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Created June 19, 2013 05:53
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  • Save edobashira/5811963 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save edobashira/5811963 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple tool to convert Kaldi lattice to HTK SLF format using Kaldi and OpenLat
//Just a hacked up version of latbin/
//Modified to write htk slf instead of a table of StdFsts
//using openlat library
// Copyright 2009-2011 Microsoft Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "base/kaldi-common.h"
#include "util/common-utils.h"
#include "fstext/fstext-lib.h"
#include "lat/kaldi-lattice.h"
#include <openlat/htk-printer.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
try {
using namespace kaldi;
typedef kaldi::int32 int32;
typedef kaldi::int64 int64;
using fst::SymbolTable;
using fst::VectorFst;
using fst::StdArc;
using std::vector;
using std::ofstream;
using std::stringstream;
BaseFloat acoustic_scale = 0.0;
BaseFloat lm_scale = 0.0;
string word_syms;
const char *usage =
"Turn lattices into text SLFS instead of normal FSTs, retaining only the word labels\n"
"By default, removes all weights and also epsilons (configure with\n"
"with --acoustic-scale, --lm-scale and --rm-eps)\n"
"Usage: lattice-to-fst [options] lattice-rspecifier slf.filename\n"
" e.g.: lattice-to-fst ark:1.lats lats.slf\n";
ParseOptions po(usage);
po.Register("acoustic-scale", &acoustic_scale, "Scaling factor for acoustic likelihoods");
po.Register("lm-scale", &lm_scale, "Scaling factor for graph/lm costs");
po.Register("word-syms", &word_syms, "");
po.Read(argc, argv);
if (po.NumArgs() != 2) {
vector<vector<double> > scale = fst::LatticeScale(lm_scale, acoustic_scale);
std::string lats_rspecifier = po.GetArg(1),
slfs_wspecifier = po.GetArg(2);
SequentialCompactLatticeReader lattice_reader(lats_rspecifier);
ofstream ofs(slfs_wspecifier.c_str());
if (!ofs.is_open()) {
KALDI_ERR << "Failed to open output file : " << slfs_wspecifier;
//Probably should error check this
SymbolTable* syms = 0;
if (!word_syms.empty()) {
syms = SymbolTable::ReadText(word_syms);
if (!syms)
KALDI_ERR << "Failed to read word symbols files";
int32 n_done = 0; // there is no failure mode, barring a crash.
for (; !lattice_reader.Done(); lattice_reader.Next()) {
std::string key = lattice_reader.Key();
CompactLattice clat = lattice_reader.Value();
ScaleLattice(scale, &clat); // typically scales to zero.
RemoveAlignmentsFromCompactLattice(&clat); // remove the alignments...
fst::VectorFst<StdArc> fst;
Lattice lat;
ConvertLattice(clat, &lat); // convert to non-compact form.. won't introduce
// extra states because already removed alignments.
ConvertLattice(lat, &fst); // this adds up the (lm,acoustic) costs to get
// the normal (tropical) costs.
Project(&fst, fst::PROJECT_OUTPUT); // Because in the standard Lattice format,
// the words are on the output, and we want the word labels.
//Or maybe use the standard RmEpsilon function from OpenFst
stringstream ss;
openlat::PrintHtk(fst, ss);
ofs << "#!" << key << "!#" << endl;
ofs << ss.str();
KALDI_LOG << "Done converting " << n_done << " lattices to HTK SLF format";
return (n_done != 0 ? 0 : 1);
} catch(const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << e.what();
return -1;
all: lattice-to-htk
$(error KALDI_ROOT is not set)
$(error OPENLAT_ROOT is not set)
include $(KALDI_ROOT)/src/
CXXFLAGS+=-I${KALDI_ROOT}/src/ -I${OPENLAT_ROOT}/src/include/
lattice-to-htk: lattice-to-htk.o
$(CXX) $^ -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) $(KALDI_ROOT)/src/lat/kaldi-lat.a \
$(KALDI_ROOT)/src/base/kaldi-base.a $(KALDI_ROOT)/src/util/kaldi-util.a
rm -rf *.o lattice-to-htk
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $<
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $<
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If you have further update, please give me some information thank you very much !!!

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The following is the standard lattice

lmscale=9.00 wdpenalty=-5.00
N=69 L=100
I=0 t=0.00 W=!NULL
I=1 t=0.72 W= v=0
I=2 t=1.08 W=nian2 v=0
I=3 t=1.24 W=ji2 v=0
I=4 t=1.62 W=da4 v=0
I=5 t=1.79 W= v=0
I=6 t=1.97 W=wo3 v=0
I=7 t=1.97 W=wo3 v=0
I=8 t=2.23 W=zhi2 v=0
I=9 t=2.24 W=chi1 v=0
I=10 t=2.54 W=dao4 v=0
I=11 t=2.54 W=dao4 v=0
I=12 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=13 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=14 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=15 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=16 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=17 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=18 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=19 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=20 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=21 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=22 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=23 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=24 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=25 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=26 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=27 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=28 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=29 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=30 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=31 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=32 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=33 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=34 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=35 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=36 t=2.57 W= v=0
I=37 t=2.57 W=da3 v=0
I=38 t=2.57 W=da4 v=0
I=39 t=2.57 W=da4 v=0
I=40 t=2.57 W=da4 v=0
I=41 t=2.57 W=da4 v=0
I=42 t=2.57 W=da4 v=0
I=43 t=2.57 W=da4 v=0
I=44 t=2.57 W=da4 v=0
I=45 t=2.57 W=da4 v=0
I=46 t=2.57 W=da4 v=0
I=47 t=2.57 W=dao3 v=0
I=48 t=2.57 W=dao3 v=0
I=49 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=50 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=51 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=52 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=53 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=54 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=55 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=56 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=57 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=58 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=59 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=60 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=61 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=62 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=63 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=64 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=65 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=66 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=67 t=2.57 W=dao4 v=0
I=68 t=2.57 W=!NULL
J=0 S=0 E=1 a=-3905.67 l=0.000
J=1 S=1 E=2 a=-2183.72 l=-6.650 d=:sil-n+ian2,10:n-ian2+j,10:
J=2 S=2 E=3 a=-968.65 l=-2.965 d=:ian2-j+i2,10:j-i2+d,10:
J=3 S=3 E=4 a=-2261.57 l=-2.544 d=:i2-d+a4,10:d-a4+sil,10:
J=4 S=4 E=5 a=-1066.94 l=-3.210
J=5 S=5 E=6 a=-1227.08 l=-6.677 d=:sil-uu+uo3,10:uu-uo3+zh,10:
J=6 S=5 E=7 a=-1233.81 l=-6.677 d=:sil-uu+uo3,10:uu-uo3+ch,10:
J=7 S=6 E=8 a=-1571.21 l=-4.123 d=:uo3-zh+ix2,10:zh-ix2+d,10:
J=8 S=7 E=9 a=-1634.01 l=-6.636 d=:uo3-ch+ix1,10:ch-ix1+d,10:
J=9 S=8 E=10 a=-1682.32 l=-4.042 d=:ix2-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:
J=10 S=9 E=11 a=-1597.82 l=-5.891 d=:ix1-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:
J=11 S=49 E=12 a=0.00 l=-3.570
J=12 S=38 E=13 a=0.00 l=-4.709
J=13 S=50 E=14 a=0.00 l=-3.570
J=14 S=51 E=15 a=0.00 l=-3.570
J=15 S=52 E=16 a=0.00 l=-3.570
J=16 S=53 E=17 a=0.00 l=-3.570
J=17 S=37 E=18 a=0.00 l=-3.499
J=18 S=39 E=19 a=0.00 l=-3.957
J=19 S=40 E=19 a=0.00 l=-4.709
J=20 S=41 E=20 a=0.00 l=-4.709
J=21 S=42 E=21 a=0.00 l=-3.957
J=22 S=43 E=21 a=0.00 l=-4.709
J=23 S=54 E=22 a=0.00 l=-3.570
J=24 S=55 E=23 a=0.00 l=-3.570
J=25 S=56 E=24 a=0.00 l=-3.570
J=26 S=47 E=25 a=0.00 l=-2.059
J=27 S=10 E=26 a=-253.45 l=-3.570
J=28 S=11 E=26 a=-253.45 l=-2.817
J=29 S=57 E=27 a=0.00 l=-3.570
J=30 S=58 E=27 a=0.00 l=-2.817
J=31 S=59 E=28 a=0.00 l=-3.570
J=32 S=44 E=29 a=0.00 l=-4.709
J=33 S=45 E=30 a=0.00 l=-3.957
J=34 S=46 E=30 a=0.00 l=-4.709
J=35 S=60 E=31 a=0.00 l=-3.570
J=36 S=61 E=32 a=0.00 l=-3.570
J=37 S=62 E=33 a=0.00 l=-3.570
J=38 S=63 E=33 a=0.00 l=-2.817
J=39 S=64 E=34 a=0.00 l=-3.570
J=40 S=65 E=34 a=0.00 l=-2.817
J=41 S=48 E=35 a=0.00 l=-2.059
J=42 S=66 E=36 a=0.00 l=-3.570
J=43 S=67 E=36 a=0.00 l=-2.817
J=44 S=8 E=37 a=-2024.56 l=-6.954 d=:ix2-d+a3,10:d-a3+sil,10:
J=45 S=9 E=38 a=-1950.14 l=-5.164 d=:ix1-d+a4,10:d-a4+sil,10:
J=46 S=8 E=39 a=-2019.83 l=-8.298 d=:ix2-d+a4,10:d-a4+sil,10:
J=47 S=9 E=40 a=-1946.52 l=-5.164 d=:ix1-d+a4,10:d-a4+sil,10:
J=48 S=9 E=41 a=-1953.20 l=-5.164 d=:ix1-d+a4,10:d-a4+sil,10:
J=49 S=8 E=42 a=-2017.16 l=-8.298 d=:ix2-d+a4,10:d-a4+sil,10:
J=50 S=9 E=43 a=-1943.11 l=-5.164 d=:ix1-d+a4,10:d-a4+sil,10:
J=51 S=9 E=44 a=-1920.14 l=-5.164 d=:ix1-d+a4,10:d-a4+sil,10:
J=52 S=8 E=45 a=-1919.38 l=-8.298 d=:ix2-d+a4,10:d-a4+sil,10:
J=53 S=9 E=46 a=-1846.06 l=-5.164 d=:ix1-d+a4,10:d-a4+sil,10:
J=54 S=8 E=47 a=-2036.09 l=-4.515 d=:ix2-d+ao3,10:d-ao3+sil,10:
J=55 S=8 E=48 a=-2049.56 l=-4.515 d=:ix2-d+ao3,10:d-ao3+sil,10:
J=56 S=8 E=49 a=-2030.92 l=-4.042 d=:ix2-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:
J=57 S=8 E=50 a=-2028.20 l=-4.042 d=:ix2-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:
J=58 S=8 E=51 a=-2015.47 l=-4.042 d=:ix2-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:
J=59 S=8 E=52 a=-2060.80 l=-4.042 d=:ix2-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:
J=60 S=8 E=53 a=-2024.13 l=-4.042 d=:ix2-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:
J=61 S=8 E=54 a=-2013.79 l=-4.042 d=:ix2-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:
J=62 S=8 E=55 a=-2026.69 l=-4.042 d=:ix2-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:
J=63 S=8 E=56 a=-2058.83 l=-4.042 d=:ix2-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:
J=64 S=8 E=57 a=-1971.04 l=-4.042 d=:ix2-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:
J=65 S=9 E=58 a=-1891.54 l=-5.891 d=:ix1-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:
J=66 S=8 E=59 a=-2025.64 l=-4.042 d=:ix2-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:sp,10:
J=67 S=8 E=60 a=-2053.55 l=-4.042 d=:ix2-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:sp,10:
J=68 S=8 E=61 a=-2022.72 l=-4.042 d=:ix2-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:
J=69 S=8 E=62 a=-1991.95 l=-4.042 d=:ix2-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:sp,10:
J=70 S=9 E=63 a=-1913.86 l=-5.891 d=:ix1-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:sp,10:
J=71 S=8 E=64 a=-1992.36 l=-4.042 d=:ix2-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:sp,10:
J=72 S=9 E=65 a=-1940.64 l=-5.891 d=:ix1-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:
J=73 S=8 E=66 a=-1905.99 l=-4.042 d=:ix2-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:
J=74 S=9 E=67 a=-1821.49 l=-5.891 d=:ix1-d+ao4,10:d-ao4+sil,10:
J=75 S=12 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=76 S=13 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=77 S=14 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=78 S=15 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=79 S=16 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=80 S=17 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=81 S=18 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=82 S=19 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=83 S=20 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=84 S=21 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=85 S=22 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=86 S=23 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=87 S=24 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=88 S=25 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=89 S=26 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=90 S=27 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=91 S=28 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=92 S=29 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=93 S=30 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=94 S=31 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=95 S=32 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=96 S=33 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=97 S=34 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=98 S=35 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000
J=99 S=36 E=68 a=0.00 l=0.000

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