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Last active March 4, 2023 14:58
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pytest fixture to help debugging (and asserting) database queries on django tests.
Based on this answer
- django
- pytest
- pytest-django
Include this fixture in your ``
There's actually a fixture from `pytest-django` that can also
be used:
The main problems I try to tackle with this new fixture, based on my personal
use case and preference when debugging, are:
1. In the case that you have multiple databases configured, this one separates
those queries and let you assert and debug per database.
Django one throws everything in a single list without distinction, which in
some cases is not what you need.
2. When debugging the test on a Pdb session with a breakpoint, if you use the
django one, you'll have to decide where to use the context manager before
entering the pdb session in order to see the captured queries in your pdb
session. With the `get_queries` you can simply add a breakpoint and use it
whenever you need it during the pdb session.
3. Also, `get_queries` removes the (sometimes) undesired queries performed during
middlewares, like the `django_sessions` ones and some `SAVEPOINTS` that happen
on an http request.
def get_queries(settings) -> Callable:
Helper fixture to debug the queries made to the database
during the run of a test.
After any operation to the database (saving a model, or a
factory, or api call) the quieries will be reseted, therefore,
you will always get the queries performed in the last
connection to the database.
In your tests, you can simply add this as a parameter and
call it (and assert it) anywhere in the tests, so you can
check the amount of calls to the database during the whole
cicle of the test. Or check if the resulting queries are the
ones you are expecting, looking for possible optimizations.
It removes some of the (sometimes) un-wanted queries that
comes from middlewares, like the django_session ones, so
we can focus on the queries that actually matter.
IMPORTANT: As we only get the SQL as string (no extra infor
regarding where that querie comes from or when was executed)
it was difficult to exclude the querie that is made by the
middleware to include the user in the request, therefore,
after every http request you'll find an extra querie to get
user info from 'auth_user'.
from some_app import SomeModel
def some_test(client, get_queries):
resp = client.get("some-url/")
# You expect that the endpoint only perform two queries
# to the database (plus the one from the user in the request)
assert len(get_queries()["default"]) == 3
# This will reset the queries_log in the connection
SomeModel.objects.create(name="some name")
# You also expect that when saving a model there is no side
# effect and you only are performing a query to INSERT the
# data.
assert len(get_queries()["default"]) == 1
Or you can simply add a breakpoint, and while in the pdb
session start debugging the resulting queries after each
line of the test.
(Pdb) len(get_queries()["default"])
(Pdb) from pprint import pprint
(Pdb) pprint(get_queries()["default"])
[{'sql': 'SELECT "auth_user"."id", "auth_user"."password", '
'"auth_user"."last_login", "auth_user"."is_superuser", '
'"auth_user"."username", "auth_user"."first_name", '
'"auth_user"."last_name", "auth_user"."email", '
'"auth_user"."is_staff", "auth_user"."is_active", '
'"auth_user"."date_joined" FROM "auth_user" WHERE "auth_user"."id" = '
'2 LIMIT 21',
'time': '0.000'}]
settings.DEBUG = True
from django.db import connections
def _queries() -> Dict[str, str]:
databases = dict()
# Some of the queries comes from middlewares and
# are not desired for debugging purposes.
EXCLUDE_QUERIES = ["django_session", "SAVEPOINT"]
for conn in connections.all():
queries = list(
lambda x: not any(
exclude_query in x.get("sql")
for exclude_query in EXCLUDE_QUERIES
databases[conn.alias] = queries
return databases
return _queries
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