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Created November 21, 2016 18:15
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def raceFold[A, B](ob: Seq[Task[A]])(z: B)(fold: (B, A) => B): Observable[B] = {
Observable.unsafeCreate { subscriber =>
// We need a monitor to synchronize on, per evaluation!
val lock = new AnyRef
val conn = StackedCancelable()
// Forces a fork on another (logical) thread!
subscriber.scheduler.executeAsync { () =>
val _ = lock.synchronized {
// Keeps track of tasks remaining to be completed.
// Is initialized by 1 because of the logic - tasks can run synchronously,
// and we decrement this value whenever one finishes, so we must prevent
// zero values before the loop is done.
// MUST BE synchronized by `lock`!
var remaining = 1
// If this variable is false, then a task ended in error.
// MUST BE synchronized by `lock`!
var isActive = true
var cur: B = z
// MUST BE synchronized by `lock`!
// MUST NOT BE called if isActive == false!
@inline def maybeSignalFinal(conn: StackedCancelable)
(implicit s: Scheduler): Unit = {
remaining -= 1
if (remaining == 0) {
isActive = false
val _ = conn.pop()
implicit val s = subscriber.scheduler
// Represents the collection of cancelables for all started tasks
val composite = CompositeCancelable()
// Collecting all cancelables in a buffer, because adding
// cancelables one by one in our `CompositeCancelable` is
// expensive, so we do it at the end
val allCancelables = ListBuffer.empty[StackedCancelable]
val cursor = ob.toIterator
// The `isActive` check short-circuits the process in case
// we have a synchronous task that just completed in error
while (cursor.hasNext && isActive) {
remaining += 1
val task =
val stacked = StackedCancelable()
allCancelables += stacked
// Light asynchronous boundary; with most scheduler implementations
// it will not fork a new (logical) thread!
subscriber.scheduler.executeTrampolined(() =>
Task.unsafeStartNow(task, Task.Context(subscriber.scheduler, stacked, monix.execution.misc.ThreadLocal(1), Task.Options(false)),
new Callback[A] {
def onSuccess(value: A): Unit =
lock.synchronized {
if (isActive) {
val newValue = fold(cur, value)
cur = newValue
def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit =
lock.synchronized {
if (isActive) {
isActive = false
// This should cancel our CompositeCancelable
} else {
// All tasks could have executed synchronously, so we might be
// finished already. If so, then trigger the final callback.
// Note that if an error happened, this should cancel all
// other active tasks.
composite ++= allCancelables
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