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Last active July 19, 2018 07:58
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'''Daemux lets you run daemons in a tmux pane.
That way, you wan write programs that launch long-running background
tasks, and check these tasks' health by hand, relaunch them, etc. by
attaching to the corresponding pane in tmux.
>>> import daemux
>>> # session, window, and pane are implicitely deduced if
>>> # not explicitely specified
>>> yes = daemux.start('yes')
>>> yes.status()
>>> # One can reattach from somewhere else
>>> yes2 = daemux.reattach(session='yes', window='yes', pane=-1)
>>> yes2.status()
>>> # Reattaching gives full control
>>> yes2.stop()
>>> yes2.status()
>>> # Control is still available from the original instance
>>> yes.status()
>>> yes.start()
>>> yes2.status()
>>> yes.stop()
import libtmux
import subprocess
import time
__version__ = '0.0.14'
class Daemon:
"""Handle tmux session, window and pane to control the daemon."""
def __init__(self, cmd, session=None, window=None, pane=None, layout=None):
'''Create or attach to a session/window/pane for command cmd.
cmd: The command to run to start the daemon.
session: The name of the tmux session in which to
run the daemon. Derived from `cmd` if None.
Will be created if it does not already exists.
window: The name of the tmux window (inside of `session`)
in which to run the daemon. Derived frm `cmd` if None.
Will be created if it does not already exists.
pane: The number of the pane (inside of `window`) in which
to run the daemon. A new pane will be created if None.
As many panes as necessary will be created so that
pane number `pane` exists. Python indexes work, so
asking for pane e.g. -1 makes sense.
layout: The layout to apply after each pane creation. Defaults
to None, in which case no layout is applied. Creating too many
panes will eventually make tmux fail, complaining that there
is not enough space left to create a new pane. Using the e.g.
'tiled' layout is a good way to delay this problem.
self.cmd = cmd
if window is not None and session is None:
raise ValueError("If window is set, session should be set.")
if pane is not None and (window is None or session is None):
raise ValueError('If pane is set, '
'window and session should be set.')
if session is None:
session = cmd.split()[0]
if window is None:
window = cmd.split()[0]
self.server = libtmux.Server()
self.session = self.server.find_where({'session_name': session})
if not self.session:
self.session = self.server.new_session(session)
# Rename the implicitely created window so that it can be found
# on next line
self.window = self.session.find_where({'window_name': window})
if not self.window:
self.window = self.session.new_window(window)
if pane is not None and pane != 0:
raise ValueError('pane was specified as {}, but window {}'
' did not exist (it does now). Legal values'
'of pane were therefore only 0 '
'and None.'.format(pane, window))
if pane is None:
pane = 0 # So that we wont split the window we just created
if pane is None: # Creation of a new pane
self.pane = self.window.split_window()
if layout is not None:
while max(-pane - 1, pane) >= len(self.window.list_panes()):
# Create as many panes as necessary to honor request
if layout is not None:
self.pane = self.window.list_panes()[pane]
if cmd is not None:
self.pane.send_keys("# Pane {},"
" ready to run daemon {}".format(self.pane,
def pane_ps(self):
'''Return the ps output for processes running in our pane.'''
return subprocess.check_output('ps -t {}'
def pane_output(self):
'''Return the contents of the pane.'''
# FIXME: -32000 should be chaged when tmux v2 becomes widly
# available to just '-', meaning 'all history'.
return '\n'.join(self.pane.cmd('capture-pane', '-p',
'-S', '-32000').stdout)
def status(self):
'''Return the putative status of the daemon.
'running' if more than one process appear to be running in
the daemon's pane's tty
'ready' if only one process is running in the daemon's pane's tty
# There is a header line
nb_processes = len(self.pane_ps().strip().split('\n')) - 1
if nb_processes > 1:
return 'running'
assert nb_processes == 1, '''ps output is not as expected:
return 'ready'
def restart(self, timeout=10):
"""Relaunch the daemon by sending an arrow up and enter."""
self.pane.cmd('send-keys', 'Up')
self.wait_for_state('running', timeout)
def start(self, timeout=10):
"""Start the daemon."""
if self.status() == 'running':
raise RuntimeError('The shell is not ready to launch our daemon.\n'
'Existing processes:\n'
if self.cmd is None:
return self.restart()
self.wait_for_state('running', timeout)
def wait_for_state(self, state, timeout=10, action=None):
'''Wait for timeout or for status to change to state before returning.
If action is specified, it is called every second while status is not
at state.
start = time.time()
while self.status() != state:
if action is not None:
if time.time() - start > timeout:
raise RuntimeError("Could not get the daemon to switch to "
"state {}."
" Current output is:\n{}"
.format(state, self.pane_output()))
def stop(self):
'''Send Ctrl-Cs to the pane the daemon is running on until it stops.'''
self.pane.cmd('send-keys', 'C-c')
self.wait_for_state('ready', action=lambda: self.pane.cmd('send-keys', 'C-c'))
def start(cmd, **kwargs):
'''Start a new daemon and return it.
The daemon is created with the arguments given to start.
See :py:func:`Daemon.__init__` for details.
One can give an explicit tmux session/window/pane hierarchy:
>>> import daemux
>>> d = daemux.start(cmd='yes', session='yes', window='yes', pane=-1)
>>> d.stop()
answer = Daemon(cmd, **kwargs)
return answer
def reattach(session, window, pane):
'''Return the Daemon Object tied to the specified tmux hierarchy.'''
return Daemon(cmd=None, session=session, window=window, pane=pane)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
import daemux
import time
for i in range (400):
d=daemux.Daemon("yes", session="test", window=str(i//9), layout='tiled')
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-a8fd6c2902b0> in <module>()
3 for i in range (400):
4 d=daemux.Daemon("yes", session="test", window=str(i//9), layout='tiled')
----> 5 d.start()
6 time.sleep(0.5)
7 d.stop()
/usr/local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/daemux-0.0.14-py3.4.egg/daemux/ in start(self, timeout)
154 raise RuntimeError('The shell is not ready to launch our daemon.\n'
155 'Existing processes:\n'
--> 156 '{}'.format(
157 if self.cmd is None:
158 return self.restart()
RuntimeError: The shell is not ready to launch our daemon.
Existing processes:
9007 pts/33 00:00:00 bash
9027 pts/33 00:00:00 bash
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