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Created December 1, 2012 13:09
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aps naloga 3 scala
import{BufferedWriter, PrintWriter, FileWriter, File}
import java.util.Scanner
object Naloga3s {
def Reader(filename: String) = {
val sc = new Scanner(new File(filename))
def loop(): Stream[Int] = {
if (sc.hasNextInt){
sc.nextInt() #:: loop
} else
def MultiReader(prefix: String, phase: Int, N: Int, up: Boolean) = {
def loop(last: Int, sources: Seq[Stream[Int]]): Stream[Int] = {
val nonEmpty = sources.filterNot(_.isEmpty)
else {
val (low,high) = nonEmpty.
map(_.head).zipWithIndex.partition(t => up && t._1 < last || !up && t._1 > last)
val (e,i) = (if(high.length>0) high else low).minBy(_._1)
e #:: loop(e, nonEmpty.updated(i, nonEmpty(i).tail))
loop(0, (0 until N).map(n => Reader(prefix + "-" + phase + "-" + n)))
trait Writer{
def write(num: Int): Writer
def moreThanOneUsed: Boolean
def Writer(prefix: String, phase: Int, N: Int, up: Boolean): Writer = {
val tracks = (0 until N).map(n => new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(prefix+"-"+phase+"-"+n))))
def mkWriter(i: Int, last: Int, used: Boolean): Writer = new Writer{
def write(num: Int) = {
val (ni,nu) =
if (up && num < last || !up && num > last)
((i + 1) % tracks.length, true)
else (i, used)
tracks(ni).print(' ')
mkWriter(ni, num, nu)
def moreThanOneUsed = used
mkWriter(0, if (up) Integer.MIN_VALUE else Integer.MAX_VALUE, used=false)
def main(args: Array[String]){
val inName = args(0)
val prefix = args(1)
val N = Integer.parseInt(args(2))
val up = args.length <= 3 || !args(3).equalsIgnoreCase("down")
def loop(i: Int, source: Stream[Int]){
val sink = source.foldLeft(Writer(prefix, i, N, up))(_ write _) //looks ugly inlined
if (sink.moreThanOneUsed) loop(i+1, MultiReader(prefix, i, N ,up))
loop(0, Reader(inName))
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