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Last active February 27, 2020 00:25
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What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?

  • From a young age, I have been attuned to the people around me. This allowed me to adapt to new environments as my family moved around from one country to another. Similarly when I spent a year abroad in Germany, this skillset allowed me to learn the language and adapt to the culture quickly. More then anything, I believe being empathic has allowed me a bit of a chameleon anywhere I go.

How does empathy help you build better software?

  • It's clear to me that the innovative sofware of tomorrow will have empathy to thank. Empathy allows for sofware to be intuitive to the user, so their experience is flawless. A flawless experience is a rewarding experience, because there is no wasted effort. Additinally as our reliance on technology increases, being able to maintain a human experience while simultaneously adding a new technology/tool to imporove our everyday lives will become critical.

Why is empathy important for working on a team?

  • Empathy is the glue that holds a team togther. Empathic team members are keenly aware of the ebb and flow of each other, and are better able to help each other through difficulties. They actively help build trust amongst the group, thus improving communication. I don't think a team reaches 'next level' performance without being empathic of one another; it is key to developing a shared vision and sense of purpose. Empathy is the key to achieving the elusive "flow".

Describe a situation in which your ability to empathize with a colleague or teammate was helpful.

  • As a pedicabber working music festivals, I have developed a small crew with whom I often carpool. As a crew, we camp together at the events and often outside of them, too, as we travel accross the country with our giant tricycles. Without empathy, sharing such close quarters with my colleagues would be difficult. I could not keep cool in the face of Brandon's airheaded nature, or laugh along with Jason's flatulations. In return, they are ok with my desire to buy/share the price of nicer groceries for the group. We often climb together, too. A sport in which we must often confront the weaker aspects of our egos, and explore unknowns, it is helpful to have/be empathic friends close by to push past your boundries, reassure in your failures, and celebrate in your successes.

When do you find it most difficult to be empathetic in professional settings? How can you improve your skills when faced with these scenarios?

  • I become quite skeptical of another party, hence unempathetic, if the party has an attitude of having the upper hand, or of knowingly taking advantage of my kinder nature to their benefit. If I do not consider a relationship to be altruistic, I find it difficult to want to develop that relationship further. I can practice the tact to confront these situations head on, rather than just receding to myself and my own comfortable circle of friends. There is a lesson that can be learned from every personality we encounter, but not every lesson may be relavant to our path in life. The skill to discern the relationships that are worth pursuing past some initial friction and those that are not also needs practice.
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