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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Django JSON Helper
Version 0.3.8 - Ed Menendez -
Add to any Django Model definition and you will have a instance.as_json() function).
For example >> class Customer(models.Model, JSONHelper):
Latest at
import copy
import json
from django.core import serializers
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.db.models import fields
from django.utils.deconstruct import deconstructible
class JSONHelper(object):
Adds a as_json method to the model.
def json_cleanup(self, json_dict):
Override this to take the json_dict and so some additional processing.
return json_dict
def as_json(
self, depth=1, as_python_obj=False, seen_models=None, skip_fields=[],
If as_python_obj is True it will not return a json string but a regular
Python object instead.
skip_fields should be a list of fields to exclude. include_fields are
fields to include. If include_fields is blank, it assumes everything is
skip_fields currently only works with accessors and FKs but not regular
# House keeping to prevent recursion. If it's seen within the tree, then
# it skips it.
seen_models = seen_models and copy.deepcopy(seen_models) or []
model = self._meta.model
except AttributeError:
# Django 1.5 does this instead
model = self._meta.concrete_model
kwargs = {}
if include_fields:
kwargs['fields'] = include_fields
json_obj = serializers.serialize('json', [self, ], **kwargs)
# Need to add a few extra fields, so lets make it a python object
json_obj = json.loads(json_obj)[0]
# Keep track of seen models to prevent endless loops.
if json_obj['model'] in seen_models:
#print 'skipping', json_obj['model']
return json.dumps(['truncated', ]).strip('[]')
# Clean up None fields to empty string
#for key in json_obj['fields']:
# if json_obj['fields'][key] == None:
# print key, json_obj['fields'][key]
# json_obj['fields'][key] = ''
# Format date fields.
for field in model._meta.get_all_field_names():
if type(self._meta.get_field(field)) == fields.DateField:
json_obj['fields'][field] = getattr(
self, field
) and getattr(self, field).strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
except fields.FieldDoesNotExist:
# Add special ForeignKey fields
for field in set(
[f.attname for f in model._meta.fields]
) - set(model._meta.get_all_field_names()):
# TODO: This can be optimized with sets above
if field in skip_fields:
if include_fields and field not in include_fields:
# Add both the ID and the text in case we're using select2 AJAX lookup
json_obj['fields'][field] = getattr(self, field)
json_obj['fields'][field.split('_id')[0]] = unicode(
getattr(self, unicode(field.split('_id')[0]))
if depth < 3:
_obj_key = field.split('_id')[0] + '_obj'
json_obj['fields'][_obj_key] = 'fail'
json_obj['fields'][_obj_key] = getattr(
self, field.split('_id')[0]
depth + 1, as_python_obj=True,
seen_models=seen_models, skip_fields=skip_fields,
if json_obj['fields'][_obj_key] == '"truncated"':
#print 111, depth, json_obj['fields'][field.split('_id')[0] + '_obj']
del json_obj['fields'][_obj_key]
json_obj['fields'][_obj_key] = json.loads(
except AttributeError:
# Get all _set fields.
for related in model._meta.get_all_related_objects():
accessor_name = related.get_accessor_name()
# TODO: This can be optimized with sets above
if accessor_name in skip_fields:
if include_fields and accessor_name not in include_fields:
accessor = getattr(self, accessor_name)
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
# Should this be hardcoded at 3? - Ed
if depth < 3:
json_obj[accessor_name] = []
is_not_supported = False
for instance in accessor.all():
instance_json = instance.as_json(
depth+1, as_python_obj=True,
seen_models=seen_models, skip_fields=skip_fields,
except AttributeError:
# Do we need to support Django 1.5 here? See above.
instance_json = json.dumps(
u'%s does not derive from JSONHelper!' %
is_not_supported = True
if json_obj[accessor_name][-1] == 'truncated':
del json_obj[accessor_name][-1]
if is_not_supported:
break # Just quit now
json_obj[accessor_name] = json.loads(
serializers.serialize('json', accessor.all())
json_obj['text'] = unicode(self)
# Hook this here in case some additional manipulation needs to be done.
json_obj = self.json_cleanup(json_obj)
if not as_python_obj:
json_obj = json.dumps([json_obj, ]).strip('[]')
return json_obj
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