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Created July 3, 2020 15:28
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MaSIF pymol plugin, merged to avoid finding correct paths
# Pablo Gainza Cirauqui 2016 LPDI IBI STI EPFL
# This pymol plugin for Masif just enables the load ply functions.
import os, sys
import math, re
from pymol import cmd, stored
import sys
from pymol import cmd, stored
from pymol.cgo import *
import numpy as np
# Simple ply loading class.
# I created this class to avoid the need to install pymesh if the only goal is to load ply files.
# Use this only for the pymol plugin. Currently only supports ascii ply files.
# Pablo Gainza LPDI EPFL 2019
class Simple_mesh(object):
def __init__(self):
self.vertices = []
self.faces = []
def load_mesh(self, filename):
lines = open(filename, 'r').readlines()
# Read header
self.attribute_names = []
self.num_verts = 0
line_ix = 0
while 'end_header' not in lines[line_ix]:
line = lines[line_ix]
if line.startswith('element vertex'):
self.num_verts = int(line.split(' ')[2])
if line.startswith('property float'):
self.attribute_names.append('vertex_'+line.split(' ')[2].rstrip())
if line.startswith('element face'):
self.num_faces= int(line.split(' ')[2])
line_ix += 1
line_ix += 1
header_lines = line_ix
self.attributes = {}
for at in self.attribute_names:
self.attributes[at] = []
self.vertices = []
self.normals = []
self.faces = []
# Read vertex attributes.
for i in range(header_lines, self.num_verts+header_lines):
cur_line = lines[i].split(' ')
vert_att = [float(x) for x in cur_line]
# Organize by attributes
for jj, att in enumerate(vert_att):
line_ix += 1
# Set up vertices
for jj in range(len(self.attributes['vertex_x'])):
self.vertices = np.vstack([self.attributes['vertex_x'],\
# Read faces.
face_line_start = line_ix
for i in range(face_line_start, face_line_start+self.num_faces):
fields = lines[i].split(' ')
face = [int(x) for x in fields[1:]]
self.faces = np.array(self.faces)
self.vertices = np.array(self.vertices)
# Convert to numpy array all attributes.
for key in self.attributes.keys():
self.attributes[key] = np.array(self.attributes[key])
def get_attribute_names(self):
return list(self.attribute_names)
def get_attribute(self, attribute_name):
return np.copy(self.attributes[attribute_name])
colorDict = {'sky': [COLOR, 0.0, 0.76, 1.0 ],
'sea': [COLOR, 0.0, 0.90, 0.5 ],
'yellowtint': [COLOR, 0.88, 0.97, 0.02 ],
'hotpink': [COLOR, 0.90, 0.40, 0.70 ],
'greentint': [COLOR, 0.50, 0.90, 0.40 ],
'blue': [COLOR, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ],
'green': [COLOR, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ],
'yellow': [COLOR, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ],
'orange': [COLOR, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0],
'red': [COLOR, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
'black': [COLOR, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
'white': [COLOR, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
'gray': [COLOR, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9] }
# Create a gradient color from color 1 to whitish, to color 2. val goes from 0 (color1) to 1 (color2).
def color_gradient(vals, color1, color2):
c1 = Color("white")
c2 = Color("orange")
ix = np.floor(vals*100).astype(int)
crange = list(c1.range_to(c2, 100))
mycolor = []
for x in ix:
myc = crange[x].get_rgb()
mycolor.append([COLOR, myc[0], myc[1], myc[2]])
return mycolor
def iface_color(iface):
# max value is 1, min values is 0
hp = iface.copy()
hp = hp*2 - 1
mycolor = charge_color(-hp)
return mycolor
# Returns the color of each vertex according to the charge.
# The most purple colors are the most hydrophilic values, and the most
# white colors are the most positive colors.
def hphob_color(hphob):
# max value is 4.5, min values is -4.5
hp = hphob.copy()
# normalize
hp = hp + 4.5
hp = hp/9.0
#mycolor = [ [COLOR, 1.0, hp[i], 1.0] for i in range(len(hp)) ]
mycolor = [ [COLOR, 1.0, 1.0-hp[i], 1.0] for i in range(len(hp)) ]
return mycolor
# Returns the color of each vertex according to the charge.
# The most red colors are the most negative values, and the most
# blue colors are the most positive colors.
def charge_color(charges):
# Assume a std deviation equal for all proteins....
max_val = 1.0
min_val = -1.0
norm_charges = charges
blue_charges = np.array(norm_charges)
red_charges = np.array(norm_charges)
blue_charges[blue_charges < 0] = 0
red_charges[red_charges > 0] = 0
red_charges = abs(red_charges)
red_charges[red_charges>max_val] = max_val
blue_charges[blue_charges< min_val] = min_val
red_charges = red_charges/max_val
blue_charges = blue_charges/max_val
#red_charges[red_charges>1.0] = 1.0
#blue_charges[blue_charges>1.0] = 1.0
green_color = np.array([0.0]*len(charges))
mycolor = [ [COLOR, 0.9999-blue_charges[i], 0.9999-(blue_charges[i]+red_charges[i]), \
0.9999-red_charges[i]] for i in range(len(charges)) ]
for i in range(len(mycolor)):
for k in range(1,4):
if mycolor[i][k] < 0:
mycolor[i][k] = 0
return mycolor
def load_ply(filename, color="white", name='ply', dotSize=0.2, lineSize = 0.5, doStatistics=False):
## Pymesh should be faster and supports binary ply files. However it is difficult to install with pymol...
# import pymesh
# mesh = pymesh.load_mesh(filename)
mesh = Simple_mesh()
ignore_normal = False
with_normal = False
with_color = False
group_names = ''
verts = mesh.vertices
charge = mesh.get_attribute("vertex_charge")
color_array = charge_color(charge)
print('Could not load vertex charges.')
color_array = [colorDict['green']]*len(verts)
if 'vertex_nx' in mesh.get_attribute_names():
nx = mesh.get_attribute('vertex_nx')
ny = mesh.get_attribute('vertex_ny')
nz = mesh.get_attribute('vertex_nz')
normals = np.vstack([nx, ny, nz]).T
# Draw vertices
obj = []
color = 'green'
for v_ix in range(len(verts)):
vert = verts[v_ix]
colorToAdd = color_array[v_ix]
# Vertices
obj.extend([SPHERE, vert[0], vert[1], vert[2], dotSize])
name = "vert_"+filename
group_names = name
cmd.load_cgo(obj,name, 1.0)
obj =[]
faces = mesh.faces
# Draw surface charges.
if 'vertex_charge' in mesh.get_attribute_names() and 'vertex_nx' in mesh.get_attribute_names():
color_array_surf = color_array
for tri in faces:
vert1 = verts[int(tri[0])]
vert2 = verts[int(tri[1])]
vert3 = verts[int(tri[2])]
na = normals[int(tri[0])]
nb = normals[int(tri[1])]
nc = normals[int(tri[2])]
obj.extend([BEGIN, TRIANGLES])
#obj.extend([ALPHA, 0.5])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (na[0]), (na[1]), (na[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert1[0]), (vert1[1]), (vert1[2])])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (nb[0]), (nb[1]), (nb[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert2[0]), (vert2[1]), (vert2[2])])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (nc[0]), (nc[1]), (nc[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert3[0]), (vert3[1]), (vert3[2])])
name = "pb_"+filename
cmd.load_cgo(obj,name, 1.0)
obj = []
group_names = group_names+' '+name
obj = []
# Draw hydrophobicity
if 'vertex_hphob' in mesh.get_attribute_names() and 'vertex_nx' in mesh.get_attribute_names():
hphob = mesh.get_attribute('vertex_hphob')
color_array_surf = hphob_color(hphob)
for tri in faces:
vert1 = verts[int(tri[0])]
vert2 = verts[int(tri[1])]
vert3 = verts[int(tri[2])]
na = normals[int(tri[0])]
nb = normals[int(tri[1])]
nc = normals[int(tri[2])]
obj.extend([BEGIN, TRIANGLES])
#obj.extend([ALPHA, 0.5])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (na[0]), (na[1]), (na[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert1[0]), (vert1[1]), (vert1[2])])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (nb[0]), (nb[1]), (nb[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert2[0]), (vert2[1]), (vert2[2])])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (nc[0]), (nc[1]), (nc[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert3[0]), (vert3[1]), (vert3[2])])
name = "hphobic_"+filename
cmd.load_cgo(obj,name, 1.0)
obj = []
group_names = group_names+' '+name
obj = []
# Draw shape index
if 'vertex_si' in mesh.get_attribute_names() and 'vertex_nx' in mesh.get_attribute_names():
si = mesh.get_attribute('vertex_si')
color_array_surf = charge_color(si)
for tri in faces:
vert1 = verts[int(tri[0])]
vert2 = verts[int(tri[1])]
vert3 = verts[int(tri[2])]
na = normals[int(tri[0])]
nb = normals[int(tri[1])]
nc = normals[int(tri[2])]
obj.extend([BEGIN, TRIANGLES])
#obj.extend([ALPHA, 0.5])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (na[0]), (na[1]), (na[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert1[0]), (vert1[1]), (vert1[2])])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (nb[0]), (nb[1]), (nb[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert2[0]), (vert2[1]), (vert2[2])])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (nc[0]), (nc[1]), (nc[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert3[0]), (vert3[1]), (vert3[2])])
name = "si_"+filename
cmd.load_cgo(obj,name, 1.0)
obj = []
group_names = group_names+' '+name
obj = []
# Draw shape index
if 'vertex_si' in mesh.get_attribute_names() and 'vertex_nx' in mesh.get_attribute_names():
si = mesh.get_attribute('vertex_si')
color_array_surf = charge_color(si)
for tri in faces:
vert1 = verts[int(tri[0])]
vert2 = verts[int(tri[1])]
vert3 = verts[int(tri[2])]
na = normals[int(tri[0])]
nb = normals[int(tri[1])]
nc = normals[int(tri[2])]
obj.extend([BEGIN, TRIANGLES])
#obj.extend([ALPHA, 0.5])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (na[0]), (na[1]), (na[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert1[0]), (vert1[1]), (vert1[2])])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (nb[0]), (nb[1]), (nb[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert2[0]), (vert2[1]), (vert2[2])])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (nc[0]), (nc[1]), (nc[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert3[0]), (vert3[1]), (vert3[2])])
name = "si_"+filename
cmd.load_cgo(obj,name, 1.0)
obj = []
obj = []
# Draw ddc
if 'vertex_ddc' in mesh.get_attribute_names() and 'vertex_nx' in mesh.get_attribute_names():
ddc = mesh.get_attribute('vertex_ddc')
# Scale to -1.0->1.0
ddc = ddc*1.4285
color_array_surf = charge_color(ddc)
for tri in faces:
vert1 = verts[int(tri[0])]
vert2 = verts[int(tri[1])]
vert3 = verts[int(tri[2])]
na = normals[int(tri[0])]
nb = normals[int(tri[1])]
nc = normals[int(tri[2])]
obj.extend([BEGIN, TRIANGLES])
#obj.extend([ALPHA, 0.5])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (na[0]), (na[1]), (na[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert1[0]), (vert1[1]), (vert1[2])])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (nb[0]), (nb[1]), (nb[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert2[0]), (vert2[1]), (vert2[2])])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (nc[0]), (nc[1]), (nc[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert3[0]), (vert3[1]), (vert3[2])])
name = "ddc_"+filename
cmd.load_cgo(obj,name, 1.0)
obj = []
group_names = group_names+' '+name
obj = []
# Draw iface
if 'vertex_iface' in mesh.get_attribute_names() and 'vertex_nx' in mesh.get_attribute_names():
iface = mesh.get_attribute('vertex_iface')
color_array_surf = iface_color(iface)
for tri in faces:
vert1 = verts[int(tri[0])]
vert2 = verts[int(tri[1])]
vert3 = verts[int(tri[2])]
na = normals[int(tri[0])]
nb = normals[int(tri[1])]
nc = normals[int(tri[2])]
obj.extend([BEGIN, TRIANGLES])
#obj.extend([ALPHA, 0.5])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (na[0]), (na[1]), (na[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert1[0]), (vert1[1]), (vert1[2])])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (nb[0]), (nb[1]), (nb[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert2[0]), (vert2[1]), (vert2[2])])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (nc[0]), (nc[1]), (nc[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert3[0]), (vert3[1]), (vert3[2])])
name = "iface_"+filename
cmd.load_cgo(obj,name, 1.0)
obj = []
group_names = group_names+' '+name
obj = []
# Draw hbond
if 'vertex_hbond' in mesh.get_attribute_names() and 'vertex_nx' in mesh.get_attribute_names():
hbond = mesh.get_attribute('vertex_hbond')
color_array_surf = charge_color(hbond)
for tri in faces:
vert1 = verts[int(tri[0])]
vert2 = verts[int(tri[1])]
vert3 = verts[int(tri[2])]
na = normals[int(tri[0])]
nb = normals[int(tri[1])]
nc = normals[int(tri[2])]
obj.extend([BEGIN, TRIANGLES])
#obj.extend([ALPHA, 0.6])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (na[0]), (na[1]), (na[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert1[0]), (vert1[1]), (vert1[2])])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (nb[0]), (nb[1]), (nb[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert2[0]), (vert2[1]), (vert2[2])])
obj.extend([NORMAL, (nc[0]), (nc[1]), (nc[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert3[0]), (vert3[1]), (vert3[2])])
name = 'hbond_'+filename
cmd.load_cgo(obj,name, 1.0)
obj = []
group_names = group_names+' '+name
# Draw triangles (faces)
for tri in faces:
pairs = [[tri[0],tri[1]], [tri[0],tri[2]], [tri[1],tri[2]]]
colorToAdd = colorDict['gray']
for pair in pairs:
vert1 = verts[pair[0]]
vert2 = verts[pair[1]]
obj.extend([BEGIN, LINES])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert1[0]), (vert1[1]), (vert1[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert2[0]), (vert2[1]), (vert2[2])])
name = "mesh_"+filename
cmd.load_cgo(obj,name, 1.0)
group_names = group_names + ' ' +name
# Draw normals
if with_normal and not ignore_normal:
for v_ix in range(len(verts)):
colorToAdd = colorDict['white']
vert1 = verts[v_ix]
vert2 = [verts[v_ix][0]+nx[v_ix],\
obj.extend([LINEWIDTH, 2.0])
obj.extend([BEGIN, LINES])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert1[0]), (vert1[1]), (vert1[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert2[0]), (vert2[1]), (vert2[2])])
cmd.load_cgo(obj,"normal_"+filename, 1.0)
print(group_names), group_names)
# Load the sillouete of an iface.
def load_giface(filename, color="white", name='giface', dotSize=0.2, lineSize = 1.0):
mesh = pymesh.load_mesh(filename)
if 'vertex_iface' not in mesh.get_attribute_names():
iface = mesh.get_attribute('vertex_iface')
# Color an edge only if:
# iface > 0 for its two edges
# iface is zero for at least one of its edges.
# Go through each face.
faces = mesh.faces
verts = mesh.vertices
obj = []
visited = set()
colorToAdd = colorDict['green']
obj.extend([BEGIN, LINES])
obj.extend([LINEWIDTH, 5.0])
for tri in faces:
pairs = [[tri[0],tri[1], tri[2]], [tri[0],tri[2], tri[1]], [tri[1],tri[2], tri[0]]]
for pair in pairs:
if iface[pair[0]] > 0 and iface[pair[1]] > 0 and iface[pair[2]] == 0:
vert1 = verts[pair[0]]
vert2 = verts[pair[1]]
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert1[0]), (vert1[1]), (vert1[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert2[0]), (vert2[1]), (vert2[2])])
name = "giface_"+filename
cmd.load_cgo(obj,name, 1.0)
colorToAdd = colorDict['green']
obj = []
for tri in faces:
pairs = [[tri[0],tri[1], tri[2]], [tri[0],tri[2], tri[1]], [tri[1],tri[2], tri[0]]]
for pair in pairs:
if iface[pair[0]] > 0 and iface[pair[1]] > 0 and iface[pair[2]] == 0:
vert1 = verts[pair[0]]
vert2 = verts[pair[1]]
obj.extend([SPHERE, (vert1[0]), (vert1[1]), (vert1[2]), 0.4])
obj.extend([SPHERE, (vert2[0]), (vert2[1]), (vert2[2]), 0.4])
name = "giface_verts_"+filename
cmd.load_cgo(obj,name, 1.0)
colorDict = {'sky': [COLOR, 0.0, 0.76, 1.0 ],
'sea': [COLOR, 0.0, 0.90, 0.5 ],
'yellowtint': [COLOR, 0.88, 0.97, 0.02 ],
'hotpink': [COLOR, 0.90, 0.40, 0.70 ],
'greentint': [COLOR, 0.50, 0.90, 0.40 ],
'blue': [COLOR, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ],
'green': [COLOR, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ],
'yellow': [COLOR, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ],
'orange': [COLOR, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0],
'red': [COLOR, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
'black': [COLOR, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
'white': [COLOR, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
'gray': [COLOR, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9] }
def load_dots(filename, color="white", name='ply', dotSize=0.2, lineSize = 0.5, doStatistics=False):
lines = open(filename).readlines()
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in lines]
lines = [line.split(',') for line in lines]
verts = [[float(x[0]), float(x[1]), float(x[2])] for x in lines]
normals = None
if len(lines[0]) > 3:
# normal is the last column - draw it
normals = [[float(x[3]), float(x[4]), float(x[5])] for x in lines]
# Draw vertices
obj = []
for v_ix in range(len(verts)):
colorToAdd = colorDict[color]
vert = verts[v_ix]
# Vertices
obj.extend([SPHERE, vert[0], vert[1], vert[2], dotSize])
# obj.append(END)
name = "vert_"+filename
group_names = name
cmd.load_cgo(obj,name, 1.0)
obj = []
# Draw normals
if normals is not None:
colorToAdd = colorDict['white']
obj.extend([BEGIN, LINES])
obj.extend([LINEWIDTH, 2.0])
colorToAdd = colorDict[color]
for v_ix in range(len(verts)):
vert1 = verts[v_ix]
vert2 = np.array(verts[v_ix])+np.array(normals[v_ix])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert1[0]), (vert1[1]), (vert1[2])])
obj.extend([VERTEX, (vert2[0]), (vert2[1]), (vert2[2])])
# obj.append(END)
name = "norm_"+filename
group_names = name
cmd.load_cgo(obj,name, 1.0)
# Draw normals
cmd.extend('loadply', load_ply)
cmd.extend('loaddots', load_dots)
cmd.extend('loadgiface', load_giface)
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