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Last active March 15, 2022 15:09
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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Data.Record.Anonymous.Internal.StrictVector (
Vector -- opaque
, MVector -- opaque
-- * Conversion
, toLazy
, fromLazy
-- * Hybrid functions
, zipWithLazy
) where
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as G
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as GM
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable.Base as GMB
import Control.Monad
-- | Strict vector
newtype Vector a = WrapLazy { unwrapLazy :: V.Vector a }
deriving newtype (Foldable)
-- | Mutable strict vector
newtype MVector s a = WrapLazyM { unwrapLazyM :: V.MVector s a }
MVector and Vector instances
These instances make it possible to use the "Data.Vector.Generic" API.
type instance G.Mutable Vector = MVector
instance GMB.MVector MVector a where
-- Forwarding definitions
basicLength = GMB.basicLength . unwrapLazyM
basicUnsafeSlice i j = WrapLazyM . GMB.basicUnsafeSlice i j . unwrapLazyM
basicOverlaps = GMB.basicOverlaps `on` unwrapLazyM
basicUnsafeNew n = WrapLazyM <$> GMB.basicUnsafeNew n
basicInitialize = GMB.basicInitialize . unwrapLazyM
basicUnsafeRead v i = GMB.basicUnsafeRead (unwrapLazyM v) i
basicClear = GMB.basicClear . unwrapLazyM
basicUnsafeCopy = GMB.basicUnsafeCopy `on` unwrapLazyM
basicUnsafeMove = GMB.basicUnsafeMove `on` unwrapLazyM
basicUnsafeGrow v i = WrapLazyM <$> GMB.basicUnsafeGrow (unwrapLazyM v) i
-- Definitions that actually enforce strictness
basicUnsafeWrite v i !a = GMB.basicUnsafeWrite (unwrapLazyM v) i a
basicSet v !a = GMB.basicSet (unwrapLazyM v) a
instance G.Vector Vector a where
-- Forwarding definitions
basicUnsafeFreeze = fmap WrapLazy . G.basicUnsafeFreeze . unwrapLazyM
basicUnsafeThaw = fmap WrapLazyM . G.basicUnsafeThaw . unwrapLazy
basicLength = G.basicLength . unwrapLazy
basicUnsafeSlice i j = WrapLazy . G.basicUnsafeSlice i j . unwrapLazy
basicUnsafeIndexM v i = G.basicUnsafeIndexM (unwrapLazy v) i
basicUnsafeCopy v v' = G.basicUnsafeCopy (unwrapLazyM v) (unwrapLazy v')
-- Definitions that actually enforce strictness
elemseq _v = seq
Functor and Traversable instances
We have to be careful here to preserve the strictness property.
('Foldable' can be derived.)
instance Functor Vector where
fmap f v = WrapLazy $ G.create $ do
v' <- (G.length v)
G.iforM_ (unwrapLazy v) $ \i a -> do
let !b = f a
GM.unsafeWrite v' i b
return v'
instance Traversable Vector where
-- This is identical to the 'Traversable' instance for regular 'Vector',
-- apart from the call to 'forceElems'. Since 'forceElems' is lazy, this does
-- not result in any additional traversals.
traverse f v =
G.fromListN (G.length v) . forceElems <$>
traverse f (G.toList (unwrapLazy v))
-- 'forceElems' ensures that as the list is being traversed (to create the
-- new vector), the elements of the list are forced to WHNF one by one.
forceElems :: [a] -> [a]
forceElems [] = []
forceElems (!a:as) = a:forceElems as
toLazy :: Vector a -> V.Vector a
toLazy = unwrapLazy
fromLazy :: V.Vector a -> Vector a
fromLazy v = WrapLazy $ G.create $ do
v' <- (G.length v)
G.iforM_ v $ \i !a -> GM.unsafeWrite v' i a
return v'
Hybrid functions
-- | Zip strict and lazy vector
-- Precondition: both vectors must have the same length
zipWithLazy :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vector a -> V.Vector b -> Vector c
zipWithLazy f va vb = WrapLazy $ G.create $ do
unless (G.length va == G.length vb) $
error "zipWithLazy: precondition violation"
vc <- (G.length va)
G.iforM_ va $ \i a -> do
let b = G.unsafeIndex vb i
!c = f a b
GM.unsafeWrite vc i c
return vc
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