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[コードリーディング vol.1] レイマーチングによる波表現を読み解く ref:
if (hmid < 0.0)
tx = tmid;
hx = hmid;
float f = hm / (hm - hx);
float f = hm / (hm - hx);
tmid = mix(tm, tx, f);
R = \frac{\biggl(\frac{\sin(\alpha - \beta)}{\sin(\alpha + \beta)}\biggr)^2 + \biggl(\frac{\tan(\alpha - \beta)}{\tan(\alpha + \beta)}\biggr)^2}{2}
F_r(\theta) \approx F_0 + (1 - F_0)(1 - \cos \theta)^5
vec3 getSeaColor(vec3 p, vec3 n, vec3 l, vec3 eye, vec3 dist)
float fresnel = clamp(1.0 - dot(n, -eye), 0.0, 1.0);
fresnel = pow(fresnel, 3.0) * 0.65;
vec3 reflected = getSkyColor(reflect(eye, n));
vec3 refracted = SEA_BASE + diffuse(n, l, 80.0) * SEA_WATER_COLOR * 0.12;
vec3 color = mix(refracted, reflected, fresnel);
float atten = max(1.0 - dot(dist, dist) * 0.001, 0.0);
color += SEA_WATER_COLOR * (p.y - SEA_HEIGHT) * 0.18 * atten;
color += vec3(specular(n, l, eye,60.0));
return color;
// Get sky color by 'eye' position.
// So, The color changed smoothly by eye level.
vec3 getSkyColor(vec3 e)
e.y = max(e.y, 0.0);
float r = pow(1.0 - e.y, 2.0);
float g = 1.0 - e.y;
float b = 0.6 + (1.0 - e.y) * 0.4;
return vec3(r, g, b);
// Get Height Map
float heightMapTracing(vec3 ori, vec3 dir, out vec3 p)
float tm = 0.0;
float tx = 1000.0;
// Calculate 1000m far distance map.
float hx = map(ori + dir * tx);
// if hx over 0.0 is that ray on the sky. right?
if(hx > 0.0)
p = vec3(0.0);
return tx;
float hm = map(ori + dir * tm);
float tmid = 0.0;
// NUM_STEPS = 8
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STEPS; i++)
// Normalized by max distance (hx is max far position), is it correct?
float f = hm / (hm - hx);
tmid = mix(tm, tx, f);
p = ori + dir * tmid;
float hmid = map(p);
if (hmid < 0.0)
tx = tmid;
hx = hmid;
tm = tmid;
hm = hmid;
return tmid;
// Get Height Map
float heightMapTracing(vec3 ori, vec3 dir, out vec3 p)
float tm = 0.0;
float tx = 1000.0;
// Calculate 1000m far distance map.
float hx = map(ori + dir * tx);
// if hx over 0.0 is that ray on the sky. right?
if(hx > 0.0)
p = vec3(0.0);
return tx;
float hm = map(ori + dir * tm);
float tmid = 0.0;
// NUM_STEPS = 8
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STEPS; i++)
// Normalized by max distance (hx is max far position), is it correct?
float f = hm / (hm - hx);
tmid = mix(tm, tx, f);
p = ori + dir * tmid;
float hmid = map(p);
if (hmid < 0.0)
tx = tmid;
hx = hmid;
tm = tmid;
hm = hmid;
return tmid;
// pはレイの位置
float map(vec3 p)
// 分かりやすさのために、指定されている値をコメントしました
float freq = SEA_FREQ; // => 0.16
float amp = SEA_HEIGHT; // => 0.6
float choppy = SEA_CHOPPY; // => 4.0
// XZ平面による計算
vec2 uv = p.xz;
float d, h = 0.0;
// ここで「フラクタルブラウン運動」によるノイズの計算を行っている
for (int i = 0; i < ITER_GEOMETRY; i++)
// #define SEA_TIME (1.0 + iTime * SEA_SPEED)
// SEA_SPEED = 0.8
// 単純に、iTime(時間経過)によってUV値を微妙にずらしてアニメーションさせている
// iTimeのみを指定してもほぼ同じアニメーションになる
// SEA_TIMEのプラス分とマイナス分を足して振幅を大きくしている・・・?
d = sea_octave((uv + SEA_TIME) * freq, choppy);
d += sea_octave((uv - SEA_TIME) * freq, choppy);
h += d * amp;
// octave_m = mat2(1.6, 1.2, -1.2, 1.6);
// これは回転行列・・・?
// uv値を回転させている風。これをなくすと平坦な海になる
uv *= octave_m;
// fbm関数として、振幅を0.2倍、周波数を2.0倍して次の計算を行う
freq *= 2.0;
amp *= 0.2;
// choppyを翻訳すると「波瀾」という意味
// これを小さくすると海が「おとなしく」なる
choppy = mix(choppy, 1.0, 0.2);
// 最後に、求まった高さ`h`を、現在のレイの高さから引いたものを「波の高さ」としている
return p.y - h;
float sea_octave(vec2 uv, float choppy)
uv += noise(uv);
vec2 wv = 1.0 - abs(sin(uv));
vec2 swv = abs(cos(uv));
wv = mix(wv, swv, wv);
return pow(1.0 - pow(wv.x * wv.y, 0.65), choppy);
tmid = mix(tm, tx, f);
// Get each grid vertices.
// +---+---+
// | a | b |
// +---+---+
// | c | d |
// +---+---+
vec2 i = floor(p);
float a = hash(i + vec2(0.0,0.0));
float b = hash(i + vec2(1.0,0.0));
float c = hash(i + vec2(0.0,1.0));
float d = hash(i + vec2(1.0,1.0));
// Get random value.
float hash(vec2 p)
float h = dot(p, vec2(127.1, 311.7));
return fract(sin(h) * 43758.5453123);
// Get Noise.
float noise(in vec2 p)
vec2 i = floor(p);
vec2 f = fract(p);
// u = -2.0f^3 + 3.0f^2
vec2 u = f * f * (3.0 - 2.0 * f);
// Get each grid vertices.
// +---+---+
// | a | b |
// +---+---+
// | c | d |
// +---+---+
float a = hash(i + vec2(0.0,0.0));
float b = hash(i + vec2(1.0,0.0));
float c = hash(i + vec2(0.0,1.0));
float d = hash(i + vec2(1.0,1.0));
// Interpolate grid parameters with x and y.
float result = mix(mix(a, b, u.x),
mix(c, d, u.x), u.y);
return (2.0 * result) - 1.0;
float fresnel = clamp(1.0 - dot(n, -eye), 0.0, 1.0);
fresnel = pow(fresnel, 3.0) * 0.65;
* "Seascape" by Alexander Alekseev aka TDM - 2014
* License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
const int NUM_STEPS = 8;
const float PI = 3.141592;
const float EPSILON = 1e-3;
#define EPSILON_NRM (0.1 / iResolution.x)
#define SEA_TIME (1.0 + iTime * SEA_SPEED)
// sea
const int ITER_GEOMETRY = 3;
const int ITER_FRAGMENT = 5;
const float SEA_HEIGHT = 0.6;
const float SEA_CHOPPY = 4.0;
const float SEA_SPEED = 0.8;
const float SEA_FREQ = 0.16;
const vec3 SEA_BASE = vec3(0.1, 0.19, 0.22);
const vec3 SEA_WATER_COLOR = vec3(0.8,0.9,0.6);
const mat2 octave_m = mat2(1.6, 1.2, -1.2, 1.6);
// Get random value.
float hash(vec2 p)
float h = dot(p, vec2(127.1, 311.7));
return fract(sin(h) * 43758.5453123);
// Get Noise.
float noise(in vec2 p)
vec2 i = floor(p);
vec2 f = fract(p);
// u = -2.0f^3 + 3.0f^2
vec2 u = f * f * (3.0 - 2.0 * f);
// Get each grid vertices.
// +---+---+
// | a | b |
// +---+---+
// | c | d |
// +---+---+
float a = hash(i + vec2(0.0,0.0));
float b = hash(i + vec2(1.0,0.0));
float c = hash(i + vec2(0.0,1.0));
float d = hash(i + vec2(1.0,1.0));
// Interpolate grid parameters with x and y.
float result = mix(mix(a, b, u.x),
mix(c, d, u.x), u.y);
// Normalized to '-1 - 1'.
return (2.0 * result) - 1.0;
// lighting
float diffuse(vec3 n, vec3 l, float p)
return pow(dot(n, l) * 0.4 + 0.6, p);
float specular(vec3 n, vec3 l, vec3 e, float s)
float nrm = (s + 8.0) / (PI * 8.0);
return pow(max(dot(reflect(e, n), l), 0.0), s) * nrm;
// Get sky color by 'eye' position.
// So, The color changed smoothly by eye level.
vec3 getSkyColor(vec3 e)
e.y = max(e.y, 0.0);
float r = pow(1.0 - e.y, 2.0);
float g = 1.0 - e.y;
float b = 0.6 + (1.0 - e.y) * 0.4;
return vec3(r, g, b);
// Get sea wave octave.
float sea_octave(vec2 uv, float choppy)
uv += noise(uv);
vec2 wv = 1.0 - abs(sin(uv));
vec2 swv = abs(cos(uv));
wv = mix(wv, swv, wv);
return pow(1.0 - pow(wv.x * wv.y, 0.65), choppy);
// p is ray position.
float map(vec3 p)
float freq = SEA_FREQ; // => 0.16
float amp = SEA_HEIGHT; // => 0.6
float choppy = SEA_CHOPPY; // => 4.0
// XZ plane.
vec2 uv = p.xz;
float d, h = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < ITER_GEOMETRY; i++)
d = sea_octave((uv + SEA_TIME) * freq, choppy);
d += sea_octave((uv - SEA_TIME) * freq, choppy);
h += d * amp;
uv *= octave_m;
freq *= 2.0;
amp *= 0.2;
choppy = mix(choppy, 1.0, 0.2);
return p.y - h;
// p is ray position.
// This function calculate detail map with more iteration count.
float map_detailed(vec3 p)
float freq = SEA_FREQ;
float amp = SEA_HEIGHT;
float choppy = SEA_CHOPPY;
vec2 uv = p.xz;
float d, h = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < ITER_FRAGMENT; i++)
d = sea_octave((uv + SEA_TIME) * freq, choppy);
d += sea_octave((uv - SEA_TIME) * freq, choppy);
h += d * amp;
uv *= octave_m;
freq *= 2.0;
amp *= 0.2;
choppy = mix(choppy, 1.0, 0.2);
return p.y - h;
// p = ray position
// n = surface normal
// l = light
// eye = eye
// dist = ray marching distance
vec3 getSeaColor(vec3 p, vec3 n, vec3 l, vec3 eye, vec3 dist)
float fresnel = clamp(1.0 - dot(n, -eye), 0.0, 1.0);
fresnel = pow(fresnel, 3.0) * 0.65;
vec3 reflected = getSkyColor(reflect(eye, n));
vec3 refracted = SEA_BASE + diffuse(n, l, 80.0) * SEA_WATER_COLOR * 0.12;
vec3 color = mix(refracted, reflected, fresnel);
float atten = max(1.0 - dot(dist, dist) * 0.001, 0.0);
color += SEA_WATER_COLOR * (p.y - SEA_HEIGHT) * 0.18 * atten;
color += vec3(specular(n, l, eye,60.0));
return color;
// tracing
vec3 getNormal(vec3 p, float eps)
vec3 n;
n.y = map_detailed(p);
n.x = map_detailed(vec3(p.x + eps, p.y, p.z)) - n.y;
n.z = map_detailed(vec3(p.x, p.y, p.z + eps)) - n.y;
n.y = eps;
return normalize(n);
// Get Height Map
float heightMapTracing(vec3 ori, vec3 dir, out vec3 p)
float tm = 0.0;
float tx = 1000.0;
// Calculate 1000m far distance map.
float hx = map(ori + dir * tx);
// if hx over 0.0 is that ray on the sky. right?
if(hx > 0.0)
p = vec3(0.0);
return tx;
float hm = map(ori + dir * tm);
float tmid = 0.0;
// NUM_STEPS = 8
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STEPS; i++)
// Normalized by max distance (hx is max far position), is it correct?
float f = hm / (hm - hx);
tmid = mix(tm, tx, f);
p = ori + dir * tmid;
float hmid = map(p);
if (hmid < 0.0)
tx = tmid;
hx = hmid;
tm = tmid;
hm = hmid;
return tmid;
// main
void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord)
vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
uv = uv * 2.0 - 1.0;
const vec3 light = normalize(vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.8));
// ray
vec3 ori = vec3(0.0, 3.5, 5.0);
vec3 dir = normalize(vec3(uv.xy, -2.0));
// tracing
vec3 p;
heightMapTracing(ori, dir, p);
vec3 dist = p - ori;
vec3 n = getNormal(p, dot(dist, dist) * EPSILON_NRM);
// color
vec3 sky = getSkyColor(dir);
vec3 sea = getSeaColor(p, n, light, dir, dist);
// This is coefficient for smooth blending sky and sea with
float t = pow(smoothstep(0.0, -0.05, dir.y), 0.3);
vec3 color = mix(sky, sea, t);
// post
fragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);
float hmid = map(p);
// サンプリング位置の高さがマイナス距離の場合は`hx`, `tx`を更新する
if (hmid < 0.0)
tx = tmid;
hx = hmid;
// そうでない場合は、`hm`, `tm`を更新する
tm = tmid;
hm = hmid;
vec2 f = fract(p);
// u = -2.0f^3 + 3.0f^2
vec2 u = f * f * (3.0 - 2.0 * f);
// Interpolate grid parameters with x and y.
float result = mix(mix(a, b, u.x),
mix(c, d, u.x), u.y);
return (2.0 * result) - 1.0;
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