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Last active September 1, 2015 15:49
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TileStache Installation Reference (Ubuntu 12.04)

TileStache Documentation

About is a powerful tool to convert .shp to geojson/topojson and viceversa. Some of other features are:

  • Simplify geometry in order to reduce the file size
  • Filter and rename geometry properties

Inserting a Map Data to the Database

What you will need:
  • Map Data in .shp and its companion file (.shx and .dbf)


  • .shx and .dbf file are important. It contains the properties of each area like the area name, etc.
  • If the map data is in geojson or topojson file then you must convert it first to a shapefile using
How to insert:
  1. Put your .shp and its companion file (.shx and .dbf) within the same folder
  2. Move/copy them to a temporary folder in /etc/myfolder (You can delete this folder later after finished)
  3. Login as postgres user using sudo su - postgres command
  4. Type command shp2pgsql -s 900913:4326 /etc/myfolder/SHAPEFILE_NAME.shp SCHEMA.TABLE | psql -h HOSTNAME -d DATABASE_NAME -U USER
  5. Done


  • In order to be displayed properly map data need to be projected in mercator projection (SRID 4326). So make sure your shapefile is projected in mercator.
  • If not then you can project it to mercator by using the specified shp2pgsql command above (highlight the parameter 900913:4326) where 900913 is the origin SRID and 4326 is the targeted SRID.
  • Take a look at this cheatsheet to understand more about the paramater in shp2pgsql.
How to check if the data has been inserted to DB:
  1. Login as postgres user using sudo su - postgres command
  2. Type psql command to enter the postgresql sql mode
  3. Type \c db_name_where_data_inserted to connect to the DB
  4. Type select * FROM SCHEMA.TABLE LIMIT 1 to view the DB content
  5. If you able to see a record then it has been inserted successfully (Sometime you can only see the header due to console mode limitation)

Brief Explanation About TileStache

  • To start tilestache type -c /Path/to/configfile.cfg in the console
  • Last time I put the config file in /etc/TileStache/tilestache.cfg
  • You can read the explanation about the config file in the tilestache documentation

Map Data Source

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