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Created April 10, 2022 14:56
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OpenSCAD source code: OMTech laser power lock switch indicator
// Indicator for OMTech laser power lock
// Ed Nisley KE4ZNU 2022-04-09
KnobOD = 35.0;
KnobHeight = 22.0;
KnobTaper = 4.0;
PointerLength = 45.0;
PointerThick = 3.0;
TipOD = 2.0;
/* [Hidden] */
Protrusion = 0.1; // make holes end cleanly
HoleWindage = 0.2;
module PolyCyl(Dia,Height,ForceSides=0) { // based on nophead's polyholes
Sides = (ForceSides != 0) ? ForceSides : (ceil(Dia) + 2);
FixDia = Dia / cos(180/Sides);
cylinder(d=(FixDia + HoleWindage),h=Height,$fn=Sides);
// Create part
// Plenty of magic numbers from actual measurements
module Pointer() {
difference() {
union() {
hull() {
translate([PointerLength - TipOD/2,0])
cylinder(d=KnobOD,h=KnobHeight - KnobTaper,$fn=24);
translate([0,0,KnobHeight - KnobTaper - Protrusion])
cylinder(d1=KnobOD,d2=KnobOD - 3.0,h=KnobTaper + Protrusion,$fn=24);
translate([0,0,-Protrusion]) {
PolyCyl(29.0,14.0 + Protrusion,24);
PolyCyl(24.0,14.0 + 5.0 + Protrusion,24); // leaves clearance under pointer
// Build it
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