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Last active June 28, 2024 07:53
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create or replace function gen_uuidv7() returns uuid as $$
return gen_uuidv7(clock_timestamp());
end $$ language plpgsql;
create or replace function gen_uuidv7(p_timestamp timestamp with time zone) returns uuid as $$
v_time numeric := null;
v_unix_t numeric := null;
v_rand_a numeric := null;
v_rand_b numeric := null;
v_unix_t_hex varchar := null;
v_rand_a_hex varchar := null;
v_rand_b_hex varchar := null;
v_output_bytes bytea := null;
c_milli_factor numeric := 10^3::numeric; -- 1000
c_micro_factor numeric := 10^6::numeric; -- 1000000
c_scale_factor numeric := 4.096::numeric; -- 4.0 * (1024 / 1000)
c_version bit(64) := x'0000000000007000'; -- RFC-4122 version: b'0111...'
c_variant bit(64) := x'8000000000000000'; -- RFC-4122 variant: b'10xx...'
v_time := extract(epoch from p_timestamp);
v_unix_t := trunc(v_time * c_milli_factor);
v_rand_a := ((v_time * c_micro_factor) - (v_unix_t * c_milli_factor)) * c_scale_factor;
v_rand_b := random()::numeric * 2^62::numeric;
v_unix_t_hex := lpad(to_hex(v_unix_t::bigint), 12, '0');
v_rand_a_hex := lpad(to_hex((v_rand_a::bigint::bit(64) | c_version)::bigint), 4, '0');
v_rand_b_hex := lpad(to_hex((v_rand_b::bigint::bit(64) | c_variant)::bigint), 16, '0');
v_output_bytes := decode(v_unix_t_hex || v_rand_a_hex || v_rand_b_hex, 'hex');
return encode(v_output_bytes, 'hex')::uuid;
end $$ language plpgsql;
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