
let yes = single 1 (-1L)
and no = single 1 0L
and maybe = (1, 1L, -1L, 0L)
(* XXX: Remove k *)
let eq k ((k',s1,a,b) as x) ((k'',s2,c,d) as y) =
assert(k=k' && k=k'');
check_reduced2 k x y;
if a = b && a = c && a = d then
else if b < c || d < a then
let s' = uint64_gcd s1 s2 in
let r1 = int64_urem a s'
and r2 = int64_urem c s' in
if r1 = r2 then
let union ((k,s1,a,b) as si1) ((k',s2,c,d) as si2) =
if k <> k' then failwith "union: expected same bitwidth intervals";
(* Empty sets *)
if is_empty si1 then si2
else if is_empty si2 then si1
let s' = uint64_gcd s1 s2 in
if s' = 0L then
if a = b && c = d then
let u = max a c
and l = min a c in
(k, u -% l, l, u)
else failwith "union: strided interval not in reduced form"
let r1 = I.rem a s' (* not right when s' is negative. *)
and r2 = I.rem c s' in
let u = max b d
and l = min a c in
if s' > 0L && r1 = r2 then
(k, s', l, u)
let s'' = uint64_gcd (Int64.abs (r1 -% r2)) s' in
(k, s'', l, u)
let union = renormbin' union
let intersection ((k,s1,a,b) as si1) ((k',s2,c,d) as si2) =
if is_empty si1 || is_empty si2 then empty k
else if k <> k' then failwith "intersection: expected same bitwidth intervals"
let l = max a c
and u = min b d in
if s1 = 0L && s2 = 0L then
if a = c then (k,s1,a,b) else (empty k)
else if s1 = 0L then
if int64_urem (c -% a) s2 = 0L && a >= c && a <= d then (k,s1,a,b) else (empty k)
else if s2 = 0L then
if int64_urem (c -% a) s1 = 0L && c >= a && c <= b then (k',s2,c,d) else (empty k)
else (
let s' = uint64_lcm s1 s2 in
if int64_urem a s' = 0L && int64_urem c s' = 0L then
let l = l and u = u -% int64_urem u s' in
if u >= l then (k, s', l, u -% int64_urem u s') else empty k
else (k, 1L, l, u))
let intersection = renormbin' intersection
let widen ((k,s1,a,b) as si1) ((k',s2,c,d) as si2) =
if is_empty si1 && not (is_empty si2) then top k
else if is_empty si1 then si2
else if is_empty si2 then si1
else if k <> k' then failwith "widen: expected same bitwidth intervals"
(* dprintf "Widen: %s to %s" (to_string si1) (to_string si2); *)
let s' = uint64_gcd s1 s2 in
let l = if c < a then lower k a s' else a
and u = if d > b then upper k b s' else b in
if s' = 0L then
if a = b && c = d then
(k, u -% l, l, u)
else failwith "widen: strided interval not in reduced form"
else (k, s', l, u)
let widen = renormbin' widen
let rec fold f (k,s,a,b) init =
if a = b then f a init
else fold f (k, s, a+%s ,b) (f a init)
end (* module SI *)
(* Very simplified version of VSA, with no bounding *)
module SimpleVSA =
module DFP =
module CFG = Cfg.AST
module L =
type t = SI.t VM.t
let top = VM.empty
let equal = VM.equal (=)
let meet =
VM.merge (fun k v1 v2 -> match v1, v2 with
| Some v1, Some v2 -> Some (SI.union v1 v2)
| Some v, None
| None, Some v -> Some v
| None, None -> None)
let widen =
VM.merge (fun k v1 v2 -> match v1, v2 with
| Some v1, Some v2 -> Some (SI.widen v1 v2)
| Some v, None
| None, Some v -> Some v
| None, None -> None)
module O = GraphDataflow.NOOPTIONS
let s0 _ _ = CFG.G.V.create Cfg.BB_Entry
let init _ g =
let dir _ = GraphDataflow.Forward
let binop_to_si_function = function
| PLUS -> SI.add ~allow_overflow:true
| MINUS -> SI.sub
| AND -> SI.logand
| OR -> SI.logor
| XOR -> SI.logxor
| MOD -> SI.modulus
| RSHIFT -> SI.rshift
| ARSHIFT -> SI.arshift
| LSHIFT -> SI.lshift
| EQ -> SI.eq
| NEQ -> fun k x y -> SI.lognot 1 (SI.eq k x y)
| LT
| LE
-> raise (Unimplemented "unimplemented binop")
let unop_to_si_function = function
| NEG -> SI.neg
| NOT -> SI.lognot
let cast_to_si_function = function
| CAST_UNSIGNED -> SI.cast_unsigned
| CAST_SIGNED -> SI.cast_signed
| CAST_LOW -> SI.cast_low
| CAST_HIGH -> SI.cast_high
let bits_of_exp e = bits_of_width (Typecheck.infer_ast ~check:false e)
let rec stmt_transfer_function _ _ _ s l =
match s with
| Assert(Var _, _) (* FIXME: Do we want to say v is true? *)
| Assert _ | Assume _ | Jmp _ | CJmp _ | Label _ | Comment _
| Halt _ ->
| Special _ ->
| Move(v, e, _) ->
let top v = (bits_of_width(Var.typ v)) in
let find v = VM.find v l in
let do_find v = try find v with Not_found -> top v in
let rec exp2si e =
try (match e with
| Int(i,t) -> SI.of_bap_int (int64_of_big_int i) t
| Lab _ -> raise(Unimplemented "No SI for labels (should be a constant)")
| Var v -> do_find v
| BinOp(op, x, y) ->
let f = binop_to_si_function op in
let k = bits_of_exp x in
let r = f k (exp2si x) (exp2si y) in
SI.check_reduced k r;
| UnOp(op, x) ->
let f = unop_to_si_function op in
let k = bits_of_exp x in
let r = f k (exp2si x) in
SI.check_reduced k r;
(* | Phi(x::xs) -> *)
(* List.fold_left *)
(* (fun i y -> SI.union i (do_find y)) *)
(* (do_find x) xs *)
(* | Phi [] -> *)
(* failwith "Encountered empty Phi expression" *)
(* This tries to preserve strides for loop variables, but takes too long, and
wasn't working.
| Phi xs ->
let res = List.fold_left
(fun res y ->
try let l = find y in
match res with None -> Some l
| Some l' -> Some(SI.union l l')
with Not_found -> res
None xs
(match res with
| Some l -> l
| None -> raise Not_found
| Cast(cast, t, vl) ->
let f = cast_to_si_function cast in
f (bits_of_width t) (exp2si vl)
| Concat (e1, e2) -> exp2si (Ast_convenience.rm_concat e)
| Extract _ -> exp2si (Ast_convenience.rm_extract e)
| Ite (c, e1, e2) ->
let csi = exp2si c in
if csi = SI.yes then exp2si e1
else if csi = then exp2si e2
else SI.union (exp2si e1) (exp2si e2)
| Unknown _ -> top v
| Let _ -> raise (Unimplemented "Let unimplemented")
| Store _ | Load _ -> raise (Unimplemented "Memory unimplemented in this version of VSA"))
with Unimplemented _ | Invalid_argument _ ->
top v
let new_si = exp2si e in
if try VM.find v l <> new_si with Not_found -> true then (
dprintf "adding %s = %s" (Pp.var_to_string v) (SI.to_string new_si);
VM.add v new_si l )
else l
with Invalid_argument _ | Not_found ->
let edge_transfer_function _ _ _ _ =
module DF = CfgDataflow.MakeWide(DFP)
end (* module SimpleVSA *)
(** Value Sets *)
module VS =
type region = var (* FIXME? *)
type address = region * SI.t
type t = address list
let global = Var.newvar "global region" (Reg 64) (* value doesn't really matter, so long as it's unique *)
let top k = [(global, k)]
let empty k = [(global, SI.empty k)]
let rec width = function
| (_, (k,_,_,_))::_ -> k
| [] -> failwith "width: empty value set"
let size k vs =
BatList.reduce (+%) ( (fun (_,si) -> SI.size si) vs)
let pp_address p (r, si) =
if r == global then p "$" else p(Pp.var_to_string r);
p " |=> ";
p (SI.to_string si)
let pp p = function
| [] -> failwith "this should not happen"
| x::xs ->
p "(";
pp_address p x;
List.iter (fun x -> p ", "; pp_address p x) xs;
p ")"
let to_string vs =
let b = Buffer.create 57 in
let p = Buffer.add_string b in
pp p vs;
Buffer.contents b
let kind = function
| [] -> failwith "empty value sets not allowed"
| [(r,si)] when r == global && si = 32 -> `Top
| [(r,_)] when r == global -> `VSglob
| [_] -> `VSsingle
| _ -> `VSarb
let single k x = [(global, SI.single k x)]
let of_bap_int i t = [(global, SI.of_bap_int i t)]
let remove_lower_bound = (fun (r,si) -> (r, SI.remove_lower_bound si))
let remove_upper_bound = (fun (r,si) -> (r, SI.remove_upper_bound si))
let zero k = [(global, k)]
let one k = [(global, k)]
let minus_one k = [(global, SI.minus_one k)]
let above k i = [(global, SI.above k i)]
let below k i = [(global, SI.below k i)]
let above_unsigned k i = [(global, SI.above_unsigned k i)]
let below_unsigned k i = [(global, SI.below_unsigned k i)]
let aboveeq k i = [(global, SI.aboveeq k i)]
let beloweq k i = [(global, SI.beloweq k i)]
let aboveeq_unsigned k i = [(global, SI.aboveeq_unsigned k i)]
let beloweq_unsigned k i = [(global, SI.beloweq_unsigned k i)]
let add k x y = match (x,y) with
| ([r2,si2],[r1,si1]) when r1 == global ->
let allow_overflow = r2 == global in
[(r2, SI.add ~allow_overflow k si1 si2)]
| ([r1,si1],[r2,si2]) when r1 == global ->
let allow_overflow = r2 == global in
[(r2, SI.add ~allow_overflow k si1 si2)]
| ([r,si1], xs) | (xs, [r,si1]) when r == global -> (fun (r,si) ->
let allow_overflow = r == global in
(r, SI.add ~allow_overflow k si1 si)) xs
| _ -> top k
let sub k x = function
| [r,si] when r == global -> (fun (r,si') -> (r, SI.sub k si' si)) x
| _ -> top k
let makeother f id annihilator k x y =
match (x,y) with
| ([r1,si1], [r2,si2]) when r1 == global && r1 == r2 ->
[(r1, f k si1 si2)]
| ([_] as vsg, vs) when vsg = id ->
| (vs, ([_] as vsg)) when vsg = id ->
| ([_] as vsg, _) when Some vsg = annihilator ->
BatOption.get annihilator
| (_,([_] as vsg)) when Some vsg = annihilator ->
BatOption.get annihilator
| _ -> top k
let logand k = makeother SI.logand (minus_one k) (Some (zero k)) k
let logor k = makeother SI.logor (zero k) (Some (minus_one k)) k
let logxor k = makeother SI.logxor (zero k) None k
let si_to_vs_binop_function f k =
let g vs1 vs2 = match vs1, vs2 with
| [(r1,si1)], [(r2,si2)] when r1 == global && r2 == global -> [(r1, f k si1 si2)]
| _ -> raise(Unimplemented "unimplemented binop") in
let si_to_vs_unop_function f k =
let g vs1 = match vs1 with
| [(r1,si1)] when r1 == global -> [(r1, f k si1)]
| _ -> raise(Unimplemented "unimplemented unop") in
let concat = si_to_vs_binop_function SI.concat
let yes = [(global, SI.yes)]
let no = [(global,]
let maybe = [(global, SI.maybe)]
(** Slightly unconservative equality checking. *)
let eq k x y = match (x,y) with
| ([r1,si1], [r2,si2]) when r1 == r2 ->
[(global, SI.eq k si1 si2)]
| (r, _) when r = top k -> maybe
| (_, r) when r = top k -> maybe
| _ ->
if List.exists (fun(r,s)-> List.exists (fun(r2,s2)-> r == r2 && SI.eq k s s2 <> y) x
then maybe
else no
let equal x y =
if x == y then true
else x = y
let union x y =
let k = width x in
if debug () then (assert (k = width y));
if x = top k || y = top k then top k else
let h = Hashtbl.create (List.length x + List.length y) in
let add (r,si) =
try Hashtbl.replace h r (SI.union (Hashtbl.find h r) si)
with Not_found ->
Hashtbl.add h r si
List.iter add x;
List.iter add y;
Hashtbl.fold (fun k v r -> (k,v)::r) h []
let intersection x y =
let k = width x in
if debug () then (assert (k = width y));
if x = top k then y
else if y = top k then x
else let hx = Hashtbl.create (List.length x) in
let add (r,si) =
Hashtbl.add hx r si
List.iter add x;
(fun l (r,si) ->
try (r, SI.intersection si (Hashtbl.find hx r))::l
with Not_found -> l)
[] y
let widen x y =
let k = width x in
if debug () then (assert (k = width y));
if x = top k || y = top k then top k else
let h = Hashtbl.create (List.length x + List.length y) in
let add (r,si) =
try Hashtbl.replace h r (SI.widen (Hashtbl.find h r) si)
with Not_found ->
Hashtbl.add h r si
List.iter add x;
List.iter add y;
Hashtbl.fold (fun k v r -> (k,v)::r) h []
let fold f vs init =
(* if vs = top addr_bits then wprintf "VS.fold is very slow for Top"; *)
List.fold_left (fun a (r,si) -> SI.fold (fun v -> f (r,v)) si a) init vs
let concrete ?max vs =
let get_value (r,o) (l,ctr) =
(match max with
| Some x -> if ctr > x then raise Exit
| None -> ());
if r == global then
o::l, ctr+1
else raise Exit in
let l,_ = fold get_value vs ([],1) in
Some l
with Exit -> None
let numconcrete vs =
fold (fun _ a -> a +% 1L) vs 0L
(* Very simplified version of VSA, supporting regions *)
module RegionVSA =
module DFP =
module CFG = Cfg.AST
module L =
type t = VS.t VM.t
let top = VM.empty
let equal = VM.equal (=)
let meet x y =
(fun k v res ->
let v' = VM.find k y in
let vs = VS.union v v' in
VM.add k vs res
with Not_found ->
VM.add k v res
x y
let widen x y =
(fun k v res ->
let v' = VM.find k y in
let vs = VS.widen v v' in
VM.add k vs res
with Not_found ->
VM.add k v res
x y
module O = GraphDataflow.NOOPTIONS
let s0 _ _ = CFG.G.V.create Cfg.BB_Entry
let init _ g =
VM.add sp [(sp, (bits_of_width (Var.typ sp)))] (* stack region *)
let dir _ = GraphDataflow.Forward
let binop_to_vs_function = function
| PLUS -> VS.add
| MINUS -> VS.sub
| AND -> VS.logand
| OR -> VS.logor
| XOR -> VS.logxor
| EQ -> VS.eq
| LT
| LE
| SLE as bop
-> VS.si_to_vs_binop_function (SimpleVSA.DFP.binop_to_si_function bop)
let unop_to_vs_function = function
| NOT as unop
-> VS.si_to_vs_unop_function (SimpleVSA.DFP.unop_to_si_function unop)
let rec stmt_transfer_function _ _ _ s l =
match s with
| Assert(Var _, _) (* FIXME: Do we want to say v is true? *)
| Assert _ | Assume _ | Jmp _ | CJmp _ | Label _ | Comment _
| Halt _ ->
| Special _ ->
| Move(v, e, _) ->
let find v = VM.find v l in
let do_find v = try find v with Not_found -> (bits_of_width (Var.typ v)) in
let rec exp2vs e =
try (match e with
| Int(i,t) -> VS.of_bap_int (int64_of_big_int i) t
| Lab _ -> raise(Unimplemented "No VS for labels (should be a constant)")
| Var v -> do_find v
| BinOp(op, x, y) ->
let f = binop_to_vs_function op in
let k = SimpleVSA.DFP.bits_of_exp x in
f k (exp2vs x) (exp2vs y)
| UnOp(op, x) ->
let f = unop_to_vs_function op in
let k = SimpleVSA.DFP.bits_of_exp x in
f k (exp2vs x)
(* | Phi(x::xs) -> *)
(* List.fold_left *)
(* (fun i y -> VS.union i (do_find y)) *)
(* (do_find x) xs *)
(* | Phi [] -> *)
(* failwith "Encountered empty Phi expression" *)
| Cast _ ->
raise(Unimplemented "FIXME")
| _ ->
raise(Unimplemented "unimplemented expression type"))
with Unimplemented _ | Invalid_argument _ -> (bits_of_width (Typecheck.infer_ast ~check:false e))
let new_vs = exp2vs e in
VM.add v new_vs l
with Invalid_argument _ | Not_found ->
let edge_transfer_function _ _ _ _ =
module DF = CfgDataflow.MakeWide(DFP)
end (* module RegionVSA *)
(** Abstract Store *)
module MemStore = struct
type aloc = VS.region * int64
module M1 = BatMap.Make(struct type t = VS.region let compare = end)
module M2 = BatMap.Make(struct type t = int64 let compare = end)
(* VSA optional interface: specify a "real" memory read function *)
module O = struct
type t = { initial_mem : (addr * char) list }
let default = { initial_mem = [] }
(** This implementation may change... *)
type t = VS.t M2.t M1.t
let top = M1.empty
(** Fold over all addresses in the MemStore *)
let fold f ae i =
M1.fold (fun r m2 a -> M2.fold (fun i vs a -> f (r,i) vs a) m2 a) ae i
let pp p a =
p "Memory contents:\n";
fold (fun (r,i) vs () ->
let region = if r == then "$" else Pp.var_to_string r in
p (Printf.sprintf " %s[%#Lx] -> %s\n" region i (VS.to_string vs))) a ();
p "End contents."
(* let read_concrete_real ?o (r,i) =match o with *)
(* | Some {O.get_mem=get_mem} when r = -> *)
(* let prog_mem = BatList.filter_map get_mem [i;i+%1L;i+%2L;i+%3L] in *)
(* if List.length prog_mem = 4 then *)
(* (\* Ugh, fix this *\) *)
(* let i64 = Arithmetic.bytes_to_int64 `Little prog_mem in *)
(* VS.of_bap_int i64 reg_32 *)
(* else *)
(* | _ -> *)
let rec read_concrete k ?o ae (r,i) =
let v = M2.find i (M1.find r ae) in
let w = VS.width v in
assert (w mod 8 = 0);
if w = k then v
else (
(* We wanted to read k bits, but read w instead. Let's try to
read from i+w/8 and get the rest. *)
if w > k then
(* We read too many bytes: use extract *) k
(* We read too few bytes: use concat
XXX: Handle address wrap-around properly
let rest = read_concrete (k-w) ?o ae (r, i+%((Int64.of_int w)/%8L)) in
(* XXX: Endianness *)
(* let () = dprintf "Concatenating %Ld %s and %s ->" i (VS.to_string rest) (VS.to_string v) in *)
VS.concat k rest v)
with Not_found -> k
let read k ?o ae = function
| [] -> failwith "empty value sets not allowed"
| addrs -> (* FIXME: maybe shortcut this *)
let res =
(fun v a ->
match a with
| None -> Some (read_concrete k ?o ae v)
| Some a ->
if a = k then raise Exit
Some (VS.union (read_concrete k ?o ae v) a)
) addrs None
match res with
| Some x -> x
| None -> failwith " impossible address"
with Exit -> k
let widen_region r =
match !mem_max with
| Some m ->
if M2.cardinal r > m then M2.empty
else r
| None -> r
let widen_mem m = (fun r -> widen_region r) m
let write_concrete_strong k ae (r,i) vl =
if vl = k then
let m2 = M1.find r ae in
let m2' = M2.remove i m2 in
if M2.is_empty m2' then M1.remove r ae else M1.add r m2' ae
with Not_found -> ae
let m2 = try M1.find r ae with Not_found -> M2.empty in
(* Don't overwrite the old value if it's the same; this wastes
memory in the applicative data structure. *)
if (try M2.find i m2 = vl with Not_found -> false)
then ae
else M1.add r (M2.add i vl m2) ae
let write_concrete_weak k ae addr vl =
write_concrete_strong k ae addr (VS.union vl (read_concrete k ae addr))
let write_concrete_intersection k ae addr vl =
write_concrete_strong k ae addr (VS.intersection vl (read_concrete k ae addr))
let write_concrete_weak_widen k ae addr vl =
write_concrete_strong k ae addr (VS.widen vl (read_concrete k ae addr))
let write k ae addr vl =
if addr = addr_bits then (
if vl = k then top
else match !mem_max with
| None -> fold (fun addr v a -> write_concrete_weak k a addr vl) ae ae
| Some _ -> top
) else match addr with
| [(r, ((k,_,_,_) as o))] when o = k ->
(* Set this entire region to Top *)
M1.remove r ae
| [(r, (_,0L,x,y))] when x = y ->
write_concrete_strong k ae (r,x) vl
| _ ->
(match !mem_max with
| Some m ->
if VS.size k addr > Int64.of_int m then top
else widen_mem (VS.fold (fun v a -> write_concrete_weak k a v vl) addr ae)
| None -> widen_mem (VS.fold (fun v a -> write_concrete_weak k a v vl) addr ae))
let write_intersection k ae addr vl =
match addr with
| [(r, (_,0L,x,y))] when x = y ->
write_concrete_intersection k ae (r,x) vl
| _ ->
(* Since we don't know what location is getting the
intersection, we can't do anything. *)
let equal x y =
if x == y then true
else M1.equal (M2.equal (=)) x y
let merge_region f =
M2.merge (fun a v1 v2 -> match v1, v2 with
| Some v1, Some v2 -> Some (f v1 v2)
| Some v, None
| None, Some v -> Some v
| None, None -> None)
let merge_mem f =
M1.merge (fun r v1 v2 -> match v1, v2 with
| Some v1, Some v2 -> Some (merge_region f v1 v2)
| Some v, None
| None, Some v -> Some v
| None, None -> None)
let intersection (x:t) (y:t) =
if equal x y then x
else merge_mem VS.intersection x y
let union (x:t) (y:t) =
if equal x y then x
else merge_mem VS.union x y
let widen (x:t) (y:t) =
if equal x y then x
else merge_mem VS.widen x y
(** Abstract Environment *)
module AbsEnv = struct
type value = [ `Scalar of VS.t | `Array of MemStore.t ]
(** This implementation may change *)
type t = value VM.t
let empty = VM.empty
let pp_value p = function
| `Scalar s -> VS.pp p s
| `Array a -> MemStore.pp p a
let value_to_string v =
let b = Buffer.create 57 in
let p = Buffer.add_string b in
pp_value p v;
Buffer.contents b
let pp p m =
VM.iter (fun k v ->
p ("\n " ^ (Pp.var_to_string k) ^ " -> ");
pp_value p v;
) m
let to_string m =
let b = Buffer.create 57 in
let p = Buffer.add_string b in
pp p m;
Buffer.contents b
let value_equal x y = match x,y with
| (`Scalar x, `Scalar y) -> VS.equal x y
| (`Array x, `Array y) -> MemStore.equal x y
| _ -> failwith "value_equal"
let equal x y =
if x == y then true
else VM.equal (value_equal) x y
let do_find_vs ae v =
try match VM.find v ae with
| `Scalar vs -> vs
| _ -> failwith "type mismatch" (* (bits_of_width (Var.typ v))*)
with Not_found -> (bits_of_width (Var.typ v))
(* let astval2vs ae = function *)
(* | Int(i,t) -> VS.of_bap_int (int64_of_big_int i) t *)
(* | Lab _ -> raise(Unimplemented "No VS for labels (should be a constant)") *)
(* | Var v -> do_find_vs ae v *)
let do_find_ae ae v =
try match VM.find v ae with
| `Array ae -> ae
| _ -> failwith "Wanted to find abstract environment but found scalar. Not sure why this would happen"
with Not_found ->
end (* module AE *)
(** This does most of VSA, except the loop handling and special dataflow *)
module AlmostVSA =
module DFP =
module CFG = Cfg.AST
module L =
type t = AbsEnv.t
let top = AbsEnv.empty
let equal = AbsEnv.equal
let meet (x:t) (y:t) =
if equal x y then x
else VM.fold
(fun k v res ->
let v' = VM.find k y in
let vs = match v, v' with
| (`Scalar a, `Scalar b) -> `Scalar(VS.union a b)
| (`Array a, `Array b) -> `Array(MemStore.union a b)
| _ -> failwith "Tried to meet scalar and array"
VM.add k vs res
with Not_found ->
VM.add k v res
x y
let widen (x:t) (y:t) =
if equal x y then x
else VM.fold
(fun k v res ->
let v' = VM.find k y in
let vs = match v, v' with
| (`Scalar a, `Scalar b) -> dprintf "widening %s" (Pp.var_to_string k); `Scalar(VS.widen a b)
| (`Array a, `Array b) -> `Array(MemStore.widen a b)
| _ -> failwith "Tried to widen scalar and array"
VM.add k vs res
with Not_found ->
VM.add k v res
x y
(* let widen x y =
let v = widen x y in
print_string "x\n";
AbsEnv.pp print_string x;
print_string "\ny\n";
AbsEnv.pp print_string y;
print_string "\nwiden\n";
AbsEnv.pp print_string v;
print_string "\n";
v *)
module O = MemStore.O
let s0 _ _ = CFG.G.V.create Cfg.BB_Entry
(** Creates a lattice element that maps each of the given variables to
it's own region. (For use as an inital value in the dataflow problem.)
let init_vars vars =
List.fold_left (fun vm x -> VM.add x (`Scalar [(x, (bits_of_width (Var.typ x)))]) vm) vars
let init_mem vm {O.initial_mem=initial_mem} =
let write_mem m (a,v) =
DV.dprintf "Writing %#x to %#Lx" (Char.code v) a;
let v = Char.code v in
let v = Int64.of_int v in
MemStore.write 8 m (VS.single 32 a) (VS.single 8 v)
let m = List.fold_left write_mem ( initial_mem in
VM.add Disasm_i386.mem (`Array m) vm
let init o g : L.t =
let vm = init_vars [sp] in
init_mem vm o
let dir _ = GraphDataflow.Forward
let find v l = VM.find v l
let do_find = AbsEnv.do_find_vs
let do_find_ae = AbsEnv.do_find_ae
(* aev = abstract environment value *)
let rec exp2vs ?o l e =
match exp2aev ?o l e with
| `Scalar vs -> vs
| _ -> failwith "exp2vs: Expected scalar"
and exp2aev ?o l e : AbsEnv.value =
match Typecheck.infer_ast ~check:false e with
| Reg nbits -> (
let new_vs = try (match e with
| Int(i,t)->
VS.of_bap_int (int64_of_big_int i) t
| Lab _ -> raise(Unimplemented "No VS for labels (should be a constant)")
| Var v -> do_find l v
| BinOp(op, x, y) ->
let f = RegionVSA.DFP.binop_to_vs_function op in
let k = SimpleVSA.DFP.bits_of_exp x in
f k (exp2vs ?o l x) (exp2vs ?o l y)
| UnOp(op, x) ->
let f = RegionVSA.DFP.unop_to_vs_function op in
let k = SimpleVSA.DFP.bits_of_exp x in
f k (exp2vs ?o l x)
(* | Phi(x::xs) -> *)
(* List.fold_left *)
(* (fun i y -> VS.union i (do_find l y)) *)
(* (do_find l x) xs *)
(* | Phi [] -> *)
(* failwith "Encountered empty Phi expression" *)
| Load(Var m, i, _e, t) ->
(* FIXME: assumes deendianized.
ie: _e and _t should be the same for all loads and
stores of m. *) (bits_of_width t) ?o (do_find_ae l m) (exp2vs ?o l i)
| Cast _ ->
raise(Unimplemented "FIXME")
| Load _ | Concat _ | Extract _ | Ite _ | Unknown _ | Let _ | Store _ ->
raise(Unimplemented "unimplemented expression type"))
with Unimplemented s | Invalid_argument s -> DV.dprintf "unimplemented %s %s!" s (Pp.ast_exp_to_string e); nbits
in `Scalar new_vs
| TMem _ | Array _ -> (
let new_vs = try (match e with
| Var v ->
do_find_ae l v
| Store(Var m,i,v,_e,t) ->
(* FIXME: assumes deendianized.
ie: _e and _t should be the same for all loads and
stores of m. *)
dprintf "doing a write... to %s of %s." (VS.to_string (exp2vs ?o l i)) (VS.to_string (exp2vs ?o l v));
(* dprintf "size %#Lx" (VS.numconcrete (exp2vs ?o l i)); *)
MemStore.write (bits_of_width t) (do_find_ae l m) (exp2vs ?o l i) (exp2vs ?o l v)
(* | Phi(x::xs) -> *)
(* List.fold_left *)
(* (fun i y -> MemStore.union i (do_find_ae l y)) *)
(* (do_find_ae l x) xs *)
(* | Phi [] -> *)
(* failwith "Encountered empty Phi expression" *)
| _ ->
raise(Unimplemented "unimplemented memory expression type"))
with Unimplemented _ | Invalid_argument _ ->
in `Array new_vs
let rec stmt_transfer_function o _ _ s l =
dprintf "Executing %s" (Pp.ast_stmt_to_string s);
match s with
| Assert(Var _, _) (* FIXME: Do we want to say v is true? *)
| Assert _ | Assume _ | Jmp _ | CJmp _ | Label _ | Comment _
| Halt _ ->
| Special _ ->
| Move(v, e, _) ->
let new_vs = exp2aev ~o l e in
if DV.debug () then
(match new_vs with
| `Scalar new_vs ->
DV.dprintf "Assign %s <- %s" (Pp.var_to_string v) (VS.to_string new_vs)
| _ -> ());
VM.add v new_vs l
with Invalid_argument _ | Not_found ->
let edge_transfer_function o g edge _ l =
dprintf "edge from %s to %s" (Cfg_ast.v2s (Cfg.AST.G.E.src edge)) (Cfg_ast.v2s (Cfg.AST.G.E.dst edge));
let accept_signed_bop bop =
match !signedness_hack, bop with
| false, (SLE|SLT) -> true
| true, (SLE|SLT|LE|LT) -> true
| _, _ -> false
match CFG.G.E.label edge with
(* Because strided intervals represent signed numbers, we
cannot convert unsigned inequalities to strided intervals (try
it). *)
| Some(_, BinOp(EQ, (BinOp((SLE|SLT|LE|LT) as bop, Var v, Int(i, t)) as be), Int(i', t')))
| Some(_, BinOp(EQ, (BinOp((SLE|SLT|LE|LT) as bop, Int(i, t), Var v) as be), Int(i', t')))
when accept_signed_bop bop ->
let dir = match be with
| BinOp(_, Var _, Int _) -> `Below
| BinOp(_, Int _, Var _) -> `Above
| _ -> failwith "impossible"
(* Reverse if needed *)
let e, dir, bop =
if bi_is_one i' then be, dir, bop
let newbop = match bop with
| SLE -> SLT
| SLT -> SLE
| LE -> LT
| LT -> LE
| _ -> failwith "impossible"
match dir with
| `Below -> BinOp(newbop, Int(i, t), Var v), `Above, newbop
| `Above -> BinOp(newbop, Var v, Int(i, t)), `Below, newbop
let vsf = match dir, bop with
| `Below, SLE -> VS.beloweq
| `Below, LE -> VS.beloweq_unsigned
| `Below, SLT -> VS.below
| `Below, LT -> VS.below_unsigned
| `Above, SLE -> VS.aboveeq
| `Above, LE -> VS.aboveeq_unsigned
| `Above, SLT -> VS.above
| `Above, LT -> VS.above_unsigned
| _ -> failwith "impossible"
let vs_v = do_find l v in
let vs_c = vsf (bits_of_width t) (int64_of_big_int i) in
let vs_int = VS.intersection vs_v vs_c in
dprintf "%s dst %s vs_v %s vs_c %s vs_int %s" (Pp.var_to_string v) (Cfg_ast.v2s (CFG.G.E.dst edge)) (VS.to_string vs_v) (VS.to_string vs_c) (VS.to_string vs_int);
VM.add v (`Scalar vs_int) l
| Some(_, BinOp(EQ, (BinOp((SLE|SLT|LE|LT) as bop, (Load(Var m, ind, _e, t) as le), Int(i, t')) as be), Int(i', t'')))
| Some(_, BinOp(EQ, (BinOp((SLE|SLT|LE|LT) as bop, Int(i, t'), (Load(Var m, ind, _e, t) as le)) as be), Int(i', t'')))
when accept_signed_bop bop ->
let dir = match be with
| BinOp(_, Load _, Int _) -> `Below
| BinOp(_, Int _, Load _) -> `Above
| _ -> failwith "impossible"
(* Reverse if needed *)
let e, dir, bop =
if bi_is_one i' then be, dir, bop
let newbop = match bop with
| SLE -> SLT
| SLT -> SLE
| LT -> LE
| LE -> LT
| _ -> failwith "impossible"
match dir with
| `Below -> BinOp(newbop, Int(i, t), Load(Var m, ind, _e, t)), `Above, newbop
| `Above -> BinOp(newbop, Load(Var m, ind, _e, t), Int(i, t)), `Below, newbop
let vsf = match dir, bop with
| `Below, SLE -> VS.beloweq
| `Below, LE -> VS.beloweq_unsigned
| `Below, SLT -> VS.below
| `Below, LT -> VS.below_unsigned
| `Above, SLE -> VS.aboveeq
| `Above, LE -> VS.aboveeq_unsigned
| `Above, SLT -> VS.above
| `Above, LT -> VS.above_unsigned
| _ -> failwith "impossible"
let vs_v = exp2vs ~o l le in
let vs_c = vsf (bits_of_width t) (int64_of_big_int i) in
let vs_int = VS.intersection vs_v vs_c in
dprintf "%s dst %s vs_v %s vs_c %s vs_int %s" (Pp.var_to_string m) (Cfg_ast.v2s (CFG.G.E.dst edge)) (VS.to_string vs_v) (VS.to_string vs_c) (VS.to_string vs_int);
let orig_mem = do_find_ae l m in
let new_mem = MemStore.write_intersection (bits_of_width t) orig_mem (exp2vs l ind) vs_int in
VM.add m (`Array new_mem) l
| Some(_, BinOp(EQ, (BinOp(EQ|NEQ as bop, Var v, Int(i, t))), Int(i', t')))
| Some(_, BinOp(EQ, (BinOp(EQ|NEQ as bop, Int(i, t), Var v)), Int(i', t'))) ->
(* We can make a SI for equality, but not for not for
inequality *)
let vs_c =
let s = VS.of_bap_int (int64_of_big_int i) t in
match bop with
| EQ when i' = bi1 -> s
| NEQ when i' = bi0 -> s
| _ -> (bits_of_width t)
let vs_v = do_find l v in
let vs_int = VS.intersection vs_v vs_c in
dprintf "%s dst %s vs_v %s vs_c %s vs_int %s" (Pp.var_to_string v) (Cfg_ast.v2s (CFG.G.E.dst edge)) (VS.to_string vs_v) (VS.to_string vs_c) (VS.to_string vs_int);
VM.add v (`Scalar vs_int) l
| Some(_, BinOp((SLT|SLE), Var v2, Var v1)) ->
(* XXX: Can we do something different for SLT? *)
let vs_v1 = do_find l v1
and vs_v2 = do_find l v2 in
let vs_lb = VS.remove_upper_bound vs_v2
and vs_ub = VS.remove_lower_bound vs_v1 in
let vs_v1 = VS.intersection vs_v1 vs_lb
and vs_v2 = VS.intersection vs_v2 vs_ub in
let l = VM.add v1 (`Scalar vs_v1) l in
VM.add v2 (`Scalar vs_v2) l
| Some(_, e) -> dprintf "no edge match %s" (Pp.ast_exp_to_string e); l
| _ -> l
module DF = CfgDataflow.MakeWide(DFP)
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