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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Principles of Programming Languages homework
import Control.Monad.State -- to use get and put
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ test $ DoubleStack [1,2,3] [4,5,6]
print $ test $ DoubleStack [] [4,5,6]
-- the test function
test :: DoubleStack Integer -> Maybe Integer
test = evalState $ do
push 7
-- 2 list or an invalid stack
data DoubleStack a = DoubleStack [a] [a] | InvalidStack
-- pop a value from the second stack
pop :: State (DoubleStack a) (Maybe a)
pop = do
stack <- get
let (new_stack, out) = pop' stack
put new_stack
return out
-- returns the (new-stack, popped-value) tuple
pop' :: DoubleStack a -> (DoubleStack a, Maybe a)
pop' (DoubleStack xs (y:ys)) = (DoubleStack xs ys, Just y)
pop' (DoubleStack _ []) = (InvalidStack, Nothing)
pop' InvalidStack = (InvalidStack, Nothing)
-- push a value on the first stack
push :: a -> State (DoubleStack a) ()
push value = do
stack <- get
put (push' value stack)
return ()
-- returns the updated stack, or Invalid
push' :: a -> DoubleStack a -> DoubleStack a
push' x (DoubleStack xs ys) = DoubleStack (x:xs) ys
push' x InvalidStack = InvalidStack
-- move a value from the first stack to the second one
move :: State (DoubleStack a) ()
move = do
stack <- get
put $ move' stack
return ()
-- returns the updated stack, or Invalid
move' :: DoubleStack a -> DoubleStack a
move' (DoubleStack (x:xs) ys) = DoubleStack xs (x:ys)
move' (DoubleStack [] _) = InvalidStack
move' InvalidStack = InvalidStack
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