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Last active September 8, 2019 04:51
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package main
import (
_ ""
// ours and those without their own stimulated (with tag 72)
var a = `
select distinct(cr.contact_id_a) contact_id_a, cet.tag_id is not null
from civicrm_relationship cr
inner join civicrm_contact cc on cr.contact_id_b = and cc.job_title is not null and cc.is_deleted = 0
left outer join civicrm_entity_tag cet
on cr.contact_id_a = cet.entity_id and cet.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact' and cet.tag_id = 74
where cr.relationship_type_id = 19
select contact_id_a, cet2.tag_id is not null
from civicrm_contact cc
inner join civicrm_entity_tag cet
on = cet.entity_id and cet.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact' and cet.tag_id = 72
left outer join civicrm_entity_tag cet2
on = cet2.entity_id and cet2.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact' and cet2.tag_id = 74
order by contact_id_a
// for each A, count the number of Bs from group x where no action was taken yet (job_title is null)
var aPendingInGroup = `
select cr.contact_id_a,
SUM(CASE WHEN cet.tag_id is null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),
SUM(CASE WHEN cet.tag_id is null THEN 0 ELSE 1 END)
from civicrm_relationship cr
inner join civicrm_contact cc on cr.contact_id_b = and cc.job_title is null and cc.is_deleted = 0
inner join civicrm_group_contact gc
on cr.contact_id_b = gc.contact_id and gc.group_id = %d and gc.status = 'Added'
left outer join civicrm_entity_tag cet
on cr.contact_id_b = cet.entity_id and cet.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact' and cet.tag_id = 74
where cr.relationship_type_id = 19
group by cr.contact_id_a
order by cr.contact_id_a;
// theirs from group x, not associated with any A
// excluding tag_id 71 - SkipDist
var b = `
select, cet2.tag_id is not null
from civicrm_group_contact gc
inner join civicrm_contact cc on = gc.contact_id
left outer join civicrm_relationship rr on rr.contact_id_b = gc.contact_id and rr.relationship_type_id = 19
left outer join civicrm_entity_tag cet
on = cet.entity_id and cet.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact' and cet.tag_id = 71
left outer join civicrm_entity_tag cet2
on = cet2.entity_id and cet2.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact' and cet2.tag_id = 74
where gc.group_id = %d
and gc.status = 'Added'
and cc.job_title IS NULL
and cc.is_deleted = 0
and rr.contact_id_a is NULL
and cet.tag_id is null
order by
var c = "insert into civicrm_relationship (contact_id_a, contact_id_b, relationship_type_id, is_active) values %s"
var c1 = "(%d, %d, 19, 1)"
type Person struct {
ID int
IsRus bool
type PersonCount struct {
Rus int
NoRus int
func main() {
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "day-prod:ZV1Bp-UZv85MD_Jw@tcp(")
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
fmt.Println("Connected successfully")
aIDs := loadIDs(db, a, "a")
log.Printf("Got %d As\n", len(aIDs))
aPending264Hist := loadHistogram(db, fmt.Sprintf(aPendingInGroup, 264), "aPendingInGroup[264]")
log.Printf("Got %d keys in aPending264Hist\n", len(aPending264Hist))
b264IDs := loadIDs(db, fmt.Sprintf(b, 264), "b[264]")
log.Printf("Got %d Bs\n", len(b264IDs))
dist := distribute(aIDs, b264IDs, aPending264Hist)
for k, v := range dist {
values := make([]string, len(v))
for i := range v {
values[i] = fmt.Sprintf(c1, k, v[i])
query := fmt.Sprintf(c, strings.Join(values, ","))
tx, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("ERROR: Unable to begin DB tx", err)
if _, err = tx.Exec(query); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ERROR: DB insert error: %+v\n", err)
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ERROR: Unable to commit DB tx: %+v\n", err)
func distribute(aIDs []*Person, bIDs []*Person, ahist map[int]*PersonCount) map[int][]int {
dist := make(map[int][]int, len(aIDs))
bNotRus := make([]*Person, 0)
bRus := make([]*Person, 0)
for _, x := range bIDs {
if x.IsRus {
bRus = append(bRus, x)
} else {
bNotRus = append(bNotRus, x)
fmt.Printf("B's norus %d, rus %d\n", len(bNotRus), len(bRus))
pageSize := 10
// flat, equal, blind, distribution
//for i := range aIDs {
// pos := i * pageSize
// dist[aIDs[i]] = bIDs[pos : pos+pageSize]
// capacity aware distribution
bRusIdx := 0
bNoRusIdx := 0
var bIdx *int
for i := range aIDs {
bsPool := bNotRus
bIdx = &bNoRusIdx
relCount := 0
pc, ok := ahist[aIDs[i].ID]
if ok {
relCount = pc.NoRus
if aIDs[i].IsRus {
relCount = pc.Rus
bFromRus := false
if aIDs[i].IsRus && bRusIdx < len(bRus) {
bsPool = bRus
bIdx = &bRusIdx
bFromRus = true
bs := pageSize - relCount
if bs <= 0 {
// boundary checks
count := Min(len(bsPool)-*bIdx, bs)
if count < 1 {
fmt.Printf("Not enough Bs for A[%d][%t] Bs[%t] bRusIdx %d bNoRusIdx %d\n", aIDs[i].ID, aIDs[i].IsRus, bFromRus, bRusIdx, bNoRusIdx)
ids := make([]int, count)
for j := 0; j < count; j++ {
ids[j] = bsPool[*bIdx+j].ID
dist[aIDs[i].ID] = ids
fmt.Printf("distributing %d Bs[%t] to A[%d][%t]\n", len(ids), bFromRus, aIDs[i].ID, aIDs[i].IsRus)
*bIdx += count
fmt.Printf("%d As need more Bs\n", len(dist))
return dist
func loadIDs(db *sql.DB, query string, name string) []*Person {
rows, err := db.Query(query)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(name, "db.Query", err)
ids := make([]*Person, 0)
for rows.Next() {
var id int
var isRus bool
if err := rows.Scan(&id, &isRus); err != nil {
log.Fatal(name, "rows.Scan id", err)
ids = append(ids, &Person{ID: id, IsRus: isRus})
if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
log.Fatal(name, "rows.Err", err)
return ids
func loadHistogram(db *sql.DB, query string, name string) map[int]*PersonCount {
rows, err := db.Query(query)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(name, "db.Query", err)
hist := make(map[int]*PersonCount, 0)
for rows.Next() {
var k, noRusCount, rusCount int
if err := rows.Scan(&k, &noRusCount, &rusCount); err != nil {
log.Fatal(name, "rows.Scan k,norus, rus", err)
hist[k] = &PersonCount{
NoRus: noRusCount,
Rus: rusCount,
if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
log.Fatal(name, "rows.Err", err)
return hist
// Like math.Min for int
func Min(x, y int) int {
if x < y {
return x
return y
from civicrm_relationship
where id in (
select *
from (select
from civicrm_relationship cr
inner join civicrm_entity_tag cet
on cr.contact_id_a = cet.entity_id and cet.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact' and
cet.tag_id = 74
inner join civicrm_group_contact gc
on cr.contact_id_b = gc.contact_id and gc.group_id = 264 and gc.status = 'Added'
inner join civicrm_contact cc on cr.contact_id_b = and cc.job_title is null
where cr.relationship_type_id = 19) as tmp);
from civicrm_relationship
where contact_id_a = 4689
and contact_id_b in (
select *
from (select distinct
from civicrm_contact cc
left join civicrm_group_contact gc on = gc.contact_id
left join civicrm_entity_tag cet on cet.entity_id =
where in (select distinct contact_id_b
from civicrm_relationship
where contact_id_a = 4689
and relationship_type_id = 19)
and cc.job_title is null
order by as tmp);
SUM(CASE WHEN cet2.tag_id is null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) norus,
SUM(CASE WHEN cet2.tag_id is null THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) rus
from civicrm_relationship cr
inner join civicrm_contact cc on cr.contact_id_a =
inner join civicrm_entity_tag cet on cr.contact_id_a = cet.entity_id and cet.tag_id = 74
inner join civicrm_group_contact gc
on cr.contact_id_b = gc.contact_id and gc.group_id = 264 and gc.status = 'Added'
inner join civicrm_contact cc2 on cr.contact_id_b = and cc2.job_title is null
left join civicrm_entity_tag cet2 on cr.contact_id_b = cet2.entity_id and cet2.tag_id = 74
group by cr.contact_id_a
having count( > 10
order by count( desc;
select *
from civicrm_entity_tag
where entity_id in
select, cc.sort_name, count(
from civicrm_relationship cr
inner join civicrm_contact cc on cr.contact_id_a =
inner join civicrm_entity_tag cet on cr.contact_id_a = cet.entity_id and cet.tag_id = 74
inner join civicrm_entity_tag cet2 on cr.contact_id_b = cet2.entity_id and cet2.tag_id = 74
inner join civicrm_group_contact gc on cr.contact_id_b = gc.contact_id and gc.group_id = 264
group by cr.contact_id_a
having count( > 10
order by entity_id;
from civicrm_relationship cr
inner join civicrm_contact cc on cr.contact_id_a =
inner join civicrm_entity_tag cet on cr.contact_id_a = cet.entity_id and cet.tag_id = 74
inner join civicrm_group_contact gc
on cr.contact_id_b = gc.contact_id and gc.group_id = 264 and gc.status = 'Added'
inner join civicrm_contact cc2 on cr.contact_id_b = and cc2.job_title is null
# left join civicrm_entity_tag cet2 on cr.contact_id_b = cet2.entity_id and cet2.tag_id = 74
group by cr.contact_id_a
having count( > 10
order by count( desc;
select cr.contact_id_a,
SUM(CASE WHEN cet.tag_id is null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),
SUM(CASE WHEN cet.tag_id is null THEN 0 ELSE 1 END)
from civicrm_relationship cr
inner join civicrm_contact cc on cr.contact_id_b = and cc.job_title is null and cc.is_deleted = 0
inner join civicrm_group_contact gc
on cr.contact_id_b = gc.contact_id and gc.group_id = 264 and gc.status = 'Added'
left outer join civicrm_entity_tag cet
on cr.contact_id_b = cet.entity_id and cet.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact' and cet.tag_id = 74
where cr.relationship_type_id = 19
group by cr.contact_id_a
order by cr.contact_id_a;
from civicrm_relationship
where id in (
select *
from (select distinct from civicrm_entity_tag cet
inner join civicrm_relationship cr on cet.entity_id = cr.contact_id_b and cr.relationship_type_id = 19
inner join civicrm_contact cc on cr.contact_id_b = and cc.job_title is null and cc.is_deleted = 0
inner join civicrm_group_contact gc on cr.contact_id_b = gc.contact_id and gc.group_id = 264 and gc.status = 'Added'
where cet.tag_id = 74) as tmp);
from civicrm_relationship
where id in (
select *
from (select distinct from civicrm_relationship cr
inner join civicrm_contact cc on cr.contact_id_b = and cc.job_title is null and cc.is_deleted = 0
inner join civicrm_group_contact gc on cr.contact_id_b = gc.contact_id and gc.group_id = 264 and gc.status = 'Added'
where cr.relationship_type_id = 19) as tmp);
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