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Last active August 21, 2023 14:35
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Save edmcman/f702929944420a9373c71e7ef13031b9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//Decompile the function at the cursor, then build data-flow graph (AST)
//@category PCode
// Use with
// XXX: Fix the listener so we can click on the graph. Requires slight change to PCodeDfgDisplayListener
// XXX: Make a button of prompt to write to a dot file
import ghidra.framework.plugintool.PluginTool
import ghidra.util.task.{Task, TaskMonitor}
import ghidra.util.Msg
import ghidra.service.graph._
import ghidra.program.model.pcode._
import{PCodeDfgGraphType, PCodeDfgDisplayOptions}
import ghidra.program.model.pcode.SequenceNumber
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
class GraphSettings(val tool: PluginTool) extends PCodeDfgDisplayOptions(tool) {
// Ghidra's AttributeVertex::toString is horrible
class NewAttributedVertex(id: String, name: String) extends AttributedVertex(id, name) {
override def toString(): String = name
// This is a copy of PCodeDfgGraphTask that allows us to access the graph.
class DfgGraph(val tool: PluginTool, val graphService: GraphDisplayBroker, val hf: HighFunction) /*extends Task*/ {, "Building Data Flow Graph")
// What is this?
def getOpKey(op : PcodeOpAST) = {
val sq = op.getSeqnum
val addr = sq.getTarget.toString(false)
def getVarnodeKey(vn : VarnodeAST) = {
val defOp: Option[PcodeOp] = Option(vn.getDef)
defOp match {
case Some(defOp) => s"def ${defOp.getSeqnum.toString}"
case None => s"vn ${vn.getUniqueId.toString}"
def highvarToName(highvar: HighVariable) = {
// If this is a symbol, use that name. Otherwise use the highvar name.
Option(highvar.getSymbol) match {
case Some(symbol) => Option(symbol.getName).map(s => s"highsym: $s")
case None => Option(highvar.getName).map(n => s"highvar: $n")
def createVarnodeVertex(graph: AttributedGraph, vn: VarnodeAST) = {
val id = getVarnodeKey(vn)
//var name = vn.getAddress.toString(true)
var name = vn.toString
var vertexType = PCodeDfgGraphType.DEFAULT_VERTEX
if (vn.isConstant) {
vertexType = PCodeDfgGraphType.CONSTANT
} else if (vn.isRegister) {
val reg = Option(hf.getFunction.getProgram.getRegister(vn.getAddress, vn.getSize)) => name = r.getName)
vertexType = PCodeDfgGraphType.REGISTER
} else if (vn.isUnique) {
vertexType = PCodeDfgGraphType.UNIQUE
} else if (vn.isPersistent) {
vertexType = PCodeDfgGraphType.PERSISTENT
} else if (vn.isAddrTied) {
vertexType = PCodeDfgGraphType.ADDRESS_TIED
val highvar: Option[HighVariable] = Option(vn.getHigh)
val highvarname =
highvarname match {
case Some(Some(highvarname)) => name = name + "\n" + highvarname
case _ => ()
if (vn.isInput) {
name = "Input: " + name
name = Option(vn.getDef) match {
case None => name
case Some(defOp) => name + s"\n@${defOp.getSeqnum.getTarget.toString(false)}"
val vert = new NewAttributedVertex(id, name)
//, s"Varnode id=$id name=$name")
// Set inputs to triangle shape
if (vn.isInput) {
vert.setAttribute(PCodeDfgDisplayOptions.SHAPE_ATTRIBUTE, VertexShape.TRIANGLE_DOWN.getName)
def getVarnodeVertex(graph: AttributedGraph, vertices: HashMap[Int, AttributedVertex], hf: HighFunction, vn: VarnodeAST): AttributedVertex = {
val id = vn.getUniqueId
vertices.get(id) match {
case Some(v) => v
case None => {
val v = createVarnodeVertex(graph, vn)
vertices(id) = v
def createOpVertex(graph: AttributedGraph, op: PcodeOpAST) = {
var name = op.getMnemonic // toString is very verbose
val id = getOpKey(op)
val opcode = op.getOpcode
opcode match {
case PcodeOp.LOAD => {
val vn = op.getInput(0)
val addrspace = hf.getFunction.getProgram.getAddressFactory.getAddressSpace(vn.getOffset.toInt)
name = name + " " + addrspace.getName
case PcodeOp.INDIRECT => {
val vn = Option(op.getInput(1)) => Option(hf.getOpRef(vn.getOffset.toInt))
.map(indop => name = name + s" (${indop.getMnemonic})")
case _ => {
name = name + s"\n@${op.getSeqnum.getTarget.toString(false)}"
val vert = new NewAttributedVertex(id, name)
def createEdge(graph: AttributedGraph, in: AttributedVertex, out: AttributedVertex): AttributedEdge = {
val edge = graph.addEdge(in, out)
def getGraph(): AttributedGraph = {
val graph = new AttributedGraph(s"Data Flow Graph for ${hf.getFunction.getName}", new PCodeDfgGraphType)
val vertices = new HashMap[Int, AttributedVertex]()
for (pcodeOp <- hf.getPcodeOps) {
//val pcodeOpcode = op.getOpcode, s"Pcode op $pcodeOp")
val opVertex = createOpVertex(graph, pcodeOp)
for ((input,index) <- pcodeOp.getInputs.zipWithIndex) {
(pcodeOp.getOpcode, index) match {
//case (_, 0) => ()
case (PcodeOp.LOAD | PcodeOp.STORE, 0) => ()
case (PcodeOp.INDIRECT, 1) => ()
case _ => {
// Create input node and edge
val inv = getVarnodeVertex(graph, vertices, hf, input.asInstanceOf[VarnodeAST])
createEdge(graph, inv, opVertex)
// Create output node
val outvarnode: Option[VarnodeAST] = Option(pcodeOp.getOutput.asInstanceOf[VarnodeAST])
val outvertex = => getVarnodeVertex(graph, vertices, hf, outvarnode)) => createEdge(graph, opVertex, outvertex))
def displayGraph(monitor: TaskMonitor) = {
val display = graphService.getDefaultGraphDisplay(false, monitor)
val displayOptions = new GraphSettings(tool)
val graph = getGraph ()
display.setGraph(graph, displayOptions, s"Data Flow Graph for ${hf.getFunction.getName}", true, monitor)
import org.jgrapht.nio.{Attribute, AttributeType, DefaultAttribute}
// Sigh, the default Dot exporter uses the vertices' ID as the label instead of the name
class DotNameExporter extends ghidra.graph.exporter.DotGraphExporter {
override def getAttributes(v: Attributed): java.util.Map[String, Attribute] = {
val attributeMap = new java.util.HashMap[String, Attribute]()
for (entry <- v.entrySet()) {
val key = entry.getKey()
val value = entry.getValue()
attributeMap.put(key, new DefaultAttribute(value, AttributeType.STRING))
if (key == "Name") {
attributeMap.put("label", new DefaultAttribute(value, AttributeType.STRING))
class HighDDG extends GhidraScript {
override def run() = {
println("Hello world, I'm written in Scala...!")
val tool = state.getTool
assert (tool != null)
val graphService = tool.getService(classOf[GraphDisplayBroker])
assert (graphService != null)
// graphService.getGraphExporters().map(e => e.getName()).foreach(println)
val ifc = new DecompInterface
if (!ifc.openProgram(currentProgram)) {
throw new DecompileException("Decompiler", "Unable to initialize: " + ifc.getLastMessage)
val res = ifc.decompileFunction(currentProgram.getFunctionManager.getFunctionContaining(currentAddress), 60, null)
val hf = res.getHighFunction
val dg = new DfgGraph(tool, graphService, hf)
// Dump graph to file
val file = askFile("Export graph to DOT file? Provide output filename or cancel.", "Export graph to file")
val exporter = new DotNameExporter
exporter.exportGraph(dg.getGraph (), file)
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