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#!/usr/bin/env python | |
""" | |
Twitter's API doesn't allow you to get replies to a particular tweet. Strange | |
but true. But you can use Twitter's Search API to search for tweets that are | |
directed at a particular user, and then search through the results to see if | |
any are replies to a given tweet. You probably are also interested in the | |
replies to any replies as well, so the process is recursive. The big caveat | |
here is that the search API only returns results for the last 7 days. So | |
you'll want to run this sooner rather than later. | |
replies.py will read a line oriented JSON file of tweets and look for replies | |
using the above heuristic. Any replies that are discovered will be written as | |
line oriented JSON to stdout: | |
./replies.py tweets.json > replies.json | |
It also writes a log to replies.log if you are curious what it is doing...which | |
can be handy since it will sleep for periods of time to work within the | |
Twitter API quotas. | |
PS. you'll need to: | |
pip install python-twitter | |
and then set the following environment variables for it to work: | |
""" | |
import sys | |
import json | |
import time | |
import logging | |
import twitter | |
import urllib.parse | |
from os import environ as e | |
t = twitter.Api( | |
consumer_key=e["CONSUMER_KEY"], | |
consumer_secret=e["CONSUMER_SECRET"], | |
access_token_key=e["ACCESS_TOKEN"], | |
access_token_secret=e["ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET"], | |
sleep_on_rate_limit=True | |
) | |
def tweet_url(t): | |
return "https://twitter.com/%s/status/%s" % (t.user.screen_name, t.id) | |
def get_tweets(filename): | |
for line in open(filename): | |
yield twitter.Status.NewFromJsonDict(json.loads(line)) | |
def get_replies(tweet): | |
user = tweet.user.screen_name | |
tweet_id = tweet.id | |
max_id = None | |
logging.info("looking for replies to: %s" % tweet_url(tweet)) | |
while True: | |
q = urllib.parse.urlencode({"q": "to:%s" % user}) | |
try: | |
replies = t.GetSearch(raw_query=q, since_id=tweet_id, max_id=max_id, count=100) | |
except twitter.error.TwitterError as e: | |
logging.error("caught twitter api error: %s", e) | |
time.sleep(60) | |
continue | |
for reply in replies: | |
logging.info("examining: %s" % tweet_url(reply)) | |
if reply.in_reply_to_status_id == tweet_id: | |
logging.info("found reply: %s" % tweet_url(reply)) | |
yield reply | |
# recursive magic to also get the replies to this reply | |
for reply_to_reply in get_replies(reply): | |
yield reply_to_reply | |
max_id = reply.id | |
if len(replies) != 100: | |
break | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
logging.basicConfig(filename="replies.log", level=logging.INFO) | |
tweets_file = sys.argv[1] | |
for tweet in get_tweets(tweets_file): | |
for reply in get_replies(tweet): | |
print(reply.AsJsonString()) |
Problem is, when you specify the raw_query parameter, the GetSearch function discards all the other parameters as specified here https://python-twitter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_modules/twitter/api.html#Api.GetSearch
You need to specify all the parameters inside the raw query q, something like (hopefully better):
q = "q=to%3A" + user + "&since_id=" + str(tweet_id) + "&max_id=" + str(max_id) + "&count=100"
pls i would love to know if i will fill in the tweet link url in the def tweet url(t) function
I can confirm the point made by @serdec - using raw meant the other fields like max_id were ignored so I was stuck on the first page.
I took out 'raw' key and replaced with term key and value. This works great.
term = "to:%s" % user
replies = t.GetSearch(
There's a problem on breaking out the while loop - it happens to soon and will miss the last page of results which will probably have less than 100 tweets.
Also bear in mind that API's max ID filter is inclusive, which means that the last tweet of page N will be at the start of page N+1, which means you double count and it's hard to know when you have the last page.
So my implementations gets one less than the last ID as the max ID, so that reply will be excluded from the next page. And then I check for zero tweets on a page and then break from the while loop.
page_index = 0
while True:
page_index += 1
print(f"Page: {page_index}")
replies = ...
except twitter.error.TwitterError as e:
if not replies:
break # <<<
for reply in replies:
max_id = reply.id - 1 # <<<
My suggestion is also that the recursive reply magic can be commented out if it's not needed. And to save getting rate limited too easily from frequent requests.
I have a problem that, I have a file which looks like this:
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['189397006', '80080680482123777', '1.8']
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['10678072', '80080680482123777', '1.8']
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['14569462', '80080680482123777', '1.8']
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['41634505', '80080680482123777', '1.8']
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['81232966', '80080680482123777', '1.8']
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['21282483', '80080680482123777', '1.8']
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['35165557', '80080680482123777', '1.8']
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['12735762', '80080680482123777', '1.8']
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['39076620', '80080680482123777', '1.8']
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['36841912', '80080680482123777', '1.8']
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['174692880', '80080680482123777', '1.8']
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['63007952', '80080680482123777', '1.8']
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['23500923', '80080680482123777', '1.8']
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['14287455', '80080680482123777', '1.8']
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['166323176', '80080680482123777', '2.17']
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['19543802', '80080680482123777', '2.68']
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['25246700', '80080680482123777', '2.7']
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['286219571', '80080680482123777', '2.85']
['972651', '80080680482123777', '0.0']->['22028700', '80080680482123777', '2.98']
First value represent user id and second value tweet id then after "->" symbol, first value represent response user id corresponding to same tweet id.
I want to retrieve corresponding responses of the source tweet from particular users.
Can anyone help me.
Thanks in advance..!!
@PAVITHRA-CP Looks like you want to get users conversation belong to the pointed tweet. You can search the target tweet. or search the user you want to get(use the endpoint search/tweets). just set the since_id to tweet id. Maybe you can get what you want.
Hi i have a small task based on this, i am paying for this assistance. Please Reach me at fred.haule@gmail.com. Thanks for sharing Great work!
I keep getting a key error when i put my consumer_key any workarounds?
@lakshadvani did u found the solutiion plz
Is the GetSearch API equivalent of /timeline/home on the twitter Web ?
How would this be done in reverse? - as in, you have a certain reply & want to find the ID of the original tweet it was in reply to
in_reply_to_status_id is the attribute that gives the tweet id of original tweet
Yes, that's the easy part, assuming that tweet hasn't been deleted. But finding out what tweets reply to a given tweet is currently not possible with Twitter's public API.
FYI, this replies functionality is now part of the twarc utility.
plz write some stepts with hashtags ,from which we can read and understand
it only give replies in some tweets it give 0 replies in case of some tweets how can we get more than 15 replies through this code??
Because it relies on the search API It only works for tweet threads that were alive in the last week. I'm assuming you have been trying to use it with some old threads? You may want to take a look at twint for scraping Twitter instead of using the twarc which relies on the API.
i am trying to do something similar to this but i already got all of the tweets in json files. is there any way this could be modified to do so?
@E123omega - this little script is for collecting JSON. What are you trying to do with the JSON you have?
@edsu The aim of the project is to make a report about the functioning of a particular twitter helpdesk so I am trying to organise the tweets in such a way that I can easily look at a tread.
We received the tweets already in JSON-form so I need to mimic what your script does but fully inside the JSON file.
All the script does is collect the tweets as JSON. But if you want to construct threads out of the messages you can use the in_reply_to_status_id_str
and id_str
values in the tweets to reconstruct the thread.
There is a utility here that helps with this if you are curious:
Could you give a example for tweets_file?
I wonder what should be written in the file
@Allen-Qiu If anyone is wondering the file should be in jsonl (as the code describes) You get that file from twac or tweepy (those are the format outputted by library)
The Twitter API v2 supports this now using a conversation_id
field. You can read more in the docs.
First, request the conversation_id
field of the tweet.
Second, then search tweets using the conversation_id
as the query.
This is a minimal example, so you should add other fields as you need to the URL.
Absolutely, v2 is the way to go now! We have support in twarc for doing it too:
$ twarc2 conversation 1225912275971657728 > tweets.jsonl
or, if you have a file of tweet ids:
$ twarc2 conversations ids.txt > tweets.jsonl
I use the method, but the result for comments count dose not like the twitter.com show. And the count is lack 1. Is the max_id or since_id cause the error?