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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Proof of equivalence for van Laarhoven lenses
-- Example from
-- "Functor is to Lens as Applicative is to Biplate"
-- NOTE: Proof of equivalence here _IMPLIES_ proof of equivalence for
-- van Laarhoven lenses (Section 4)
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
data Concrete b a = Store {
peek :: b -> a
, pos :: b
instance Functor (Concrete b) where
fmap f Store{..} = Store {
peek = f . peek
, pos = pos
type Lens a b = a -> Concrete b a
first :: Lens (a, b) a
first (x, y) = Store { peek = \z -> (z, y) , pos = x }
idLens :: Lens a a
idLens x = Store { peek = \z -> z , pos = x }
type Abstract b a = forall f. Functor f => (b -> f b) -> f a
-- this is what they call iso1 in the paper
abstract :: Concrete b a -> Abstract b a
abstract Store{..} f = fmap peek (f pos)
-- this is what they call iso2 in the paper
concrete :: Abstract b a -> Concrete b a
concrete s = s idLens
Proof of equivalence
-- iso2 . iso1
leftIdentity :: Concrete b a -> [Concrete b a]
leftIdentity s@Store{..} = [
concrete (abstract s)
-- expand abstract
, concrete (\f -> fmap peek (f pos))
-- expand concrete
, (\f -> fmap peek (f pos)) idLens
-- expand idLens
, (\f -> fmap peek (f pos)) (\x -> Store { peek = \z -> z , pos = x })
-- apply
, fmap peek ((\x -> Store { peek = \z -> z , pos = x }) pos)
-- again
, fmap peek (Store { peek = \z -> z , pos = pos })
-- apply fmap
, Store { peek = peek . (\z -> z) , pos = pos }
-- apply
, Store { peek = peek, pos = pos }
-- done
, s
newtype ReifiedAbstract b a = R (Abstract b a)
-- iso1 . iso2
rightIdentity :: Abstract b a -> [ReifiedAbstract b a]
rightIdentity s = [
R $ abstract (concrete s)
-- expand concrete
, R $ abstract (s idLens)
-- s == Store { peek s, pos s }
, R $ abstract Store { peek = peek (s idLens), pos = pos (s idLens ) }
-- inline abstract
, R $ \f -> fmap (peek (s idLens)) (f (pos (s idLens)))
-- definition of eta
, R $ \f -> eta f (s idLens)
-- parametricity (applied to `eta f`)
, R $ \f -> s (eta f . idLens)
-- expand eta
, R $ \f -> s ((\s' -> fmap (peek s') (f (pos s'))) . idLens)
-- expand idLens
, R $ \f -> s ((\s' -> fmap (peek s') (f (pos s'))) . (\x -> Store { peek = \z -> z , pos = x }))
-- simplify
, R $ \f -> s (\x -> fmap (\z -> z) (f x))
-- fmap id = id
, R $ \f -> s (\x -> f x)
-- simplify
, R $ \f -> s f
-- simplify
, R $ s
eta :: Functor f => (b -> f b) -> Concrete b a -> f a
eta f s = fmap (peek s) (f (pos s))
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