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Last active July 12, 2018 11:31
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import pytest
import logging
from wayback_prov import *
logging.basicConfig(filename='test.log', level=logging.INFO)
def test_coll():
coll = get_collection('ArchiveIt-Collection-2410')
assert coll['title'] == 'University of Maryland'
def test_get_crawls():
crawls = list(get_crawls(''))
assert len(crawls) > 0
assert crawls[0]['timestamp']
assert crawls[0]['url']
assert crawls[0]['status']
assert crawls[0]['collections']
assert len(crawls[0]['collections']) > 0
def test_depth():
assert get_depth('ArchiveIt-Collection-2410') == 4
assert get_depth('wikipediaoutlinks00003') == 3
def test_deepest_collection():
colls = [
assert deepest_collection(colls) == 'ArchiveIt-Collection-2410'
def test_loop():
# weirdly, some collections can contain themselves when there is a loop
# e.g. coll1 ∃ coll2 and coll2 ∃ coll1
assert get_depth('ArchiveIt-Partner-1140') == 4
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Give this script a URL and optionally a --start and --end year and it
will use an (undocumented) Internet Archive API call to fetch the data
behind the calendar view and summarize which Internet Archive collections
are saving the URL the most.
For example:
If you would rather see the raw data as JSON or CSV use the --format option.
One thing to remember when interpreting this data is that collections
can contain other collections. For example the edgi_monitor collection
is a subcollection of focused_crawls.
import csv
import sys
import json
import logging
import datetime
import optparse
import collections
from urllib.request import urlopen
colls = {}
def main():
logging.basicConfig(filename='wayback_prov.log', level=logging.INFO)
now =
parser = optparse.OptionParser(' [options] <url>')
parser.add_option('--start', default=now.year, help='start year')
parser.add_option('--end', default=now.year, help='end year')
parser.add_option('--format', choices=['text', 'csv', 'json'],
default='text', help='output data')
parser.add_option('--deepest', action='store_true', help='one collection')
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 1:
parser.error('You must supply a URL to lookup')
url = args[0]
crawl_data = get_crawls(url, opts.start, opts.end, opts.deepest)
if opts.format == 'text':
coll_counter = collections.Counter()
for crawl in crawl_data:
max_pos = str(len(str(coll_counter.most_common(1)[0][1])))
str_format = '%' + max_pos + 'i'
for coll_id, count in coll_counter.most_common():
print(str_format % (count, coll_id))
elif opts.format == 'json':
data = list(crawl_data)
print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))
elif opts.format == 'csv':
w = csv.DictWriter(sys.stdout,
fieldnames=['timestamp', 'status', 'collections', 'url'])
for crawl in crawl_data:
crawl['collections'] = ','.join(crawl['collections'])
def get_crawls(url, start_year=None, end_year=None, deepest=False):
if start_year is None:
start_year =
if end_year is None:
end_year =
api = ''
for year in range(start_year, end_year + 1):
# This calendar data structure reflects the layout of a calendar
# month. So some spots in the first and last row are null. Not
# every day has any data if the URL wasn't crawled then."getting calendar for %s", year)
cal = json.loads(urlopen(api % (url, year)).read())
for month in cal:
for week in month:
for day in week:
if day is None or day == {}:
# note: we can't seem to rely on 'cnt' as a count
for i in range(0, len(day['st'])):
c = {
'status': day['st'][i],
'timestamp': day['ts'][i],
'collections': day['why'][i],
c['url'] = '' % (c['timestamp'], url)
if deepest:
c['collections'] = [deepest_collection(c['collections'])]
yield c
def deepest_collection(coll_ids):
return max(coll_ids, key=get_depth)
def get_collection(coll_id):
# no need to fetch twice
if coll_id in colls:
return colls[coll_id]'fetching collection %s', coll_id)
# get the collection metadata
url = '' % coll_id
data = json.loads(urlopen(url).read())['metadata']
# make collection into reliable array
if 'collection' in data:
if type(data['collection']) == str:
data['collection'] = [data['collection']]
data['collection'] = []
# so we don't have to look it up again
colls[coll_id] = data
return data
def get_depth(coll_id):
coll = get_collection(coll_id)
if 'depth' in coll:
return coll['depth']'calculating depth of %s', coll_id)
if len(coll['collection']) == 0:
return 0
depth = max(map(lambda id: get_depth(id) + 1, coll['collection']))
coll['depth'] = depth'depth %s = %s', coll_id, depth)
return depth
if __name__ == "__main__":
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