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Created June 9, 2017 17:54
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Run-time type information in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module RTTI (
, decodeVals
-- * RTTI infrastructure
, RTTI(..)
, HasRTTI(..)
, Implicit(..)
, Explicit(..)
, implicit
, explicit
, reflectRTTI
) where
import GHC.Exts
import Data.Binary
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
We need some RTTI in order to serialize
data family RTTI (f :: k -> *) :: (k -> *)
class HasRTTI f a where
rtti :: RTTI f a
newtype Implicit f a b = Implicit { unImplicit :: HasRTTI f a => b }
newtype Explicit f a b = Explicit { unExplicit :: RTTI f a -> b }
implicit :: Explicit f a b -> Implicit f a b
implicit (Explicit f) = Implicit $ f rtti
explicit :: Implicit f a b -> Explicit f a b
explicit = unsafeCoerce
reflectRTTI :: RTTI f a -> (HasRTTI f a => b) -> b
reflectRTTI r k = unExplicit (explicit (Implicit k)) r
Simple example
data Val :: * -> * where
VI :: Int -> Val Int
VD :: Double -> Val Double
deriving instance Show (Val a)
Failed attempt at serialization
instance Binary (Val a) where
put (VI i) = putWord8 0 >> put i
put (VD d) = putWord8 1 >> put d
get = do
tag <- getWord8
case tag of
0 -> VI <$> get -- Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘Int’
1 -> VD <$> get -- Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘Double’
_ -> error "invalid tag"
instance Binary (Val Int) where
put (VI i) = put i
get = VI <$> get
instance Binary (Val Double) where
put (VD d) = put d
get = VD <$> get
encodeVal :: Binary (Val a) => Val a -> ByteString
encodeVal = encode
Taking advantage of RTTI
data instance RTTI Val a where
RttiValInt :: RTTI Val Int
RttiValDouble :: RTTI Val Double
instance HasRTTI Val Int where rtti = RttiValInt
instance HasRTTI Val Double where rtti = RttiValDouble
putVal :: Val a -> Put
putVal (VI i) = put i
putVal (VD d) = put d
getVal :: RTTI Val a -> Get (Val a)
getVal RttiValInt = VI <$> get
getVal RttiValDouble = VD <$> get
instance HasRTTI Val a => Binary (Val a) where
put = putVal
get = getVal rtti
exampleRoundtripVal :: IO ()
exampleRoundtripVal = do
print $ roundtrip $ VI 12
print $ roundtrip $ VD 34.56
roundtrip :: Binary a => a -> a
roundtrip = decode . encode
Another example: lists
data NP (f :: k -> *) (xs :: [k]) where
Nil :: NP f '[]
(:*) :: f x -> NP f xs -> NP f (x ': xs)
infixr 5 :*
deriving instance (All Show f xs) => Show (NP f xs)
type family All p f xs :: Constraint where
All p f '[] = ()
All p f (x ': xs) = (p (f x), All p f xs)
RTTI for lists
data instance RTTI (NP f) xs where
RttiNpNil :: RTTI (NP f) '[]
RttiNpCons :: (HasRTTI f x, HasRTTI (NP f) xs)
=> RTTI (NP f) (x ': xs)
instance HasRTTI (NP f) '[] where
rtti = RttiNpNil
instance (HasRTTI f x, HasRTTI (NP f) xs)
=> HasRTTI (NP f) (x ': xs) where
rtti = RttiNpCons
Encoding lists
putNP :: All Binary f xs => NP f xs -> Put
putNP Nil = return ()
putNP (x :* xs) = put x >> putNP xs
getNP :: All Binary f xs => RTTI (NP f) xs -> Get (NP f xs)
getNP RttiNpNil = return Nil
getNP RttiNpCons = (:*) <$> get <*> getNP rtti
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (All Binary f xs, HasRTTI (NP f) xs)
=> Binary (NP f xs) where
put = putNP
get = getNP rtti
exampleBinaryLists :: IO ()
exampleBinaryLists = do
print $ roundtrip $ VI 12 :* VD 34.56 :* Nil
print $ roundtrip $ Mod 2 :* Sqrt :* Nil
decodeVals :: (HasRTTI (NP Val) xs, All Binary Val xs)
=> ByteString -> NP Val xs
decodeVals = decode
But we can give another instance for Val specifically
The HasRTTI requirement on the elements is not strictly necessary, but allows
us to give a better definition for NP Val. Note that this is a 'safe' use
of overlappable instances: they are entirely compatible, just generate fewer
type constraints.
putNpVal :: NP Val xs -> Put
putNpVal Nil = return ()
putNpVal (x :* xs) = putVal x >> putNpVal xs
getNpVal :: RTTI (NP Val) xs -> Get (NP Val xs)
getNpVal RttiNpNil = return Nil
getNpVal RttiNpCons = (:*) <$> get <*> getNpVal rtti
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} HasRTTI (NP Val) xs
=> Binary (NP Val xs) where
put = putNpVal
get = getNpVal rtti
decodeVals :: HasRTTI (NP Val) xs => ByteString -> NP Val xs
decodeVals = decode
More involved example
data Fn :: (*,*) -> * where
Exp :: Fn '(Double, Double)
Sqrt :: Fn '(Double, Double)
Mod :: Int -> Fn '(Int, Int)
Round :: Fn '(Double, Int)
Comp :: (HasRTTI Fn '(b,c), HasRTTI Fn '(a,b))
=> Fn '(b,c) -> Fn '(a,b) -> Fn '(a,c)
deriving instance Show (Fn a)
eval :: Fn '(a,b) -> a -> b
eval Exp = exp
eval Sqrt = sqrt
eval (Mod m) = (`mod` m)
eval Round = round
eval (g `Comp` f) = eval g . eval f
exampleEval :: IO ()
exampleEval = do
print $ eval Exp 1
print $ eval Sqrt 9
print $ eval (Mod 3) 11
print $ eval (Round `Comp` Exp `Comp` Exp) 1
data instance RTTI Fn ab where
RttiFnDD :: RTTI Fn '(Double, Double)
RttiFnII :: RTTI Fn '(Int, Int)
RttiFnDI :: RTTI Fn '(Double, Int)
instance HasRTTI Fn '(Double, Double) where rtti = RttiFnDD
instance HasRTTI Fn '(Int, Int) where rtti = RttiFnII
instance HasRTTI Fn '(Double, Int) where rtti = RttiFnDI
Serialization of Fn
data RttiComp :: (*,*) -> * where
RttiComp :: RTTI Fn '(b,c) -> RTTI Fn '(a,b) -> RttiComp '(a,c)
putRttiComp :: RTTI Fn '(a,c) -> RttiComp '(a,c) -> Put
putRttiComp rac (RttiComp rbc rab) = go rac rbc rab
go :: RTTI Fn '(a,c) -> RTTI Fn '(b,c) -> RTTI Fn '(a,b) -> Put
go RttiFnDD RttiFnDD RttiFnDD = return ()
go RttiFnII RttiFnII RttiFnII = return ()
go RttiFnII RttiFnDI rAB = case rAB of {}
go RttiFnDI RttiFnII RttiFnDI = putWord8 0
go RttiFnDI RttiFnDI RttiFnDD = putWord8 1
getRttiComp :: RTTI Fn '(a,c) -> Get (RttiComp '(a,c))
getRttiComp RttiFnDD = return $ RttiComp RttiFnDD RttiFnDD
getRttiComp RttiFnII = return $ RttiComp RttiFnII RttiFnII
getRttiComp RttiFnDI = do
tag <- getWord8
case tag of
0 -> return $ RttiComp RttiFnII RttiFnDI
1 -> return $ RttiComp RttiFnDI RttiFnDD
_ -> fail "invalid tag"
putAct :: RTTI Fn a -> Fn a -> Put
putAct = go
go :: RTTI Fn a -> Fn a -> Put
go r@RttiFnDD fn =
case fn of
Exp -> putWord8 0
Sqrt -> putWord8 1
Comp g f -> putWord8 255 >> goComp r (rtti, g) (rtti, f)
go r@RttiFnII fn =
case fn of
Mod m -> putWord8 0 >> put m
Comp g f -> putWord8 255 >> goComp r (rtti, g) (rtti, f)
go r@RttiFnDI fn =
case fn of
Round -> putWord8 0
Comp g f -> putWord8 255 >> goComp r (rtti, g) (rtti, f)
goComp :: RTTI Fn '(a,c)
-> (RTTI Fn '(b,c), Fn '(b,c))
-> (RTTI Fn '(a,b), Fn '(a,b))
-> Put
goComp rAC (rBC, g) (rAB, f) = do
putRttiComp rAC (RttiComp rBC rAB)
go rBC g
go rAB f
getAct :: RTTI Fn a -> Get (Fn a)
getAct = go
go :: RTTI Fn a -> Get (Fn a)
go r@RttiFnDD = do
tag <- getWord8
case tag of
0 -> return Exp
1 -> return Sqrt
255 -> goComp r
_ -> error "invalid tag"
go r@RttiFnII = do
tag <- getWord8
case tag of
0 -> Mod <$> get
255 -> goComp r
_ -> error "invalid tag"
go r@RttiFnDI = do
tag <- getWord8
case tag of
0 -> return Round
255 -> goComp r
_ -> error "invalid tag"
goComp :: RTTI Fn '(a,c) -> Get (Fn '(a,c))
goComp rAC = do
RttiComp rBC rAB <- getRttiComp rAC
reflectRTTI rBC $ reflectRTTI rAB $
Comp <$> go rBC <*> go rAB
instance HasRTTI Fn a => Binary (Fn a) where
put = putAct rtti
get = getAct rtti
exampleBinaryAct :: IO ()
exampleBinaryAct = do
print $ roundtrip Exp
print $ roundtrip Sqrt
print $ roundtrip (Mod 3)
print $ roundtrip (Round `Comp` Exp `Comp` Exp)
Run the examples
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "** Running examples"
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