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Last active May 28, 2017 00:15
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Arduino source code: AD9850 DDS SPI test with 10 MHz output stepped at 0.1 Hz
// SPI exercise for 60 kHz crystal tester
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
// Pin locations
// SPI uses hardware support: those pins are predetermined
#define PIN_HEARTBEAT 9 // added LED
#define PIN_RESET_DDS 7 // Reset DDS module
#define PIN_LATCH_DDS 8 // Latch serial data into DDS
#define PIN_SCK 13 // SPI clock (also Arduino LED!)
#define PIN_MISO 12 // SPI data input
#define PIN_MOSI 11 // SPI data output
#define PIN_SS 10 // SPI slave select - MUST BE OUTPUT = HIGH
char Buffer[10+1+10+1]; // string buffer for long long conversions
#define GIGA 1000000000LL
#define MEGA 1000000LL
#define KILO 1000LL
struct ll_fx {
uint32_t low; // fractional part
uint32_t high; // integer part
union ll_u {
uint64_t fx_64;
struct ll_fx fx_32;
union ll_u CtPerHz; // will be 2^32 / 125 MHz
union ll_u HzPerCt; // will be 125 MHz / 2^32
union ll_u One; // 1.0 as fixed point
union ll_u Tenth; // 0.1 as fixed point
union ll_u TenthHzCt; // 0.1 Hz in counts
// All nominal values are integers for simplicity
#define OSC_NOMINAL (125 * MEGA)
union ll_u OscillatorNominal; // nominal oscillator frequency
union ll_u OscOffset; // ... and offset, which will be signed 64-bit value
union ll_u Oscillator; // true oscillator frequency with offset
#define SCAN_WIDTH 6
#define SCAN_SETTLE 2000
union ll_u ScanFrom, ScanTo, ScanFreq, ScanStep; // frequency scan settings
union ll_u TestFreq,TestCount; // useful variables
#define HEARTBEAT_MS 3000
unsigned long MillisNow,MillisThen;
// Useful functions
// Pin twiddling
void TogglePin(char bitpin) {
digitalWrite(bitpin,!digitalRead(bitpin)); // toggle the bit based on previous output
void PulsePin(char bitpin) {
// SPI I/O
void EnableSPI(void) {
digitalWrite(PIN_SS,HIGH); // set SPI into Master mode
SPCR |= 1 << SPE;
void DisableSPI(void) {
SPCR &= ~(1 << SPE);
void WaitSPIF(void) {
while (! (SPSR & (1 << SPIF))) {
byte SendRecSPI(byte Dbyte) { // send one byte, get another in exchange
SPDR = Dbyte;
return SPDR; // SPIF will be cleared
// DDS module
void EnableDDS(void) {
digitalWrite(PIN_LATCH_DDS,LOW); // ensure proper startup
digitalWrite(PIN_RESET_DDS,HIGH); // minimum reset pulse 40 ns, not a problem
delayMicroseconds(1); // max latency 100 ns, not a problem
DisableSPI(); // allow manual control of outputs
digitalWrite(PIN_SCK,LOW); // ensure clean SCK pulse
PulsePin(PIN_SCK); // ... to latch hardwired config bits
PulsePin(PIN_LATCH_DDS); // load hardwired config bits = begin serial mode
EnableSPI(); // turn on hardware SPI controls
SendRecSPI(0x00); // shift in serial config bits
PulsePin(PIN_LATCH_DDS); // load serial config bits
// Write delta phase count to DDS
// This comes from the integer part of a 64-bit scaled value
void WriteDDS(uint32_t DeltaPhase) {
SendRecSPI((byte)DeltaPhase); // low-order byte first
SendRecSPI((byte)(DeltaPhase >> 8));
SendRecSPI((byte)(DeltaPhase >> 16));
SendRecSPI((byte)(DeltaPhase >> 24));
SendRecSPI(0x00); // 5 MSBs = phase = 0, 3 LSBs must be zero
PulsePin(PIN_LATCH_DDS); // write data to DDS
// Round scaled fixed point to specific number of decimal places: 0 through 8
// You should display the value with only Decimals characters beyond the point
// Must calculate rounding value as separate variable to avoid mystery error
uint64_t RoundFixedPt(union ll_u TheNumber,unsigned Decimals) {
union ll_u Rnd;
// printf(" round before: %08lx %08lx\n",TheNumber.fx_32.high,TheNumber.fx_32.low);
Rnd.fx_64 = (One.fx_64 / 2) / (pow(10LL,Decimals));
// printf(" incr: %08lx %08lx\n",Rnd.fx_32.high,Rnd.fx_32.low);
TheNumber.fx_64 = TheNumber.fx_64 + Rnd.fx_64;
// printf(" after: %08lx %08lx\n",TheNumber.fx_32.high,TheNumber.fx_32.low);
return TheNumber.fx_64;
// Multiply two unsigned scaled fixed point numbers without overflowing a 64 bit value
// The product of the two integer parts mut be < 2^32
uint64_t MultiplyFixedPt(union ll_u Mcand, union ll_u Mplier) {
union ll_u Result;
Result.fx_64 = ((uint64_t)Mcand.fx_32.high * (uint64_t)Mplier.fx_32.high) << 32; // integer parts (clear fract)
Result.fx_64 += ((uint64_t)Mcand.fx_32.low * (uint64_t)Mplier.fx_32.low) >> 32; // fraction parts (always < 1)
Result.fx_64 += (uint64_t)Mcand.fx_32.high * (uint64_t)Mplier.fx_32.low; // cross products
Result.fx_64 += (uint64_t)Mcand.fx_32.low * (uint64_t)Mplier.fx_32.high;
return Result.fx_64;
// Long long print-to-buffer helpers
// Assumes little-Endian layout
void PrintHexLL(char *pBuffer,union ll_u FixedPt) {
sprintf(pBuffer,"%08lx %08lx",FixedPt.fx_32.high,FixedPt.fx_32.low);
// converts all 9 decimal digits of fraction, which should suffice
void PrintFractionLL(char *pBuffer,union ll_u FixedPt) {
union ll_u Fraction;
Fraction.fx_64 = FixedPt.fx_32.low; // copy 32 fraction bits, high order = 0
Fraction.fx_64 *= GIGA; // times 10^9 for conversion
Fraction.fx_64 >>= 32; // align integer part in low long
sprintf(pBuffer,"%09lu",Fraction.fx_32.low); // convert low long to decimal
void PrintIntegerLL(char *pBuffer,union ll_u FixedPt) {
void PrintFixedPt(char *pBuffer,union ll_u FixedPt) {
PrintIntegerLL(pBuffer,FixedPt); // do the integer part
pBuffer += strlen(pBuffer); // aim pointer beyond integer
*pBuffer++ = '.'; // drop in the decimal point, tick pointer
void PrintFixedPtRounded(char *pBuffer,union ll_u FixedPt,unsigned Decimals) {
char *pDecPt;
//char *pBase;
// pBase = pBuffer;
FixedPt.fx_64 = RoundFixedPt(FixedPt,Decimals);
PrintIntegerLL(pBuffer,FixedPt); // do the integer part
// printf(" Buffer int: [%s]\n",pBase);
pBuffer += strlen(pBuffer); // aim pointer beyond integer
pDecPt = pBuffer; // save the point location
*pBuffer++ = '.'; // drop in the decimal point, tick pointer
// printf(" Buffer all: [%s]\n",pBase);
if (Decimals == 0)
*pDecPt = 0; // 0 places means discard the decimal point
*(pDecPt + Decimals + 1) = 0; // truncate string to leave . and Decimals chars
// printf(" Buffer end: [%s]\n",pBase);
// Calculate useful "constants" from oscillator info
// Args are integer constants in Hz
void CalcOscillator(uint32_t Base,uint32_t Offset) {
union ll_u Temp;
Oscillator.fx_32.high = Base + Offset; // get true osc frequency from integers
Oscillator.fx_32.low = 0;
HzPerCt.fx_32.low = Oscillator.fx_32.high; // divide oscillator by 2^32 with simple shifting
HzPerCt.fx_32.high = 0;
CtPerHz.fx_64 = -1; // Compute (2^32 - 1) / oscillator
CtPerHz.fx_64 /= (uint64_t)Oscillator.fx_32.high; // remove 2^32 scale factor from divisor
TenthHzCt.fx_64 = MultiplyFixedPt(Tenth,CtPerHz); // 0.1 Hz as delta-phase count
if (true) {
printf("Inputs: %ld = %ld%+ld\n",Base+Offset,Base,Offset);
printf("Osc freq: %s\n",Buffer);
printf("Hz/Ct: %s\n",Buffer);
printf("Ct/Hz: %s\n",Buffer);
printf("0.1 Hz Ct: %s",Buffer);
//-- Helper routine for printf()
int s_putc(char c, FILE *t) {
void setup ()
digitalWrite(PIN_HEARTBEAT,HIGH); // show we got here
Serial.begin (115200);
fdevopen(&s_putc,0); // set up serial output for printf()
Serial.println (F("DDS SPI exercise"));
Serial.println (F("Ed Nisley - KE4ZNU - May 2017\n"));
// DDS module controls
// configure SPI hardware
SPCR = B01110001; // Auto SPI: no int, enable, LSB first, master, + edge, leading, f/16
SPSR = B00000000; // not double data rate
TogglePin(PIN_HEARTBEAT); // show we got here
// Calculate useful constants
One.fx_64 = 1LL << 32; // Set up 1.0, a very useful constant
Tenth.fx_64 = One.fx_64 / 10; // Likewise, 0.1
// Calculate oscillator "constants"
TogglePin(PIN_HEARTBEAT); // show we got here
// Set up 10 MHz calibration output
TestFreq.fx_64 = One.fx_64 * (10 * MEGA);
printf("\nTest frequency: %s\n",Buffer);
TestCount.fx_64 = MultiplyFixedPt(TestFreq,CtPerHz); // convert delta phase counts
TestCount.fx_64 = RoundFixedPt(TestCount,0); // ... to nearest integer
printf("Delta phase: %lu\n",TestCount.fx_32.high);
// Set up scan limits
ScanFreq = TestFreq;
ScanStep.fx_64 = One.fx_64 / 10; // 0.1 Hz = 3 or 4 tuning register steps
ScanFrom.fx_64 = ScanFreq.fx_64 - SCAN_WIDTH * (One.fx_64 >> 1); // centered on test freq
ScanTo.fx_64 = ScanFreq.fx_64 + SCAN_WIDTH * (One.fx_64 >> 1);
Serial.println("\nScan limits");
printf(" from: %11s\n",Buffer);
printf(" at: %11s\n",Buffer);
printf(" to: %11s\n",Buffer);
// Wake up and load the DDS
Serial.println("\nSleeping for a while ...");
delay(15 * 1000);
Serial.println("\nStartup done!");
Serial.println("\nBegin scanning\n");
MillisThen = millis();
void loop () {
MillisNow = millis();
if ((MillisNow - MillisThen) >= SCAN_SETTLE) {
MillisThen = MillisNow;
if (true) {
TestCount.fx_64 = MultiplyFixedPt(ScanFreq,CtPerHz);
printf("%12s -> %9ld\n",Buffer,TestCount.fx_32.high);
ScanFreq.fx_64 += ScanStep.fx_64;
if (ScanFreq.fx_64 > (ScanTo.fx_64 + ScanStep.fx_64 / 2)) {
ScanFreq = ScanFrom;
Serial.println("Scan restart");
DDS SPI exercise
Ed Nisley - KE4ZNU - May 2017
Inputs: 124999656 = 125000000-344
Osc freq: 124999656.000000000
Hz/Ct: 0.029103750
Ct/Hz: 34.359832926
0.1 Hz Ct: 3.435983287
Test frequency: 10000000.0000
Delta phase: 343598329
Scan limits
from: 9999997.0
at: 10000000.0
to: 10000003.0
Sleeping for a while ...
Startup done!
Begin scanning
10000000.0 -> 343598329
10000000.1 -> 343598332
10000000.2 -> 343598336
10000000.3 -> 343598339
10000000.4 -> 343598343
10000000.5 -> 343598346
10000000.6 -> 343598349
10000000.7 -> 343598353
10000000.8 -> 343598356
10000000.9 -> 343598360
10000001.0 -> 343598363
10000001.1 -> 343598367
10000001.2 -> 343598370
10000001.3 -> 343598373
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