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Created September 21, 2017 23:32
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Arduino source code: AD9850 DDS Sine Generator with 0.1 Hz steps
// Sine wave generator
// Ed Nisley - KE4ZNU
// 2017-09-20
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <U8g2lib.h>
#include <U8x8lib.h>
#include <Adafruit_MCP4725.h>
// Pin locations
#define PIN_SYNC 5
#define PIN_CX_SHORT 6
#define PIN_DDS_RESET 7
#define PIN_DDS_LATCH 8
#define PIN_LOG_AMP A0
#define PIN_JOY_Y A2
#define PIN_JOY_X A3
// SPI & I2C use hardware support: these pins are predetermined
#define PIN_SS 10
#define PIN_MOSI 11
#define PIN_MISO 12
#define PIN_SCK 13
#define PIN_IIC_SDA A4
#define PIN_IIC_SCL A5
// IIC Hardware addresses
// OLED library uses its default address
#define LM75_ADDR 0x48
#define SH1106_ADDR 0x70
#define MCP4725_ADDR 0x60
// Useful constants
#define GIGA 1000000000LL
#define MEGA 1000000LL
#define KILO 1000LL
#define ONE_FX (1LL << 32)
#define CALFREQ (10LL * MEGA * ONE_FX)
// Structures for 64-bit fixed point numbers
// Low word = fractional part
// High word = integer part
struct ll_fx {
uint32_t low; // fractional part
uint32_t high; // integer part
union ll_u {
uint64_t fx_64;
struct ll_fx fx_32;
// Define semi-constant values
union ll_u CenterFreq = {(60000 - 0) * ONE_FX}; // center of scan
//union ll_u CenterFreq = {(32768 - 2) * ONE_FX}; // center of scan
#define NOMINAL_OSC ((125 * MEGA) * ONE_FX)
union ll_u Oscillator = {NOMINAL_OSC}; // oscillator frequency
int16_t OscOffset = 287; // offset from NOMINAL_OSC at room-ish temperature
// Coefficients for oscillator offset as function of temperature
#define TC_SQUARE ((1340 * ONE_FX) / 1000)
#define TC_LINEAR ((-1474 * ONE_FX) / 10)
#define TC_INTERCEPT ((3415 * ONE_FX) )
// Frequency range & step size
uint16_t TestWidth = 5*2; // width must be an even integer
union ll_u StepSize = {ONE_FX / 10}; // 0.1 Hz is smallest practical decimal step
union ll_u NomFreq, ActualFreq; // displayed vs actual DDS frequency
union ll_u TestFreq;
// Global variables of interest to everyone
union ll_u CtPerHz; // will be 2^32 / oscillator
union ll_u HzPerCt; // will be oscillator / 2^32
char Buffer[10+1+10+1]; // string buffer for fixed point number conversions
union ll_u Temperature; // read from LM75A
// Hardware library variables
U8X8_SH1106_128X64_NONAME_HW_I2C u8x8(U8X8_PIN_NONE);
#define DAC_WR false
#define DAC_WR_EEP true
#define DAC_BITS 12
#define DAC_MAX 0x0fff
Adafruit_MCP4725 XAxisDAC; // I²C DAC for X axis output
uint32_t XAxisValue; // DAC parameter uses 32 bits
union ll_u LogAmpdB; // computed dB value
// Timekeeping
#define HEARTBEAT_MS 3000
unsigned long MillisNow,MillisThen;
// Useful functions
// Pin twiddling
void TogglePin(char bitpin) {
digitalWrite(bitpin,!digitalRead(bitpin)); // toggle the bit based on previous output
void PulsePin(char bitpin) {
// These may need debouncing in some circuits
void WaitButtonDown() {
word ai;
do {
ai = analogRead(PIN_JOYBUTTTON);
} while (ai > 600);
void WaitButtonUp() {
word ai;
do {
ai = analogRead(PIN_JOYBUTTTON);
} while (ai < 400);
void WaitButton() {
Serial.print(F("Waiting for button:"));
Serial.println(F(" done"));
// Hardware-assisted SPI I/O
void EnableSPI(void) {
digitalWrite(PIN_SS,HIGH); // set SPI into Master mode
SPCR |= 1 << SPE;
void DisableSPI(void) {
SPCR &= ~(1 << SPE);
void WaitSPIF(void) {
while (! (SPSR & (1 << SPIF))) {
// TogglePin(PIN_HEARTBEAT);
// TogglePin(PIN_HEARTBEAT);
byte SendRecSPI(byte Dbyte) { // send one byte, get another in exchange
SPDR = Dbyte;
return SPDR; // SPIF will be cleared
// DDS module
void EnableDDS(void) {
digitalWrite(PIN_DDS_LATCH,LOW); // ensure proper startup
digitalWrite(PIN_DDS_RESET,HIGH); // minimum reset pulse 40 ns, not a problem
delayMicroseconds(1); // max latency 100 ns, not a problem
DisableSPI(); // allow manual control of outputs
digitalWrite(PIN_SCK,LOW); // ensure clean SCK pulse
PulsePin(PIN_SCK); // ... to latch hardwired config bits
PulsePin(PIN_DDS_LATCH); // load hardwired config bits = begin serial mode
EnableSPI(); // turn on hardware SPI controls
SendRecSPI(0x00); // shift in serial config bits
PulsePin(PIN_DDS_LATCH); // load serial config bits
// Write delta phase count to DDS
// This comes from the integer part of a 64-bit scaled value
void WriteDDS(uint32_t DeltaPhase) {
SendRecSPI((byte)DeltaPhase); // low-order byte first
SendRecSPI((byte)(DeltaPhase >> 8));
SendRecSPI((byte)(DeltaPhase >> 16));
SendRecSPI((byte)(DeltaPhase >> 24));
SendRecSPI(0x00); // 5 MSBs = phase = 0, 3 LSBs must be zero
PulsePin(PIN_DDS_LATCH); // write data to DDS
// Log amp module
#define LOG_AMP_SAMPLES 10
#define LOG_AMP_DELAYMS 10
uint64_t ReadLogAmp() {
union ll_u LogAmpRaw;
LogAmpRaw.fx_64 = 0;
for (byte i=0; i<LOG_AMP_SAMPLES; i++) {
LogAmpRaw.fx_32.high += analogRead(PIN_LOG_AMP);
LogAmpRaw.fx_64 /= LOG_AMP_SAMPLES; // figure average from totally ad-hoc number of samples
LogAmpRaw.fx_64 *= 5; // convert from ADC counts to voltage at 5 V/1024 counts
LogAmpRaw.fx_64 /= 1024;
LogAmpRaw.fx_64 /= 24; // convert from voltage to dBV at 24 mV/dBV
LogAmpRaw.fx_64 *= 1000;
return LogAmpRaw.fx_64;
// Read LM75A and convert to signed fixed point
// Returns signed value in something otherwise used as unsigned
// Blithely ignores most IIC error conditions
int64_t GetTemperature() {
union ll_u Temp;
if (Wire.available() == 2) {
Temp.fx_32.high =;
Temp.fx_32.low = (uint32_t) << 24;
if (Temp.fx_32.high & 0x00000080L) { // propagate - sign
Temp.fx_32.high |= 0xffffff00L;
else {
Temp.fx_64 = 256 * ONE_FX; // in-band error flagging: 256 C
return Temp.fx_64;
// Compute frequency offset from oscillator temperature
// This is an ordinary signed integer
// Because 1 Hz resolution at 125 MHz is Good Enough
int16_t ComputeOffset() {
union ll_u Temperature;
union ll_u T1;
Temperature.fx_64 = GetTemperature();
T1.fx_64 = TC_SQUARE;
if (TC_SQUARE) // skip multiply for linear fit
T1.fx_64 = MultiplyFixedPt(T1,Temperature);
T1.fx_64 += TC_LINEAR;
T1.fx_64 = MultiplyFixedPt(T1,Temperature);
T1.fx_64 += TC_INTERCEPT;
printf("Offset: %d at %s C\n",(int16_t)T1.fx_32.high,Buffer);
return (int16_t)(T1.fx_32.high); // extract integer part
// Zero-beat oscillator to 10 MHz GPS-locked reference
void ZeroBeat() {
union ll_u TempFreq,TempCount;
printf("Zero beat DDS oscillator against GPS\n");
TempFreq.fx_64 = CALFREQ;
byte ln = 0;
u8x8.drawString(0,ln++,"10 MHz Zero Beat");
u8x8.drawString(0,ln++," <- Jog -> ");
u8x8.drawString(0,ln++," ^ recalc ");
u8x8.drawString(0,ln++," Button = set ");
int32_t OldOffset = -OscOffset; // ensure first update
while (analogRead(PIN_JOYBUTTTON) > 500) {
TogglePin(PIN_HEARTBEAT); // show we got here
int ai = analogRead(PIN_JOY_Y) - 512; // totally ad-hoc axes
if (ai < -100) {
OscOffset += 1;
else if (ai > 100) {
OscOffset -= 1;
ai = analogRead(PIN_JOY_X) - 512;
if (ai < -100) {
OscOffset = ComputeOffset();
if (OscOffset != OldOffset) {
ln = 5;
sprintf(Buffer,"Offset %9d",OscOffset);
CalcOscillator(OscOffset); // recalculate constants
TempCount.fx_64 = MultiplyFixedPt(TempFreq,CtPerHz); // recalculate delta phase count
WriteDDS(TempCount.fx_32.high); // DDS output should be exactly 10 MHz
OldOffset = OscOffset;
Temperature.fx_64 = GetTemperature();
ln = 7;
u8x8.drawString(0,ln,"DDS Temp");
printf("Oscillator offset: %d at %s C\n",OscOffset,Buffer);
// Round scaled fixed point to specific number of decimal places: 0 through 8
// You should display the value with only Decimals characters beyond the point
// Must calculate rounding value as separate variable to avoid mystery error
uint64_t RoundFixedPt(union ll_u TheNumber,unsigned Decimals) {
union ll_u Rnd;
Rnd.fx_64 = (ONE_FX >> 1) / (pow(10LL,Decimals)); // that's 0.5 / number of places
TheNumber.fx_64 = TheNumber.fx_64 + Rnd.fx_64;
return TheNumber.fx_64;
// Multiply two unsigned scaled fixed point numbers without overflowing a 64 bit value
// Perforce, the product of the two integer parts mut be < 2^32
uint64_t MultiplyFixedPt(union ll_u Mcand, union ll_u Mplier) {
union ll_u Result;
Result.fx_64 = ((uint64_t)Mcand.fx_32.high * (uint64_t)Mplier.fx_32.high) << 32; // integer parts (clear fract)
Result.fx_64 += ((uint64_t)Mcand.fx_32.low * (uint64_t)Mplier.fx_32.low) >> 32; // fraction parts (always < 1)
Result.fx_64 += (uint64_t)Mcand.fx_32.high * (uint64_t)Mplier.fx_32.low; // cross products
Result.fx_64 += (uint64_t)Mcand.fx_32.low * (uint64_t)Mplier.fx_32.high;
return Result.fx_64;
// Long long print-to-buffer helpers
// Assumes little-Endian layout
void PrintHexLL(char *pBuffer,union ll_u FixedPt) {
sprintf(pBuffer,"%08lx %08lx",FixedPt.fx_32.high,FixedPt.fx_32.low);
// converts all 9 decimal digits of fraction, which should suffice
void PrintFractionLL(char *pBuffer,union ll_u FixedPt) {
union ll_u Fraction;
Fraction.fx_64 = FixedPt.fx_32.low; // copy 32 fraction bits, high order = 0
Fraction.fx_64 *= GIGA; // times 10^9 for conversion
Fraction.fx_64 >>= 32; // align integer part in low long
sprintf(pBuffer,"%09lu",Fraction.fx_32.low); // convert low long to decimal
void PrintIntegerLL(char *pBuffer,union ll_u FixedPt) {
void PrintFixedPt(char *pBuffer,union ll_u FixedPt) {
PrintIntegerLL(pBuffer,FixedPt); // do the integer part
pBuffer += strlen(pBuffer); // aim pointer beyond integer
*pBuffer++ = '.'; // drop in the decimal point, tick pointer
void PrintFixedPtRounded(char *pBuffer,union ll_u FixedPt,unsigned Decimals) {
char *pDecPt;
FixedPt.fx_64 = RoundFixedPt(FixedPt,Decimals);
PrintIntegerLL(pBuffer,FixedPt); // do the integer part
pBuffer += strlen(pBuffer); // aim pointer beyond integer
pDecPt = pBuffer; // save the point location
*pBuffer++ = '.'; // drop in the decimal point, tick pointer
PrintFractionLL(pBuffer,FixedPt); // do the fraction
if (Decimals == 0)
*pDecPt = 0; // 0 places means discard the decimal point
*(pDecPt + Decimals + 1) = 0; // truncate string to leave . and Decimals chars
// Calculate useful "constants" from oscillator info
void CalcOscillator(int16_t Offset) {
Oscillator.fx_64 = NOMINAL_OSC + (Offset * ONE_FX); // offset may be negative, It Just Works
HzPerCt.fx_32.low = Oscillator.fx_32.high; // divide oscillator by 2^32 with simple shifting
HzPerCt.fx_32.high = 0;
CtPerHz.fx_64 = -1; // Compute (2^32 - 1) / oscillator
CtPerHz.fx_64 /= (uint64_t)Oscillator.fx_32.high; // remove 2^32 scale factor from divisor
//-- Helper routine for printf()
int s_putc(char c, FILE *t) {
void setup () {
union ll_u TempFreq,TempCount;
digitalWrite(PIN_HEARTBEAT,LOW); // show we got here
Serial.begin (115200);
fdevopen(&s_putc,0); // set up serial output for printf()
Serial.println (F("60 kHz Sine Generator"));
Serial.println (F("Ed Nisley - KE4ZNU - September 2017\n"));
// DDS module controls
// Light up the display
Serial.println("Initialize OLED");
// u8x8.setPowerSave(0);
u8x8.draw2x2String(0,0,"Sine Gen");
u8x8.drawString(0,3,"Ed Nisley");
u8x8.drawString(0,4," KE4ZNU");
u8x8.drawString(0,6,"Press Button ...");
// configure SPI hardware
pinMode(PIN_SS,OUTPUT); // set up manual controls
SPCR = B00110000; // Auto SPI: no int, disabled, LSB first, master, + edge, leading, f/4
SPSR = B00000000; // not double data rate
TogglePin(PIN_HEARTBEAT); // show we got here
// Set up X axis DAC output
XAxisDAC.begin(MCP4725_ADDR); // start up MCP4725 DAC at Sparkfun address
// XAxisDAC.setVoltage(0,DAC_WR_EEP); // do this once per DAC to set power-on at 0 V
XAxisDAC.setVoltage(0,DAC_WR); // force 0 V after a reset without a power cycle
// LM75A temperature sensor requires no setup!
// External capacitor in test fixture
// Turn relay off to keep the heat down
// Frequencies
printf("Center freq: %s Hz\n",Buffer);
NomFreq = CenterFreq;
// Wake up and load the DDS
OscOffset = ComputeOffset();
Serial.print("\nStarting DDS: ");
TempFreq.fx_64 = CALFREQ;
TempCount.fx_64 = MultiplyFixedPt(TempFreq,CtPerHz);
WaitButton(); // pause until button release
Serial.println("\nStartup done\n");
MillisThen = millis();
ZeroBeat(); // compensate for oscillator clock offset
TempCount.fx_64 = MultiplyFixedPt(NomFreq,CtPerHz); // set up initial frequency
u8x8.drawString(0,5," <- Jog -> ");
u8x8.drawString(0,6," ^ 1 Hz v ");
u8x8.drawString(0,7," Button = reset ");
void loop () {
byte ln;
union ll_u DDSCount;
TestFreq = NomFreq; // assume no change
if (analogRead(PIN_JOYBUTTTON) > 500) { // button unpushed?
int ai = analogRead(PIN_JOY_Y) - 512; // X axis = left-right
if (ai < -100)
TestFreq.fx_64 = NomFreq.fx_64 + StepSize.fx_64;
else if (ai > 100)
TestFreq.fx_64 = NomFreq.fx_64 - StepSize.fx_64;
else {
ai = analogRead(PIN_JOY_X) - 512; // Y axis = up-down
if (ai < -100)
TestFreq.fx_64 = NomFreq.fx_64 + ONE_FX;
else if (ai > 100)
TestFreq.fx_64 = NomFreq.fx_64 - ONE_FX;
TestFreq = CenterFreq; // reset on button push
DDSCount.fx_64 = MultiplyFixedPt(TestFreq,CtPerHz); // compute DDS delta phase
DDSCount.fx_32.low = 0; // truncate count to integer
ActualFreq.fx_64 = MultiplyFixedPt(DDSCount,HzPerCt);
if (TestFreq.fx_64 != NomFreq.fx_64) { // avoid writing same value
NomFreq = TestFreq; // set up new value
ln = 0;
PrintFixedPtRounded(Buffer,ActualFreq,2); // display actual frequency
ln = 3;
LogAmpdB.fx_64 = ReadLogAmp(); // show current response
Temperature.fx_64 = GetTemperature(); // and temperature
u8x8.drawString(0,ln,"DDS Temp");
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